
I actually do not think they should be able to do that for school children either. Yes it is similar yet I also see it as authoritarian.

If the school is a voluntary choice then I wouldn't have a problem with it. As soon as they start dictating when, where, and how a parent is permitted to school a child then it should not be permissable.

If people were free to send their children to schools that did not have such requirements, or free to send them to ones that do so it becomes a choice then I would not have a problem with it.

A lot of the times they'll say "you can homeschool" them which they try to discourage as well but often due to how society is structured that is unrealistic for many and thus becomes a kind of coercive force. EDIT: Some states mandate vaccines for children even if they are homeschooled.

It is also important to differentiate between a business and a government funded entity that is funded by taxpayer taxes which are not exactly something you can voluntarily choose to provide or not provide.

Didn't realize that some states mandate vaccines for homeschooled children. You raise a good point to break out business versus government services. So we have in general businesses should have the right to decide who they serve but a government-funded entity must serve the public regardless of vaccine status. It sounds like a bit of an equilibrium, let social norms balance it out - mask mandates seem to be generally followed and accepted do you think over time that will be the case with vaccine mandates?

mask mandates seem to be generally followed and accepted do you think over time that will be the case with vaccine mandates?

Nope not at all. For the mask mandate you can use toilet paper held to your face with rubberbands if you want. They don't care what you put on your face as long as you comply.

The vaccines are a point of no return. I absolutely refuse to take these "vaccines" and I will die insuring it remains that way. Though I will not tell anyone else they cannot take them if they want.

I am not alone. If they show up at my home with guns then I will die by guns.

EDIT: And just to be clear I am 99% certain everyone in my house had it before they started testing for it. The symptoms match, and the impact it had on my elderly mother-in-law that lives with me matches.

If we did have it then we have the best kind of immunity available at this point. It would be kind of stupid to take the vaccine as far as I am concerned.

Now some people seem to make a big deal about me only bein 99% certain and think I should go get tested. These tests are a joke. So many false positives, and even some false negatives.

I don't trust this crap at all. The narrative being pushed most definitely does not follow in any way the scientific method.

It is about money, and power as far as I am concerned.

To be clear. If I didn't think I had it I still wouldn't take these vaccines as I don't consider COVID to be particularly deadly unless I am older or have comorbidities. If I get sick. It is likely I'll survive.

If I take the vaccines which are unknown but already have a laundry list of side effects I'll be buying potentially a negative lottery ticket to see what kind of fun negative prize I might win. Many such prizes are PERMANENT.

I think I'll go with being sick over that.

Yes, kicking down the down would be going way too far. Is that case with the COVID vaccine(s) specifically or all vaccines?

I've taken other vaccines before. I tend to read the inserts and consider probabilities of what the illness it is supposed to protect me against occurring and what that means if it happens, and the probabilities of some of the negative interactions on the inserts and what that means to me.

I will tell you since the 1990s when the manufacturers were given all liability protection from their products I have considered them less safe. They have intentionally reverted to less safe versions of their vaccines before because they were less expensive to make.

Due to that liability protection I likely won't ever take one again unless there is a very compelling reason such as I am about to travel to a country with an active Ebola outbreak and an ebola vaccine is available.

Now if that liability protection were removed such that I, or my family could sue them if I am harmed by their product then I might not offer as much hesitation.

A lot of the vaccines though the potential side effects are WAY WORSE than the illness itself. I doubt I'll ever take any that such is the case.

the government has no right telling us what to inject our children with.

Do you think the Amish or Muslims or Kosher orthodox jews are taking this injection? OH and contrary to your FAKE NEWS, they are NOT. They didnt make it this far without technology to just give up and take some nanotech dna re writing injection lol

Can you elaborate on what is the 'fake news'? Not sure that I mention anything about and religious affiliations... just curious as the second part of your comment seems a bit random and off-topic.

However, The Islamic Supreme Council of Canada and Imams in the US are encouraging Muslims to get the vaccine. Isreal has one of the highest vaccine rates in the world, the majority of the Ultra-Orthodox community is vaccinated. The Amish are a very closed sect and will likely self isolate as a community. They may see it on more religious grounds as putting faith in man over God.

Sounds like you are convinced that the vaccine rewrites your DNA. Are you sure that is the case? How do you know?