Good morning dear Hive friends, today is Friday, finishing work, although sometimes I have to work on Saturdays. Already on Fridays it is as if one is a little more relaxed but willing to face the weekend to spend a little time with the family.
Today I just had to take an order to the downtown area and I passed by this church, it caught my attention because it is an area where there are only offices or shops, but it was there, of course for my photographer's eye it did not go unnoticed and just there I took a couple of shots, I think that after the natural landscapes and the animals, the churches have a peculiar attraction for all photographers, it may be because of their architecture or because of their religious spirit, I don't know, the only thing I know is that they have a magnet for all lovers of photographs.
Well have a great day and end the week well.
Buen día queridos amigos Hive, hoy es viernes, terminando la laboral, aunque a veces me toca trabajar los sábados. Ya los viernes es como que uno está un poco más distendido pero dispuesto a enfrentar el fin de semana para estar un poco con la familia.
Hoy justo me tocó llevar un pedido a la zona de microcentro y pase por esta iglesia, me llamó la atención porque es una zona donde solo hay oficinas o comercios, pero estaba ahí, por supuesto para mi ojo de fotógrafo no pasó desapercibida y ahí nomás hice un par de tomas, creo que después de los paisajes naturales y los animales las iglesias tienen una atracción peculiar para todo fotógrafo, será por su arquitectura o por su espíritu religioso no lo sé, lo único que sé es que tienen como un imán para todo amante de las fotografías.
Bueno que tengan un excelente día que terminen bien en la semana.
Yeah, churches usually draw photographers in to come and take a shot. I don't think it's the spirit or anything like that, I'm confident it is just the architecture, because there are a lot of churches with poor architecture that photographers never feel like shooting.
Posted using Proof of Brain
Yes, it could be, they all catch my attention, and more than anything architecture, as you say. Thanks for your comment. A big hug.