I thought it was a great idea.
It would be of great help if users who frequent here made a post, explaining why PobTalk deserves this attention.
I could even use it as a reference for a possible future post of mine, showing the desire of the community.
A few moments ago I published this post:
The title may look a bit like click-bait, but it's true. I hope this helps bring more traffic to POB TALK.
This is very good from you and I want to believe that joining the POB family via talk in the pobtalk group is the best thing and we are all doing our very possible best to make sure it purpose is achieved
This is actually great, it will really go far to help in spreading POB talk and making us known.
I’m sure people out here would love to. Let me call this out.
Definitely I want to add to this by saying pobtalk deserved lot attention apart from the one we are talking about now,cause it as give rooms to Many users to open up and talk about what they have in their mind, Many could not really place it while if they re to compose a post,but they have been able to drop it here on pobtalk and get the help of each individual to sort of such discussion
Couldn’t agree more.
You're totally right about that since the general pob community is not paying attention to authors and writer well enough on the quality post they make.
Then that attention will be seen in the POB talk show as we all will read and comment on the topic.
Yes you have done well by coming out this way as to help other user's and give more awareness as to pob talk to other user's so that they can join the engagement