POB TALK 29/07/2021 - #61

Interact with the community and receive awards.

A lottery chat post will be created daily, and for you to participate you just need to interact in the comments with other users. Want to talk about a topic, but still don’t have enough data to post about? Raise the topic and talk to others about it. Want to give your opinion on governance, UI, or even meet new people that you didn't know were part of the community, this is the place.

In addition to receiving votes on any comments that you bring to the community, you will also be competing for a prize for doing so.


As more unique users comment, more prizes will be drawn. Up to 10 participants are 3 winners, from 11 to 19 participants are 5 winners. From 20 to 29 participants 8 winners. If we manage to reach 30 participants, there will be 11 winners.

These votes will not hinder the trail, as it votes only on posts and not comments.


You can also try your luck in an extra lottery by purchasing a ticket. This ticket will give
you a number to enter an extra draw on the day you purchased, the week you purchased, and the month you purchased.

To get one, just transfer 1 POB to @vempromundo.pob, this will serve to increase the voting power, and consequently give bigger votes to the winners. (The limit you can purchase is 1 per day, if you transfer for example 10 POB, you will compete with 1 ticket per day for 10 days).


If you interact with people in the post or generate good content that makes them engage with you, be aware that it won't be in vain.

I think it's fair that those users who fail to win the raffle are rewarded daily according to the amount of engagement they bring to PobTalk, they're the ones who keep it growing.

So don't be surprised if you end up getting rewards even though you don't win the draw. You deserve.

Good luck, and good engagement

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Hello Friends, Greetings 😊🙏

Whatever to achieve in life,
Get it at the right time,
Because, life gives less chances
But gives more regrets

the fun of winning comes only when,
All are waiting to see you lose.

To do something different, go away from the crowd,
The crowd gives courage,
But takes away the identity.

Engage and #spreadsmile 😊👍

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thank you or sharing this mate. There is a lot to what we do not understand in our various environment.
Not everyone seeks our success in life , many is prepared to see us fail.

People this days fails to understand that fact that even friends turn enemy. So we have to be conscious at any time to be able to notice what is happening on our environment.

Sometimes all we need to do in life is take a different step and avoid what people are doing that works for them.
We are all wires differently so whatever we do we not have same faith as others.

Life is all about making a difference and untill that difference is made no one will believe what we do and how far we have come to achieve success.
So let's learn to make a change or difference in our life .

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Just saying it differently, there's no right time to do the right thing. When you do the right things, the time automatically becomes right.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

that's really one of the good things I have read in my life. you didn't wrote much but what you said is to the point when we do things right the time automatically becomes right.
I will remember this and i will teach this as a lesson to my younger siblings.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

This is just the truth as it is normally say that a drum with water don't make much noise..

truly those words are few but I read a lot of meaning,their are word that are full of wisdom and understanding it really inspired us here in the house..

As I always love login just to feel and read some inspired words and to learn more to encourage myself..

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Really appreciate your kind words. You made my day. Thank you :)

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Oh wow! And you gotta give me the credit here too :P

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Indeed, as long as it's the right thing every other thing will fall in place

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Yep, You got that right. That's the 'Apna Time Aayega' moment, cheers. 🍻👍 What about some !PIZZA 😁

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@sugandhaseth! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @vikbuddy.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (6/10)

Over everything, put God first

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Yeah friend you're very right!
In everything you want doin life just put God in the begging all the thing will sure go well. And no just put God for front, be faithful and strongly believe that your creator is there for you which he will surely answer all what you have requested for.
With God all thing are possible!
Good morning to you all

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The crowd gives courage,
But takes away the identity.

Hmm this is deep...

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Great words. life is all about making use of certain opportunities at the right time and not taking things for granted. To end up living a good life, one must be courageous and dare to do things differently. The reason it's important to think outside of the box.

Rising up in the face of adversity and doing what people consider us not capable of doing gives great joy. While many see criticism has been despised it's important to use it as an opportunity show the world what we are capable of doing. Sometimes we don't know how good we are until when get put in certain situations.

While we strive to stand out. It's important to bring up/discover the best version of ourselves. We are to dare to be different. If we don't, we will just end up struggling within certain circles that keep men bound from finding expression.

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I take a couple days off and then a report from @interpret said "engagement is down 25%"!

Well that's not my fault.

What are you up to @calumam?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Yeah he said the truth that "engagement is down by 25%"if we all can bring out the statistics we all know that it totally right
The number post before and check that of now we all see that the engagement is for all low

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Oh. Now I get what mineopoly was trying to say. It's quite noticeable in the community as we don't see enough posts then engagement has we often see. I believe a lot of people might be on Summer holidays with family reason why there's this reduced numbers. Hope they return sooner bringing their family and friends along on here.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

You're very right because going on holiday with family is a very good one which you will met long seen siblings and cursings so that they settle most of there long matters

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Yeah people tend to spend more time away from the internet at this time of the year. Times spent with family are the best. Exactly it's the right time catch up on long matters that the phone calls and chatting won't be able to afford enough time.

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Yes now don't you think it will be nice to take enough rest after a long time of working

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Yeah. I think it is reasonable to enjoy some time with family and relax the body system after undergoing enough work. The body needs this a lot so it doesn't break down. That is why people in the Western or European part of the world look very healthy has they take their health very seriously. Employers know that too. No matter how much we work we should pay attention to this aspect also.

In less developed countries, people don't really pay attention to this which isn't supposed to be so. Utmost priority is needed so we don't end up breaking down or collapsing someday. It is also important to go on regularly check up to ascertain one's state of health. Many are walking corpse but they don't know. We must prioritize and take proper care to avoid any break down.

Summer are great time to have enough self time and unwind for the year. Time to go to the beach and then relaxation center to catch fun and remain healthy. I hope we do more of that over here and place utmost where it urgently needed. I hope you are keeping enough time for yourself man? Stay cool and refreshed.

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Engagement on proofofbrain or on pobtalk? Has I believe the latter is doing quite well with numbers we see daily. Our engagement percentage on pobtalk should have also increased when compared to previous weeks.

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that is true we hope so to increase but I believe as it is progressing everyday it will come to what we expected

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Yeah. In time it will be so flooded that one will find it little difficult because of the lagging page. I hope the proofofbrain community implement something like a micro blogging platform and an application to make things more efficient. The community will in time become an home for lot of people. A suburb, or sort cluster on it own. We might even need to own our token or something. Don't know what vempromundo.pob got planned out but here will surely grown far beyond what is now.

With cryptocurrency and digital space getting lot of influence in today's world, there is no telling what we could be in time. But I believe it will be something awesome and marvelous. Always excited to head into this group to chat with interesting personalities like you and many others to be a fun place to be. I believe The founder of this initiative may also need more support in governing and shifting this to new heights. He seem to have quite knowledgeable looking at few of this contents.

Where do you see pobtalk and the proof of brain community in about five years time?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Hello everyone how are you guys doing, hope everyone has a nice day and a lovely time. Is POB 61 edition and I'm here again signing it by the time 12m Nigeria time.

I dully apologize to everyone for not being so active as lately and to be honest I miss the discussion we have here though and I hope I will try and make out time soon enough to be taking part in the daily talk.

Apart from my work I have other things that takes my time regularly. This day I complain that 24hrs is so short this days and is not enough for me to attend to things I do.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

The day was quite a saddening for me has it ended in not an expected fashion. I guess we are bound to have some high points and some other times to low points. Forgot what edition we are at. Remember when it was 50th just like yesterday. The day really seem to move at a very fast pace. Guess are out time difference is the same after all.

There's nothing to to apologize for. Life offline can be so intense that we forget the online engagement and activity. This things are understandable. AlSo happened to be away for most part of day due to certain burdens in real life that makes me less motivated to anything at all. But the thing is, we gotta move regardless. Don't forget to hop in also if time permits.

Funny one on the constraint of time. Also wish the hours in a day can be enlarged has the day seems very short with lot of things to contain into it. Hopefully one get to find a way to make the short hours of the day enough for all the daily activities.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Well you're totally right on that mate the day seems to be flying like is been fast forward on a daily basis basis.
Just like you said 10 days have been counted already and the POB talk edition is moving simultaneously.

Don't mind me for apologizing, I guess it have been a part of me to apologize for every little thing and I also think I own the apology to every participant in the platform for my absence in the platform for days now.
This POB talk chat room makes me feel at home and it's just like I've bond with many in the platform and I'm happy whenever engage in discussion with them.

Mate you don't know how much I so wished for that if is something possible then the time should please be extended and the day to be prolonged a bit.
But judging that the whole world is all connected and programmed our body system won't be able to carry the extra load that may hit it as a result of stress.

I just know things will work out well it all depends on proper management of our time and also learn to work according to out time schedule for any given task each day.
Yes 24 hrs is short but we can make something off it by proper planning and management.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Yeah the day seem to have been switch on faster somewhere ;:-) cause I don't seem to understand what may be responsible for the very first time we see these days or what do you think about it man? :-). Maybe it's the Solstice upon us.

Guess you feel somehow responsible for improving of the engagement in the initiative, Not a bad thing to have at back of your mind being one of the top three most engaging personality on the proof of brain community. I think I kind of understand now.

It's unfortunate that nothing can be done about the hours in a day. one just got to live with that by managing the time properly and avoiding procrastination in the case there is of anything that can be done in that particular day. Also we have to avoid getting burnt out due to stress on certain days, the reason I stated time management is sacrosanct.

Well said. Having a to do list and scale of preference of activity to be carried out each will help a great way in working within the regular hours.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I believe you make a very nice contribution on this matter, as it is normally say that time wait for no one is better to take off procrastination...by doing what is right at the appropriate time

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Indeed time is always against us. The reason we have to make every moment count for the better and also be vigilant to every opportunity so we don't miss out on anything. I for one is very wary of opportunities and wouldn't let any pass me by Maybe because of my experiences in the past. I will get burn out due to stress than allowing time have the better of me.

Procrastination has been one vices that cost many to lost of several opening. It is deadly habit that cost one a lot the reason one avoid it all cost by doing what what have to be now. Moments allowed to pass can be very critical and could compound our work which will work done ending up less effective. No better time than getting things done than now. We should recognise this truths and know peace.

Apportioning things based on selected time is a great approach. The reason I suggested the scale of preference way to the user above da-prince up above. Often we are faced with myriads of task and work to be completed within a certain time period. The best approach to get all done effectively is by placing this things in order of importance. This will get help us start from the most urgent to least urgent.

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You are welcome mate ,and nice seeing you again in the house.we all understand the situation of things and how the time is also running

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thanks for checking out on my bro, I don't even know what is going on with me now maybe it is laziness or what I can say or maybe because I always get tired from work, I know I've been missing out a lot from the community and I don't know how to schedule myself for that but I know I will be back soon but for now allow me to be unstable for some time. I don't know how many noticed my absence but I'm fine here just a bit occupied.

Nice seeing you too mate how are you doing, I hope I did not miss a lot from the community, I can see you're very much active in the community and that's actually great, just do your best to be active anytime how have the time to do so, I know how fun the house is and the chat and questions raised here always keep me motivated and active in the room. I just like the fact you're taking your time to go through the past topics raised.

How is work going for you and hope you're not having a stressful week I know how busy and hectic work can be sometimes but just be cool and always be motivated to do more and also learn because everyday is a process of learning and we learn everyday by day. Just take good care of yourself and don't stress yourself too much one thing I believe is with time everything will be okay and we will achieve our goal and objectives.

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How do you make decisions and How do you think when you are afraid?
I think all of us have panic mindset when we are afraid and often take wrong decision.
How do you keep calm when you are afraid and not sure what to do?

There might be many ways in which people take decision of their life but what i prefer to do while taking decisions are :

  • i have few trusted people with whom i discuss and ask for suggestions about what i am going is right or wrong.
  • once i have decided what i want to do i never back down.

Yes there are panics sometimes when the decision i take don't end up being beneficial to me but i have to face it because it was my decision.

How do you keep calm when you are afraid and not sure what to do?

I am actually not good at this and i only pretend that i am calm if or when i don't know what to do.

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You need to ask God leading you toward the right thing, so that you can overcome the panic.

You just have to calm down and think the right thing, you should not allow the tension to Punch you to take wrong step or what you will regret later .

You need to think twice before you take any step , you need to think about the advantage and disadvantage of your decision.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Decisions are best taken with a peaceful and sane mind. Such decisions must be taken with proper analysis of the pros and cons.

But yes, you are right. Sometimes we have to take decisions in a haste. We don't really have much time to think through but whatever we think is best at that moment, we must go for it. Remember, there is always an equal probability of a decision going wrong or right. So don't be scared, just be positive and confident.

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When I'm afraid and I don't want to make the wrong decision. I seek advice from my partner or best friend. Since I am the one feeling the fear I believe they can be more objective in giving me the right advice. One thing I try not to do is make decisions when i'm in a state of panic, but if I really have to I do it in good faith.

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How do you keep calm when you are afraid and not sure what to do?

The old rule was "sleep on it". In other words postpone making a decision till you've had a good night's sleep. That often calms you down and you can think more clearly.

Nice question you asked and I believe not everyone of us knows how to handle panic the situation when they are afraid and judging by how anyone react to panic can prone the person to more danger or safety too if better Decisions were taken.

Before I take decision in such panic situation first thing I do is to first analysis my safety measures to know which decision among the thousand thought I have will keep me on a saver side.

Most people rush into action in taking quick decision without proper analysis of their safety. They gat to know is all about safety at that particular minute and not putting yourself to harm due to being afraid of your present situation.

The steps and method I take to keep safe whenever I found myself in a situation where I'm afraid and as a result I panicked over it the first thing I do is to take a deep breath from the mouth before taking further decisions.

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Just remember one can't be brave unless first they are scared.

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Making decisions are things I always do with a clear head and in a peaceful state as making the wrong one can alter certains things in one's life. When I am afraid, I focus on bring my thought to a state of calm and Bliss. Music often helps in thinking rightly and well.

Yeah I believe we all do too about the panic mindset. But it's how to control it that proves to be the difference. While some do certain awkward things and end up a making terrible decisions.

I always ensure to bring my mind under calm no matter the situation by focusing on the positives in life rather than letting fear have the upper hand. Having a deep breath or focusing on getting to sleep. That always help when I am in such situations. Pretending to be calm can actually also help one achieve calmness.

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Congratulations. This week's stats reflect that #pobtalk is holding its own and continues to grow. It's fantastic.
This is a space that allows us to get to know each other in the best way: interacting, giving opinions, sharing.

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Really great seeing that statistics from interpretation. It really shows this initiative os living up to why It created originally to achieve. To think we are still here and bringing in those numbers. I believe we will continue to grow and weild more of that has the community grows

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Great things are bound to grow and with such mindful people out here, it is bound to grow leaps. Just wait & watch, but ya also keep engaging.

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Definitely here is the best place to be at anytime,just like you said this is the best avenue that brings different pepe with different skin colour, religion and beliefs together.

Am always an advocate of unity and I must say this is the best form of what unity and peace can be called, where will come together to interact and communicate on different issues without ending on a argument or fighting note,this is very good to say that Pobtalk and the community at large is a perfect forms of bringing different people people.

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Enjoy the interaction and engagement while having your !PIZZA 🍕😊. And don't forget to #spreadsmile 😁🤗

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@sindetalles! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @vikbuddy.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (2/10)

Firstly,i great every member of this great community with so much love and happiness.i really urge every member of this community to always be ur brother s keeper and always encourage one another at any point in time and always ask about any of our member who has not been engaging for a very long time.informarion is the key pls let's share whenever we have one. Thanks

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That is the point bro and thank God this community as being doing their best to live like a brother even though we all came from different countries and family background with still show yourself loves and caring..

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That is a good point, this will show how we care and love others, this will help the community to grow well.

Because we are one family, even those we are from different countries and state, but this community as make one as a family and friends.

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Greetings man . great to see you becoming very active here. You seem to be getting an hang of how things ought to be. It's nice seeing your progress so far. I believe you could do much more and will indeed do if you continue this way. Been here in truth has been an exciting place and where to express one self. Hope we get to thank point where we have each other's and all. You we showing great signs already though. Very true about information, this is what seperate others apart in every sphere of life. We drop if I happen to lay my hands on any. You should also do likewise.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Greetings to you too, what a great thought you have for we to always lookout for each other in all we do. Having you in the system is a great joy. Keep on looking out for your brother as the same will be done to you.
One love mate.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

In fact that was the great love we all have for each other in this community and this as really brought us together..

One of the things that caught my attention was when we are told to nominate ,I saw alot of reasons while some nominee were nominated and I feel so excited to see that alot are watching at you even when you don't really know

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Definitely this is not a bad one we all need check one and other and I want to say that is the key to the engagement.

Mayb we should have a register now and mark that every day to know who and who is missing each day(lolz)

It might sound funny but I will say it is also fun and I will say at @vikbuddy should be our family captain in this (lolz)

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Congratulations. This week's stats reflect that #pobtalk is holding its own and continues to grow. It's fantastic.
This is a space that allows us to get to know each other in the best way: interacting, giving opinions, sharing.

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What will you do if hive reaches 10$??

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Well i do not have so i cannot say specifically but if i have the hive,i will stake it as the price increase means that the token will have a better future

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I hope I have enough hive collected by then. I will become more active and curate more content, earn more and stake more.

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Never really thought of this but that would be a rice nice experience. At that price a lot of my goals in life must have been taken care of. I will just sit down and make it a job of curating over here.

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Oh that is interesting to hear,thanks for the response

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My pleasure

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Hello People! Hope you all are doing great!

What's your take on gender equality? Do you guys think men and women as equals or you think one of them is superior to the other?

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I don't believe in gender equality neither do I believe in any gender being superior. I believe that both genders are uniquely made to cover for the excesses of the other gender. I do not believe in the concept of them both being equal, however I believe that both should be treated fairly in every area.

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Yes definitely,but I don't want to talk from my own point of selfish interest and that is why I won't say much,so that people or mates here won't see me as a very funny person on this issue.

But just like everyone too,I strongly didn't believe in gender inequality at all,I have this feeling that everything should be shared between both gender ,but aside that I have this feeling that their is a special way of proving superiority without taking gender issue into it.

Let me stop here ,. maybe one day we can see something or a complete post on that

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Well it all depends on where you're coming from. What do you mean by proving superiority without taking gender issue into it?

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Totally agree. None of them are inferior or superior. Both are strong in their unique ways and must compliment each other.

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Men and women are equal but different. I do think modern politics is trying to prove they are not different, but they definitely are. Each has their own special strengths.

Yes they are different for sure. No matter how much we say, there is a gender gap but apparently, it is not something that is required to be filled. In my country, women are treated inferior to men and I am strictly against that.

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I believe we are uniquely created and no gender is superior to the other. We all have different roles which should be recognized and everybody functioning to cover up the excesses of the other or compliment the other.

Both gender are just know their part and function effectively with none looking down on the other. No gender can do everything on his own. There still comes the need for the other whether we like it or not.

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I am happy to see that all of us are on the same page here. It is very important to have thinking like that for the proper development and growth of the society.

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Yeah. each gender have to be respected and treated equally. We can only grow and develop as a society when this barriers are removed and the qualified persons irrespective of gender is put in charge

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I'm doing great thank for the general asking and I hope you're doing great today, yes I just went through the old post to catch up with some knowledge on what you guys have talked about because I missed out on this day POB talk.

What's your take on gender equality? Do you guys think men and women as equals or you think one of them is superior to the other?

I will take my stand by saying one is superior to the other.
Naturally men are built with muscular bodies and thick skin mostly in a way that they have to do so many things and still feel comfortable it, example lemme judge by a man fist against a woman, you will find out that men are more built in than aspect.

Yes back people deal a lot with gender inequality and this judge be providing or mapping out a particular kind of job which woman are allowed to do and some for men to handle. The hard labour jobs are for men while the easy one are mostly for ladies.
This mentality is practiced back then.

However in our present time ladies do almost everything that men do excluding some factors but them performing such jobs do not equal them to men due to there nature and what their power and strength is limited to comparing them to men.

So I will draw my conclusion on the factor that men are more superior than ladies because we are to guide them and provide for them due to ladies demanding nature in life makes man a head of them In catering for their safety and other related things.

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That is nice of you I know you don't like missing out especially on any vital post that read more value and contribute more knowledge..

I'm doing great thank for the general asking and I hope you're doing great today, yes I just went through the old post to catch up with some knowledge on what you guys have talked about because I missed out on this day POB talk.

I will take my stand by saying one is superior to the other.
Naturally men are built with muscular bodies and thick skin mostly in a way that they have to do so many things and still feel comfortable it, example lemme judge by a man fist against a woman, you will find out that men are more built in than aspect.

Seriously I will say their are some that God as created to be giant and some the God as created to be a normal human being sorry to talk about it this way.. In such situations if one should claim that we are all thesame and you went ahead and look for someone trouble that are more stronger than you it will cause a lot of beating..
Example is a person like Samson in the Bible we all know him as a very strong man and that is how God created him..

Yes back people deal a lot with gender inequality and this judge be providing or mapping out a particular kind of job which woman are allowed to do and some for men to handle. The hard labour jobs are for men while the easy one are mostly for ladies.
This mentality is practiced back then.

I will said seriously I have alot of concern about this point of yours.. I will said I don't know why ladies are exclusive from certain work, though maybe we are just trying to follow the trend base on who our forefathers as being operating as their all believe it that ladies are not allow to do job that are hard and the was the trend that we are still following till now just like in Nigeria a woman can not contest for president which I see as a very bad thing.

So I will draw my conclusion on the factor that men are more superior than ladies because we are to guide them and provide for them due to ladies

My brother i just thank God that I'm a man and I'm supper as he as reated us to be more superior and be a warrior..i will say I really cherish your contribution here so intresting and knowledgeable

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I trust him alot when it comes to reading reasonable comment and post and I strongly believe that is how it should be..

Most of the time I login into this community not because I have anything to said but joy to see some comments that will make me feel happy and relieved

Withing my few days in the hive community I knew it myself that have learn alot to that was why I feel so much excitement whenever I saw someone that cherish the platform is really a fun

Talking about the aspect were man are stronger than woman I believe to that was how God himself created it,women are not met to go through stress we are just like an helper to help our husband.

The most funniest thing above all is that u see some men raise hand to beat their wife forgotten that the muscle are not thesame instead of them fighting their mate I wouldn't..

And that is a very bad habit I pray must if the men that does this and learn from this as well

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I believe in gender equality. Both women and men are equal and no one is superior or inferior. Both are interdependent and in my opinion women are great and they are the ones doing much more than the men. Why there have to be question of equality and superiority, when we can live equally trying to make lives better for each other. Respect and treat all women around you with dignity, pride and equality. They really deserve more than us.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I second you on that. While men are physically more strong, women are emotionally more stable. They are better are managing things better. Both should work together as a team and try to compliment each other my looking into areas where the other person is weak.

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Day - August 1st 2021 - Hive Power Delegation

Is there any major news that made hive price to become bullish again??

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I think maybe a whale invested massively into the hive market

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The entire market is green today, I made some good profits in my investments. Not sure of the reason though.

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Yeah friend everyone get happy for today's market. Hope to see this Greenwich market again an again
Congratulations to everyone in todays green marketers

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I believe the Splinterlands craze is responsible for this. With people getting on on those games, it seems to be having an impact on hive as people need hive to get those. Would be awesome if hive keep on this price and go on to one dollar. One thing I am certain of is, hive is the right place to be now and various projects seem to be developing and getting lot of attention

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Tell me below what animal is your favorite.

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My favourite animal is the dog

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Excellent choice .... !BEER

Do you have a favorite breed?

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My favorite animal is dog, I just love them

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Notting to say much about this because what I like, you may not like it.
Meaning one mans food is another mans poison.
And you like this, I don't like that be why we don't married same woman as a wife.
Which means I love cat than dog

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Meaning one mans food is another mans poison.

You're right, personally I think cats are cute but I don't like them like that.

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Honestly mate you have said it all what you like is different from this one is also good.
Did you understand this parable mean that if you want to buy a particular shoe and your customer said he or she have sold it but take another one that that one too is good. And if anything wrong with it your mind will surely go that of your favorite. Cat so cute but you don't like them. Yeah I don't like dog too
Thanks for your feedback

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I love cats and I hate mouse.

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That combination works out well :)

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My favorite animal are dog and turkey and the reason why I love them is that, dog do protect everyone in the house.

And ordinary person can not enter your house anyhow, the dog will notify you that some have entered.

I love Turkey, because I love eating meat,so if the turkey grow up, I will kill and eat it

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Don't seem to have a favorite animal. If I was to choose one, I will most likely be dog. Has from what I heard, they seem to be man's best friend

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Here I come ,even though have been out of here for a while today, but true me am back and better now,am not really a fan of animal like that ,but my love for dog is unquenchable.

I love dogs

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The motto is to keep trying, i know for sure greatness lies in everyone in this community, our Time and dedication would definitely bring something great for us all. Congratulations to everyone, we all are winners. TEamo Guys.

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Sure man consistency go a long way in everything you're doing and then dedication is an other thing you need to consider if you want to one of the successful investors.
Congratulations to everyone in the house

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Yeah. That's the right word,- consistency.. it's important to embrace such attitude in anything we find doing. That will help a long way in achieving our desired goals. Talking about successful investors, they all seem to have this thing in common, the dedication. Little wonder they don't give up no matter.

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Yeah that's the mentality we all need to sustain and imbibe if we intend to achieve anything worthwhile. Never giving up in the face of certain situations helps us become better person and we'll prepared to handle greatness when it arrives. At the end, all our dedication has to count for something if we don't stop pursuing our goals.

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What up mates, trust the engagement as been cool since and I want to believe that things as been very cool with you all,have been away since due to work and office engagement too,it shows I have a lot of pace to engage,not only on here alone,but of all coming here daily is the best thing ever.

Lot as happened today at work and have learnt new things in which I will love to quickly throw to the house and see our opinion on it,I strongly believe that we are meant to encounter lot of things in life and even outside our personal life too.

But how we reacted to all the challenges of life is very vital and important and I want to say goals driven people too have as specs way of defining success , most especially when a height is attain in life.

Success to sod many people is when they achieved some certain objectives in life and while some see it as making impact is what makes them a successful pert in life,but irrespective of what it might be to us all,we are all aiming at been in the record of being a successful person in life.

What is your definition of success in your own way

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Greetings Man. Today happens to be an unusual day as engagement was quite low the the workload or part.the real life happens to exerts occasionally. But it's great schedule to day here not matter how tight the day make look. In here seems quite interactive and will be doing really well to get to read all comments and reply if possible.

Each day provide the opportunity to learn something different no matter what situation where this seem to emanate from. Nice one you getting to to learn a thing.

For you main question of the day. My personal meaning of success is having to accomplish a desire that took a lot to achieve. It could in whatever area of life. Different people records success's in different ways but I believe it's all about the satisfaction derived in acheiving some level of fulfilment in anything one gets to do for himself. It's also about the impact the effort put in place yield to certain happiness in life of others.

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Hello friend how are you, I hope you have gotten the time to rest after long days of work during the week? I myself still have a little to settle at work today, judging today is weekend I will have to close early at work and get a little rest.

You said quit a lot about success and just according what you said about many people having different perspective and definition about being successful.

According to dictionary; success is the

degree or measure of succeeding
b: favorable or desired outcome
also : the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence
2: one that succeeds
3: obsolete : OUTCOME.

Literally this is what many of us sees success to be in life, yes I don't doubt that is the act at which we succeed at every level in life and also being able to obtain what ever we want to our satisfaction.

However to me this goes a long way for me to accept as the meaning of being successful. To me success have to be the level at which other say about the good you have done, about the arm you have given, let your success reach the stage at which others testify that you're successful in life.

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