Healthy eating: my diet for the day

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Hi everyone ! Today I share my healthy diet for the day.


  1. Oatmeal / any other porridge in water / milk with a piece of butter
  2. Omelet from 1 egg and 2 whites / or boiled egg white
  3. Berries or fruit
    Coffee .

    If you are not full, you can make a second breakfast:
  • a couple of bread rolls with curd cheese, salted red fish or caviar + lettuce and any vegetable


  1. Meat boiled / baked or grilled (chicken, turkey, beef, fish, etc.)
  2. Any porridge, or pasta
  3. vegetable salad / sliced / or grilled vegetables / stewed vegetables (we dress salads with a minimum amount of vegetable oil. As an option - white yogurt for dressing or a spoonful of sour cream) No mayonnaise! If we eat in a cafe, you can always make a special order .

    Snack (if needed)
  • Light salad seasoned with vegetable oil / or make a sandwich of c / s bread / crispbread

Evening meal

  1. Any fish baked / boiled / grilled, or any seafood
  2. Fresh/stewed/grilled vegetables, any greens
    You can just eat boiled egg white for dinner.

    We have dinner about 3 hours before bedtime!

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