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RE: Convince me I wrong - Businesses should have the ability to refuse service if you are unvaccinated

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Ok, we can agree on that. I'll ask a similar question that I asked another. In both the U.S. and Canada State and Provincial laws establish vaccination requirements for school children. Do you feel requiring vaccination to enter a venue different?


No, it is the same injustice. Especially for children who hardly get sick. I hope this won´t come true. If the vaccination would at least work. But it doesn´t, so this apartheid makes not even medically any sense.


How do you know that the vaccine does not work? You seem to be confident. On a scale of 1-10 how confident are you that it doesn't work. And how did you come to that conclusion? Care to source your image for the rest of us?

10...totally confident...23 years research

if US and Canada makes laws preventing Blacks and Jews from entering resturaunts, will you care about vaccinations? The shit you say is just one fascist slipper slope after another like your an AI working for the enemy coming up with new ideas to imprison humanity

i hope you get side effects so people like you are disabled from using internet and are in veg state so you can just get out of our way . you are the worst type of human being, someone who sits theer and comes up with ways to harrass people and businesses online with peer pressure from main stream news

youre the type of person who thinks those who refuse dangerous big pharma injection you call "vaccine" are somehow helping to kill people, who you never gave a fuck about before any of this happened.

Ok, an unlikely hypothetical. AI? Good grief. More cafeteria bullying. Want to flip my tray as well, spill my milk on the floor? Did I use that already?

As a humanist, I care about everyone's well being and how they are treated. Even a little toad like you. When I see and hear people pushing misinformation, I care. It literally hurts people (which you seem to want to do - a few of your other comments are pretty full of bombastic threats and ill-wishes).

You decide on what you want to do with yourself but stopping the spread of wrong and harmful information is something that we should all do.