POB TALK 23/07/2021 - #55

Interact with the community and receive awards.

A lottery chat post will be created daily, and for you to participate you just need to interact in the comments with other users. Want to talk about a topic, but still don’t have enough data to post about? Raise the topic and talk to others about it. Want to give your opinion on governance, UI, or even meet new people that you didn't know were part of the community, this is the place.

In addition to receiving votes on any comments that you bring to the community, you will also be competing for a prize for doing so.


As more unique users comment, more prizes will be drawn. Up to 10 participants are 3 winners, from 11 to 19 participants are 5 winners. From 20 to 29 participants 8 winners. If we manage to reach 30 participants, there will be 11 winners.

These votes will not hinder the trail, as it votes only on posts and not comments.


You can also try your luck in an extra lottery by purchasing a ticket. This ticket will give
you a number to enter an extra draw on the day you purchased, the week you purchased, and the month you purchased.

To get one, just transfer 1 POB to @vempromundo.pob, this will serve to increase the voting power, and consequently give bigger votes to the winners. (The limit you can purchase is 1 per day, if you transfer for example 10 POB, you will compete with 1 ticket per day for 10 days).

Good luck, and good engagement

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Its that time a week again, FREE HBD.

Find out how to participate by clicking here.

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As I said in yesterday's episode, here is my thanksgiving rewards to @abimbola753, @katerinhernandez and @raifuset.
To all My Friends, Many Thanks, lots of love and Blessings 😊🙏
Keep engaging and spreading smiles around.

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Let us keep engaging and make this platform to become better..

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Wow this is great Vik, I love this though where kinda mate in the platform lol but you're already pulling weight like you have spent 3 years in hive ecosystem.

Well I'm so happy you Did that and congratulations to the winners and people who find favour in site of vik. I believe you all will not relent and keep the spirit up the platform.

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wow... thanks so much. i really appreciate

I saw the 1POB,sincerely i really appreciate it and all the good ways you are contributing to the growth of this platform

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Congratulations to you and every other person that won

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Yeah thank you very much,i appreciate it

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Okay sir/ma,you are highly welcomed..

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Okay i appreciate,how is your weekend going?

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My weekend went well and i had so much,what about yours?

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Congratulations to all of the people that earned the free POB,you are really a nice person

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Congratulations to those that won in your contest

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Good one from you mate and nice gift

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Oh that is very good of you,you really deserve accolades...keep up the good work

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This is a very good one from you and I must say you are also following the foot steps of great people in the community already and I must say a very good one from you.

I might not have been here that much yesterday due to one reason or the other,but am strongly back here to attend to the gist and discussions that missed and your kind gesture is the first thing I barge into.

Good one friend and definitely I will say you are a man of your word or let me call you talk and do just like we do call people of integrity in place.,you said it and you did it.

Thumbs up mate

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Look who's in the house:

We have a full cast today with Brainers from around the world.

Here's a no brainer for you.

King Doty of the kingdom Polipoly loves his two daughters so much he wishes his whole kingdom were filled with girls. He makes a royal decree declaring

All child-bearing couples must continue to bear children until they have a daughter!

To avoid overpopulation, he makes an additional decree

All child-bearing couples will stop having children once they have a daughter!

The kingdom immediately began to follow his orders.

If the likelihood of each baby born being a girl is 50 percent then after twenty years what will be the expected ratio of girls to boys in Polipoly?

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Shouldn't this be 1:1? Or am I oversimplifying it?

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It is a no brainer. No matter how much time goes on the birth ratio is the same.

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This is a serious brainer from @mineopoly of Polipoly, 😁. I would say it be 1:1.

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That is what I did read, discuss and engage
thank you for motivating us

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Yes discussing with each other is a great form of engagement..

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Hello people!

Life is not always about being good, disciplined and sensible, sometimes you gotta do crazy things, that don’t really define you but are a small part of you. These funny crazy little things make memories which stay with us down the Lane. We recite these memories to our next generations and feel good about the old times.

So what’s the craziest thing you have done in your life??

Let me start with mine. I once wanted a new smart phone but my parents were reluctant to buy me one. So I dipped my existing phone in a bucket full of water and told me parents that the old one is not working anymore. I got a new one next morning 😛 I was 168 years old then, please don’t judge.

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LoL thats so funny I can't stop laughing over that action, I see that happens to be a general behaviour for young once and teenagers whenever they want to get any of there stuff changed for a new one.
But getting to know you have to deep you phone inside water is the height of it all.

Well I will love to share a similar experience which I witnessed my girlfriend do when we are still 14years then. She also wanted her uncle to get her a new phone but judging that her old phone is still functioning her uncle said no to her.

Then we are living in a three story building while she stay with her uncle and Aunty in the second floor of the building. For her Uncle to finally get the conviction to get her a new phone, she had to trow down her phone from the story building twice.

😆😆 She was so crazy to do that though she did get the phone immediately but it took her a week to receive new phone from her uncle.

Well to me I'm so shamed to share how crazy I am because I have done a lot of crazy stuffs which I can't remember vividly or maybe I don't wanna share for now..sorry but next time I will try to come out of those skeleton and share it.

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I used my school fees of two years just to take care of my girlfriend..it made me had two years delay in the university...but i have learnt my lessons..

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Ouch i think some of us have been in similar situations too..

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Oh my! That's huge. And if I may ask, are you still dating here? ;)

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Really? I guess you were enchanted back then as this is beyond what I call love. Good you realized your errors at the end. But quick question. How is this girl friend of yours, I guess you are both married now? :-)

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Do you get attached to your team losing in soccer or some other game? Or how do you handle the loss or defeat of your team in games?

Sorry, I am not a sports lover. But I do like to watch the cricket worldcup. But I don't take sides. The best deserving team may always win. Peace!

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I was upset for a whole day after England lost the euro finals on penalties. I think it was because we came so close.

Been someone who follows sports to an extent, I have some attachment or like for some teams but unlike before where I was obssesed or a fanatic, This days if a team I support or follow loses I doesn't get to me that much as I have learnt over the years not to be too emotional about this games. They are all meant for entertainment purposes and should remain so no matter the outcome of a game.

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Well one thing is I don't like defeat because it have the pain left in my mind which I don't like feeling. I hate it when I fail on somethings I always love winning the games I play and when it comes to things in general life assertion I do my best not to fail.

Well I've witnessed a few loose in life which is when I played football with by team And could you imagine I was the one that sent us packing 😆😆😆 we played draw till penalty kick and it happened that I missed my penalty kick.

Well defeat is something we face in life and we don't have to take it to be the worst that happens to us but rather it happened for us to learn from it and make corrections on the right places.

The way I handle defeat is to own us and make sure nothing like such coming from such place will defeat again, I may fail once but the second time is success period.

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At that moment i will feed very sad but after some few hours i get happy again,maybe it is because i am not a die-hard sport fan..

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congratulations to the winners, i hope to be on the list tomorrow, i have only made it to the list once , but i hope to be there tomorrow

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Hopefully you will as long as you remain more active here. Some days I don't show up at all but when I do it seems to be a stretch. It's been three days stretch for me now. I believe you will have such days as long as you remain consistent in here

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i hope so ,thanks we will all achieve our goal

Yeah. Amen. We surely will and much more as long as we don't give up

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Definitely consistent is the key mate and just as you have been told once that it is on random pick,so all you just need to keep on doing is engaging always.

Trust me you can even do better here and on other places in the community,you are better and bigger than what you think you are.

So from me to you,I will say just keep on pushing and NVR at anytime give up, pushing hard has a long way to help your engagement and growth in the community

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Do you believe that ghosts are real??

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I do believe in the supernatural and that the spirit of the dead still roams. Even though I have not seen one myself I believe it exist. After my short stay here on earth all I can say is we live in a very mysterious world.

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Yeah i agree that we live in a mysterious world..

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How are you giving back to the platform or how do you plan to actually give back??

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This is one thing I have in mind. For now the focus is to build my stake till I get the right idea.

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Okay good to hear that,i wish you goodluck in your plans..

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My greetings to you guys, how many is still up, signing on from Nigeria now it is midnight here, sorry to you guys I miss you all but is better late than never.

Work today was something else fore it didn't give me chance to greet good morning and my boss was angry with me to the point he gave me official query which I've not attended to but planned to do that as soon as possible.

I'm just happy tomorrow is Saturday and I won't be working tomorrow do I will have Saturday to chat with you guys from start and also drop questions for us to interact on.

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Greetings man. Yeah Better showing up late than never showing at all. How do you keep been up at midnight? You seem like a night crawler. I believe we all miss you too.

Oh I figured, It could only be offline activities such as work, still a good one dropping off here despite your busy nature. Query? I hope it isn't a serious one?

Great. Yeah also excited it's the weekend. We have some election over here so basically have enough to chill off indoors hence giving more time to POB today. Believe this weekend will be an awesome one for us all. Happy fun this weekend man.

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😄😄😄 yes I guess I'm a night crawler as you said but sometimes I always don't feel sleepy till midnight and apart from coming online here I have some other things which I attend to and they take my time too so before I will finish up and come here is already late.

If you get to check my rate of engagement have really reduced but is all because of other things taking my attention but I'm trying to find a way to share my time to suit all the things I have to achieve before the day end and also have a good rest for myself.

Yes I got a query from my boss from being away from the office during working ours for 4hours and that got him really angry that he had to take disciplinary actions against me to caution me.

I'm so happy bro being at home today and is really going well for me so far I've been sleeping all day. Election you say? I guess you'll be going to cast your vote to the right leader.
Stay safe over there bro and cast your vote well.

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Great one converting that sleeplessness into something more productive or will I say rewarding. It quite understand we have other things that look forward to accomplish. It's great to always develop ourselves in knw way or the other has that's what sets us part in the future.

Yeah noticed your frequent absence in terms of engagement levels. I figured it must be something much more important. It's all good making time for the important things in our lives. Sometimes the twenty four hours each may not be enough, the reason Time management is really important.

That's quite a lot of hours you took away from work. I guess you deserved it. I believe Something more important must have caused you to act in such way. At the end of day, it's important to do the most rewarding things or take more risks as long as it rewards you better in the long run. Just an advice, next time, a good excuse should be given or certain notification passed to your colleagues or superior to avoid getting a query as such even though it as silly one.

Nice one. I guess that's why we all love and cherish the weekend. I myself also just woke at sleeping for hours. Sometimes the body has a way to make up for lost hours of sleep and the weekend offer such time. The reason I love the weekends more. Concerning the elections, I careless about that. Funny how I don't have them voters card, so there was no way I could have voted even if I wished to. I know it's bad not exercising my suffrage i.e right to vote but I guess next time I'll be ready to by getting my IDs. Thanks man. Stay safe too

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Good to be part of the 55th edition of the pobdaily..

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Same here. Days keep flying over here. Little wonder it is said times flies when you are having fun. Been here has been really cool. 45 days more till our 100th edition. Hope to see you remain active here till then and beyond.

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What will you be remembered for??always think about that while you are still alive,that make you to live a good life that is worth emulating...

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I will be remembered for my good food 😛

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Really good question to ponder about. While still alive I try to lighten up whatever place I get to in one way or the other. I feel like it's my responsibility to shine the light inspite of the darkness in the world. I believe that's all our purpose in life. To be the light of world. At the end of time, I want to remembered to be a person of love and light.

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This is a very wonderful one from you and like I do say in people comment, especially when I see things like this that triggers my keyboard,I love to express myself to the fullest length.

Let me say this first we are all products if our decision, which means decision life goes a long way in having a good or bad reputation in life,I once told a friend that we all choose to become what will are now.

That is why at one point or the other in life,I don't really give much attention to discussion that comes with fate in it,which mean our life or the way will live it most times does not need to do with the word fate

I said something yesterday on a mate post that we grew up looking like our parents,but will die looking like our decision,which mean either you choose to be good or bad in life ,it need to do with the decision you are taking.

Living a good life and most especially a life filled with impact is very important and needful,this at a point makes us relevant in life,we should also understand that we at least need to be a blessing to a soul in the course of our life time on earth.

Living a good life to me is not just an option,but a must cause a life need to be affected positively because of our existence in life,so I so encourage us all to be good to people ,even at the point where by they are not good to us.

One thing that we should also know that we should not expect anything in return at the cause of doing all this good act , cause expectations from people that we have influenced their life positively at times might leads to hear break for us.

Mind you don't always expect a return of good gesture back as the main reason of you showing it to other people,live with the mind set of what we be Said of me after am no longer here

To me this should be our driving force to be good and of highly level of intergrity in life

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I agree totally with you

Hello Friends, Greetings 😊🙏

At the time of anger, stop,
And lean a bit at the time of mistake,
So all the problems of the world will be resolved.

I will keep going even after million failures,
I will fall again and will continue. But I will never give up 👍

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Hi friend how are you?

A failure is always a new way you've learned not to do something

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Good day here, I believe today will be a wonderful day

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Hmm thank you very much for the piece of advice

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Sometimes in life,for us to succeed we need to overcome failures,so in other words failures is needed to get success...

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When you fail never get discourage because the more you fail the more you learn. At a point where you refuse to continue is when you become a complete failure..

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That is good a decision, this are couraging word, we should never give up at the point of failure.

We always facing challenge and failure, but giving up is not the best, we need to struggle or fight the success.

And when you failure it give room for to learn more because no one is perfect and we will have victory at last.

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It's okay to make mistakes as without it one may never get better. In the path of success certain failures are inevitable. They are all what make success worth it at the end.

We should never stop no matter how many times we fail. I also will keep standing up no matter how many times i fall. I choose to be among the winners. As they say quitters never win and winners never quit.

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Good one!

Stopping at the time of anger is the toughest for me but I gotta control now. Anger kills you.

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You're need to do so, having that under control is the best self control you will possess and learning that will help you endure through so many things.

Anger is so bad and it tend to destroy a lot of things in a short period without us realizing what we did untill we get ourselves and action taken.

One tip I have to give you is speak less or don't talk at all when you are angry at a particular thing or possibly you walk away from that environment for things to settle down a bit.

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This is just too late for me to see and definitely with the look of things here right now,it as really shows that I missed alot yesterday by not having enough time to be here,but it fine that I still have the chance to say one thing or the other right now.

Anger in a lame man definition,is the unwanted reaction that comes when we are been offended in life.

But unlike every other person I have little and let me say different opinion about this anger issue cause me as a person I strongly believe that getting angry is not a crime ,but it should be controlled just like you asked.

Anger on it own as a way of destroying relationship and intimacy with people if care is not taken , especially if our anger is not properly looked after in that process

Words too needs to be watched and we'll examine before it is been said out and I will love to encourage that most times during the anger moment will should rather choose not to say anything.

Been silent at those point in life keeps us far away from making mistakes and will also save us from getting into trouble in life.

Walking away from that incident fore is another thing that keeps us away from that attitude.

Learn to master what makes you happy the more and that thought that can take away that feeling at that moment too will help in controlling our anger

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To the unstoppable @vikbuddy,

I will keep going even after million failures,
I will fall again and will continue. But I will never give up

I can see all that failure has been good for you by lifting you to be a great man.

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Yep dear, i am too lazy, crazy and easy going person. Failures give me alarm and rings the bells for me. Then I strike back harder.
"Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on me"

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Hi my people, good morning to you all
Today's topic is a great one "Anger damage all what you have gathered from very long time" said by an elders, and also gentlelity is not stupidity as well.
too much of anger can kill you so in this case a wise man fall in the leadership manners.
Always try to control your anger so that you can live long on the earth!
Thanks for this topic

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Well Said man. A moment of anger can cause regrettable incidence in ones live. It could leave scares that may not be forgotten. The reason we all should tame that side from finding expression in our vessel.

Indeed anger can get one killed as during the rage of it one can make very irrational decision. A lot have died because of it while some got to cool off in them jail cell because of failure to control it.

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Great! According to one our elders that says "when an anger come your way, don't just alter any statement because you might alter an generous wards and it can later be use against you"
No how the anger will not come your way but don't just use your thong to alter a word because that will be remedy of the anger

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Yeah. Been quiet when angry is very good but it sometimes is very difficult to remain calm when some words are directed to you especially you are not a fault.

Very True. Anger can make one utter regrettable things that may come back. Anger management is something we all need to learn.

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Anger is so deadly and is not something we should hold onto yes in something in life we need it to push through but we must get to use it the right way.

Nice saying by your elder, anger brings down efforts of years hardworking and bring it down to zero, so we have to trim and tame our tongue in so many things we say when angry to avoid spoiling the relationship we have built.

A tip I have to give all of us it to learn to stay quiet or keep silent when angry because any word you may say may not sound good at that particular period.

Second is we may also learn to leave the environment when 😡 angry. These to above measure have guided me a lot and remember speak when necessary and don't take blame or fall for anyone speak up and take your group but do it in an appropriate tone of voice.

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Great! According to one our elders that says "when an anger come your way, don't just alter any statement because you might alter an generous wards and it can later be use against you"
No how the anger will not come your way but don't just use your thong to alter a word because that will be remedy of the anger

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Good one!

Stopping at the time of anger is the toughest for me but I gotta control now. Anger kills you.

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Anger is very dangerous,both spitirually and morally too

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This is very good from you at @vikbuddy , even of this is not a recent question from you,buy still the same I just need to say one or two things about this one.

Let me start by saying this is life for us and we are meant to at some certain stage in life as we proceed in it face some certain challenges or let me say difficulties too.

This is not all we are going to come across in life ,to me also at some certain stage failure are meant to set in,in which I see as a whole at at which our ability are been tested

What is failure,to me own best of knowledge I see failure as the process or project end in a negative way in which will affect the moral of such person

With the above definition it very clear that failure on it own is meant to affect our moral,but still it is not the end of life,which means failing on a particular project does not mean that is the end of the project or life for such person.

I do say this strongly that failure is a better means of starting a project or work in a more special way or using a special approach on a particular assignment.

That we failed in life at some stage to me is part of life and part of the process at which we will drive courage and confidence from in life.

We must learn how to stand to our feet after failing ,just like you said failing a million times is normal,but we must all have reason to stand up after failing in life.

And I keep telling people that winners never quit in the race of life and you won't see anyone that quit wins in life too

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Good morning house and it is good to be here again today,trust we are all set to give it all we have today as interesting and exciting issues are going to be raised and discussed about too.

Welcome you all to another interesting time out here, kindly get a seat for yourself and be ready to give it all it takes.

Welcome mate to another talk time today here on this platform

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Good day man. Always feels good to mark the daily attendance by participating :-). Well just got here, do that make me set or ready for today? I guess.

How's the weekend gonna be man?. Love to fully give time for other things as the week approaches. Guess I will be spending more time here. I believe you will too. Have fun man and happy weekend.

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Hello @pthker2010 hope I'm not late her to get seated 😂😂 lol I'm just going through the activities here yesterday, I wasn't chanced enough to take active part in the chat room but I did my best though.

However the topics so far have been so interesting and actually I learned a lot too, it might been In vain for me if I did go through it, so I'm seated now do you have any left over for me lol.
Hope you had a great day.

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Hmm that is good to hear,what do you think we can majorly discuss about

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