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RE: POB TALK 03/07/2021 - #35

I recently got into a discussion about the Proof Of Brain Community Delegation Merit System.

According to the community administrator, the rule is as follows:

Unfortunately, even though PobTalk represents 10% of all community engagement, we haven't had that recognition yet.

I would like to know your opinion on how I should proceed, since you are the ones who make everything happen here and not me alone.

1 - Make a post on why PobTalk should be seen differently about Merit Based Delegations.

2 - Accept that we were ignored and keep trying to create our way with our legs as it was until now.

3 - Another alternative that I would like you to expose me in the comments.

It's very important for me to know what you guys think, and how I can act. Since, like it or not, PobTalk is a project already consolidated and I can't omit situations that can help it grow more.

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You should go with 1. And why 2? When there is an opportunity, why should we just miss on it? POBtalks is adding a lot of value, it’s not easy to grab attention of so many people on a single post that too everyday.

We (regularl audience of POBtalk) can also write a post with a nomination. I think that should also help.

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I thought it was a great idea.

It would be of great help if users who frequent here made a post, explaining why PobTalk deserves this attention.

I could even use it as a reference for a possible future post of mine, showing the desire of the community.

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A few moments ago I published this post:

The title may look a bit like click-bait, but it's true. I hope this helps bring more traffic to POB TALK.

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This is very good from you and I want to believe that joining the POB family via talk in the pobtalk group is the best thing and we are all doing our very possible best to make sure it purpose is achieved

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This is actually great, it will really go far to help in spreading POB talk and making us known.

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I’m sure people out here would love to. Let me call this out.

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Definitely I want to add to this by saying pobtalk deserved lot attention apart from the one we are talking about now,cause it as give rooms to Many users to open up and talk about what they have in their mind, Many could not really place it while if they re to compose a post,but they have been able to drop it here on pobtalk and get the help of each individual to sort of such discussion

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Couldn’t agree more.

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You're totally right about that since the general pob community is not paying attention to authors and writer well enough on the quality post they make.

Then that attention will be seen in the POB talk show as we all will read and comment on the topic.

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Yes you have done well by coming out this way as to help other user's and give more awareness as to pob talk to other user's so that they can join the engagement

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I agree with you on the option you choose.
Making a post will actually nail nour objective to generate more traffic and get the attention of most hivers.

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  1. All of the above!


But in all seriousness, all of the above. 2,1,3, in that order.

Thx for the hard work, POB's better because of you!

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2 Kind of is the opposite of 1 ;-)

I'm thinking 1, it deserves another shot but if nothing comes from it that's alright and continue with 2.. No need to start another drama session, we've seen enough of that and it hurts the community too much

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There is no need for drama here, everything is cool and safe and we are not challenging anyone.

All we do is interact here and keep POB talk alone and more fun place to engage in.

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Yeah, some don't agree with that.. or so it seems. But you're right the engagement level here is good, that's for sure

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Well I hope they get to see that, is all about general talk and discussion.

All we do is interact here and keep POB talk alone and more fun place to engage in.

Don't get me wrong though I meant keeping POB talk alive and not Alone. Thank you.

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friend that your initiative is phenomenal, it creates a lot of interaction, if you have to support you you have to do it, good things happen in the comments section, since it produces a closer and real interaction between the participants, it motivates them to be using their good brain and maybe win a lottery. It has the full support of its speaking POBs.

pobtalk small.gif

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Wow this is really cool @rubenmedina182, I really think @vempromundo.pob should note down this agenda for the POB talk society concerning (making use of our Brian to create amazing posts.)

POB talk is about meeting and meeting new and engaging in conversation so as to add value to the the pob community.

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Indeed being here stimulate the brain to come up with interesting discourse and engagement with people. Here is how POB ought to be

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@rubenmedina182 nice one from you I strongly agreed with you that it as serves as a means of putting our brain 🧠 down here on this platform and creating a close intimacy among users all over the globe to interact and learn one thing or the other from each other

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Well, don't know why exactly pob talk don't deserve this possible delegations, maybe the system idea doesn't attract the delegators. I think you should keep trying by your way.
In my vision, just talk is less interesting. Maybe keep focus on curation (your votes helps a lot when we produce some content).

Giving out delegations is great and revoking them is even greater. I like the pob community and a lot of members are oldies and friends from either the previous platform and / or the terminal.
I would say 1 but please in the pob blogs also catch plagiarism! There are so many using sources not free and or nothing at all. Please pick people that are rules obeying.

Delegations are a great boost and when it’s being mis used take it back.

Good luck it’s always hard choosing have a great 4th of July

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Definitely @vempromundo.pob , this ideas of yours are great ok me and I want to say delegating pob to users for their hard work or quality contribution in the community is another way of motivating them to more and make sure that the community keeps on progressing ,I support the motion that delegating of pob should be on merit based especially user's who have contribute alot thorough their impactful Post and comment on this platform,even in this POb talk section

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The value POB talks adds to POB community is beyond question and should be recognised by the community. It is the Hub of engagement at POB, where most of the engagement takes place. No other place promotes this platform in better ways than POB talks. You should definitely go with option 1 👍

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You're right, I will bet it that no hive blockchain/ eco system pob talk which call it pob room chat is the highest post with more participant engaging in discussions.

So I'm really marvelled with the way people engage in discussion here and the number is increasing daily.

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We should be part of this. We add some much value to Proofofbrain. Option 1 seems like the best thing to do. The statistics speaks for itself. I don't see why we shouldn't get this as 10% total engagement on POB community according to interpretation's recent stats is such a great reason to merit this

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Make a request in the official topic in which you took the quote from would be my suggestion. Creating a topic requesting delegation based on the quoted info would be my other suggestion.


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BEERHey @vempromundo.pob, here is a little bit of from @rentmoney for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

yeah definitely No.1 and get everyone here to write something also.

Its worth a try at least, but there is now way this initiative should not be included in this delegation,

Pretty ridiculous really..

Peace, G.

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