I think EVERYONE here is here for the same thing: rewards and added value and we all have personal interests, but what is a community? What is social based on?
Just take a look around. Nowadays the average number of comments per post on is around 2-3 on the Hive blockchain, and most of those comments are bot comments. The social side is almost nonexistent for most of the users. Probably they do not even want it. Most people focus only on their own posts. On the rewards on their posts, to be more specific.
I agree with you, nowadays publications that have interaction are increasingly rare, and I believe this is a determining point in the community.
You know PobTalk, I believe that the interaction that takes place there strengthens bringing people to comment on the posts, as it creates a friendship and a new follower for your feed.
It's not the best solution, but it's something.