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RE: Are We Really Catching Them Young?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I am a Nigeria and I actually appreciate the fact that you take note of the talents within my country
There are many more talented young kids in my country the problem we have today in Nigeria is the level of corruption and scarcity of job this has caused youth young parents to be unable to provide the best for the kids conducive environment to learn is difficult ot find. So now people are only interested in looking for money get rich based on bad government hopefully which the youth fighting back the government now, shows there's hope for young talents in the future.

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@Vmozy seriously u just said my mind, this present Nigerian government is really doing more harm than good in terms of catching young talents, I just hope they come to realize how wrong it is and start acting towards helping your talents achieve their dreams

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She's a Nigerian too. So it's her country too. Moreover, her main point isn't about bad government or people's interest in getting rich but people being blind to recognise talent and creativity portrayed by the young boy, and also the fact that school is only seen as the way/path to a child's growth and development instead of acquisition of skills.

Nice post by the way @wolfofnostreet.. Been a while from here.

Thank you 😁

You've been busy. Are you done with exams now?

No, still Aug 20th

Yes, I get that the corrupt system plays a huge role in child and youth development but the post focuses more on individuals.

Thanks for your comment.