
Wow.... beautiful and fantastic quote. Difficult time are indeed the right time to stand up and fight for what we want.

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Yes a successful man never uses the whole night to sleep

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The task to become successful is not a small one, failure is part of learn never get discouraged

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Success never comes without struggles and there’s no fun too

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Yeah you are right to get success one does not need to be weary or get tired of difficult circumstances around that may want to pull us back.

@vikbuddy thanks for your everyday motivational quote. When wake up in Nigeria all what we get it is motivational quote that has been keeping us moving.

Keep on the good works.

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Yeah man, gold will not shine without passing through fire and water will not inside the forest without falling the trees down.
Success will not come without some challenges no matter what difficulties you're going through just be managing it till you scalp through of the situation.
Nice quote from you

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Yes the gold goes through fire to become that precious beautiful metal,so sometimes in life the challenges we face make us become successful..

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Meaning every body on earth have some series of stories to tell.

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Success is not a give away stuff. It comes with sacrifices, thinking, smart work, determination to get the desired result by placing your focus.
If you want to be successful in life, hold on to this word that says.... WINNERS DON'T QUIT

Enjoy your day

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As they say, nothing good comes quite easy. Such is the case of success. It's not handed out easily. The price has to be paid. No successful person ever made it without sacrifice, the reason we give up several things in the bid to achieve certain level of success.

It's important to also work smart and been determined i.e staying on course to that set goal no matter how difficult it might be. Resilience is one quality that put them Forbes dudes on there. They don't quit no matter the opposition.

Indeed those who quit never win. Before starting anything worthwhile, we ought to carefully be ready for it so that when them trails rear up their ugly head, one won't be consumed by rather walk through it with boldness and gazing towards the ultimate prize. Enjoy your day too man

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Yeah winners should always learn to be confident and they should never give up on their dreams or goals..

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You're very right man, that winners will never quit and quitters will never win.
In this case don't give up on your dream stay focus on ate goal so that it's can be achieved

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Hmm this is inspiring,yeah you are right,winner should never quit..

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If you want success,
never cry at difficult circumstances,
Do not be afraid of the failure right away
Because the river never asks how far

Your blue print is everywhere mate and good one from you ,I won't stop saying good things about you or singing your good engagement and encouragement on this platform.

On the issue of success,am giving this in my own opinion,that success is a thing of the mind and it comes with lot of hard work and sacrifice too.

We should all know that it isn't something that we will get with ease as we are meant to face alot of circumstances in life,but in the cause of all this we should be focused and keep chasing our dreams

Failure to me is part of life and like I do say ,it is the best way to grant you the chance to do things in a better way in life

Just like my mother do say;

if you want to achieve a great result,you must do it in a great way

To this alone should let us know that we should keep on pushing in life and nothing should distract us from achieving our set target and goals

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