Interact with the community and receive awards.
A lottery chat post will be created daily, and for you to participate you just need to interact in the comments with other users. Want to talk about a topic, but still don’t have enough data to post about? Raise the topic and talk to others about it. Want to give your opinion on governance, UI, or even meet new people that you didn't know were part of the community, this is the place.
In addition to receiving votes on any comments that you bring to the community, you will also be competing for a prize for doing so.
As more unique users comment, more prizes will be drawn. Up to 10 participants are 3 winners, from 11 to 19 participants are 5 winners. From 20 to 29 participants 8 winners. If we manage to reach 30 participants, there will be 11 winners.
These votes will not hinder the trail, as it votes only on posts and not comments.
You can also try your luck in an extra lottery by purchasing a ticket. This ticket will give
you a number to enter an extra draw on the day you purchased, the week you purchased, and the month you purchased.
To get one, just transfer 1 POB to @vempromundo.pob, this will serve to increase the voting power, and consequently give bigger votes to the winners. (The limit you can purchase is 1 per day, if you transfer for example 10 POB, you will compete with 1 ticket per day for 10 days).
If you interact with people in the post or generate good content that makes them engage with you, be aware that it won't be in vain.
I think it's fair that those users who fail to win the raffle are rewarded daily according to the amount of engagement they bring to PobTalk, they're the ones who keep it growing.
So don't be surprised if you end up getting rewards even though you don't win the draw. You deserve.
Some people are so stubborn. And dumb.
Maybe the worst example is one of my friends, Who I have been encouraging to invest in crypto, at least a bit since Bitcoin was only $50.
After 8 years of refusal, finally in January 2021 he started to do DCA of about $100 every month.
Yesterday, during my phone talk, he said to me:
Thank you. You have been so damn right.
Have you any similar story?
Got a message from a friend yesterday (he's driving himself crazy daytrading btw, so he is in crypto already):
" ey, download warpath"
The warpath app looks to be some sort of pay2win game much like clash of clans. So instead I asked him if he started playing Splinterlands yet, which I told him about in I think March or April at the latest. After asking a few questions he found out about the 10 dollar spellbook and told me it was dodgy and doesn't want to get onboard..
This is coming from a guy buying each new Xbox and many, many games for each.
Guess I'll double my collection another time before trying again haha
I use to say the same thing about online poker to people. They always looked at me like I was some sort of sucker that was giving my money away. I know tell them about crypto and get the same looks.... Their loss.....
I had a story similar and it's also about Bitcoin.
In 2011 when btc was $1.i taught it was a scam and ignore it.
And I have learnt from it that's why I am accumulating pob because both pob and Bitcoin has same total supply,so am hoping that pob can also dominate the crypto world
of course pob will later grow alot that is why we should hold
I believed on pob shaa, and one day pob wl be the top of all .
Being stupid as you say ...to him he was just being careful do you know how many people are still scared of mining or trading Bitcoin so it's just the push they need, I was one of such before I met @jerseemit who introduced me to first one , this is the second one and am blazing it. So people could just be in that shade
which one is the first one
hmm I strongly agreed with your word some people have the information and their never take it serious why some really need the information and their never see it..
That reminds me of a friend I spoke about this hive community but he told me his destiny is not attached to it, it is true that you have information but people never believe that information is so vital and when you don't take it you loss it
Yes I passed through same issue, mine was bad because I wasn't the one encouraging, I was the one being encouraged but I didn't really listen...
Sometime last two years someone told to me invest heavily in ETHEREUM but I was so scared of losing the little money I have, I invested just 10,000 in Nigeria naira..
After some months, the price of ethereum increased and my money was 17,000 and i immediately withdrew all because I was scared it will go down again... But here I am regretting because one ethereum then was just $300, you can just check the price now...
I have really learnt my lesson, in the game of investment, just how we want to win, we shouldn't be scared of losing too..
I'm in for POB & HIVE
I understand this mate is never easy but all we should know is that everything in life is all about risk, I believe you would have see have the huge amount that you loss due to fear, everyone can face this as well but it take a great courage to hold strong
I have a similar story involving property. Back in the 1990s, property prices in the UK had collapsed, and I was trying to persuade a work colleague to invest, because it was so cheap. He refused because he was convinced he'd lose money because he believed prices would drop further. He waited till prices had doubled before he bought his property.
Oh see him after how many years, he waste 8 years before joining January if he has Join and invest since that 8 year he will have known what he will have my now.
Some people do not believe in themselves talk less of believing others.
the truth is that some people never believe that anytime wasted is like a life waster that is why we should never in anyway joke with opportunities because it might is come again
Really stubborn friend you have got there. Some people just appear not to catch certain visions and always in disbelief has they refuse to see. Good he finally joined in. He might have missed a lot by delaying for so long but better late than never.
Don't have a story yet has I have not been in the cryptospace for so long but myself have missed some opportunities that could have changed my fortunes. It is all about making smart choices this days by investing in the right project for the long term. Believe cryptocurrency will do a lot more in the future has the masses accept it.
Your story has a happy ending. I'm still trying to get my wife to be a crypto believer.
smiles i think you need to do so, before it get late
LoL some woman never have the kind of patient like that their believe once their can't get their money on time them the person want to cheat them put I believe if she can just see the first cash that it is a real money she will believe you a little
Thanks @abbey877,
For her it is kind of a moral thing
May be you should bring her on Hive 😊👍. There are many women doing great on hive, I think see would love it and see may try writing about her area of interest. And you guys can do collaboration too, one hell of a force it will be. What's say? 🙄
there are people that don't yield to advise they only face where they feel is good
I just don't understand the truth is that some people will never believe you,untill the see you doing something great before their believe.. I know at that time if he listen to you it would have been a great testimony to him by now
in 2016 i said for my friend buy btc, he had enought for 1 entire unity.
in 2017 i had money and bought some, then i sold all in january 2018 and bought steem that time
now i'm in hive, i think i won more than money
Wow,just getting to come here after been away for some days now and I must be very honest that it is not about the topic or point of discussion that really makes me happy ,but to see @onealfa.pob here too is some of good courage,it is just like inviting a mentor or celebrity to a show or TV program,I must be honest by saying it is good to have you here boss
And as regards this issue I will say that investment too is the key and I want to say most people run away from crypto due to lack of good mentor or inadequate information on how it works too ,cause lot of people don't not believe in the system untill now that is now looking or I should even say that it has become the pillar for some many people
I never had any mentor. I discovered everything in crypto alone, just by myself
That makes you a guru ooh, I wish to b like you.
I think its something we all experienced somehow. For a newbie it's always hard to believe in cryptocurrencies, I investment first time in Bitcoin in 2015 and I never imagined it will reach even beyond 10k$, and I sold my bitcoin for just little profit. Its never to late to enter into cryptocurrencies but just to remember not to invest which we cannot afford to lose. I think POB is the best investment opportunity right now, those who regret buying bitcoin back in 2010 have a chance to invest in POB, who knows where POB will head in 2025. 😊
the total supply is just 21million which means the tendency of grow high is very much
What are some of the activities that you do on weekends?
Do you have any specific things that you reserve your weekends for? Or you randomly do activities?
Well nothing really planned out for the day. Just use the weekend to do some random stuff from a state of rest though. No much physical exertion. Just all about unwinding after each stress week at home. I sometimes have good time with friends in the neighborhood but of recent I haven't been able to so. Majorly indoors with movies and reaching out to people on the social platform. This weekend will be different though has expect to lively it up a bit
Random activiities, go for a walk, I got wild berries growing here so I sometimes pick them. Is drinking !BEER and eating !PIZZA and acitivity because sometimes I do that :)
$PIZZA@esmeesmith! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @rentmoney.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (5/10)
For me its just regular day. Nothing special and new. I think weekend means different to people according to their lifestyle and work. A person working 5 or 6 day a week sees weekends a holiday and relaxing day. 😊
Good morning everyone how are you doing today, hope you guys are good and had a good night? Is TGIF a beautiful day which we all have been waiting for.
I've been away from this family for a week now and I don't really know now what up if we have newbies, but I trust we have so I welcome you all to this wonderful chat room.
Let me ask this question
If you are given $10,000 this Friday to go have fun throughout the weekend what will be your activities for the whole weekend?
@da-prince i welcome you back to the chat room, i have been wondering not seeing you here but all thanks to God that you are back safe and sound.
now let's go to your question if I'm given $10000 this weekend I wouldn't do much thing than to buy some crypto especially buying hive and convert it to pob and stake it
hehhh, if this 10K is in FIAT, and I must spend, it is no-brainer.
I would buy a bit of everything, BTC, ETH, Hive, CUB, LEO, POB, ADA, BNB, DOT, LINK, MATIC, XMR
In fact, I own some amt of each of them already. But....maybe I'm to greedy... :)
what a wise decision, i think it's also good to hold other coin too such as solana, i dont inow if you are holding it yet, if not please i would advise you should hold it too,its a very good project.
even if i am to hold all i will make sure i hold a higher percentage of pob so i can earn swiftly with my pob
@onealfa.pob I was expecting this statement from you, . . 🤣 🤣 🤣
You are just so addicted to investment...
This is a very wise decision making which you can get all this coin to hold and i think is very good project or and wisely investment
A wise man always think wisely!
Great investor's and good to see you here once again,it won't be a bad idea to fellow your steps too
Shouldn't be greedy ooh do it once for all, and gain it for once.so try to invest in all by next week,so when it come to ripe You wl ripe it big and bigger .
I can actually see how interested you are in this platform and your feet in this platform
you love money too much I think you have to spend the money over the weekend buying crypto is just like keeping the money in another place spend it
That means he can twist 10000 dollars and spend it lavishly
It's not in it's nature to just waste 10,000 dollars that's why he's full of investment
you might not spend it love you but spend wisely and enjoy your money
$9,500 on women and !BEER. The other $500 gets wasted on BILLS :(
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Brother man always in spirit and ready to slaughter, men your reply is the best to 🤣🤣🤣 men seriousness is not taking us anywhere and this life is once enjoy it to the last man.
I might even purchase some !PIZZA so there might not be much left for bills.
$PIZZA@da-prince! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @rentmoney.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (8/10)
Lol thanks for the pizza 🍕 I'm not hungry but you gave me a nice slice of pizza, well I really appreciate that. Thanks.
Omo if you spend $1,000,000 on women,it won't satisfy them
So instead you should use all to drink !BEER
Sorry, you don't have enough staked BEER in your account. You need 24 BEER in your virtual fridge to give some of your BEER to others. To view or trade BEER go to hive-engine.com
Enjoy some nice cold !BEER and delicious !PIZZA
$PIZZA@iyiade! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @rentmoney.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (9/10)
For the !PIZZA
And thanks for being kind to me because this is not your first time you are giving me PIZZA AND BEER
@iyiade, sorry! You need more $PIZZA to use this command.
The minimum requirement is 20.0 PIZZA liquid, and 0.0 PIZZA staked.
More $PIZZA is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex
That's the 'Man' spirit. It's always about women and beer.😂🍻😊. Have fun with your woman, could we at least share some beer, lol😉. I have !PIZZA for u🍕😊
$PIZZA@rentmoney! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @vikbuddy.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (6/10)
🤣🤣🤣 partner what are you up for women and beer or your not interested at all because those to are needed sometime in life we are not going anywhere with seriousness, getting wasted lol is cool to have at some point.
Sharing !BEER I can do....
Sharing Woman..... not so much :)
I Joke , here's some !PIZZA.
$PIZZA@vikbuddy! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @rentmoney.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (10/10)
I'm also new here and I think I've not seen you in this community before but with your comment I perceived that you are a Giants in this community
🤣🤣🤣 words of wisdom coming from knowledge, well first let me correct you I'm not a giant at all I'm just a little guys who do not have level at all so please don't put me on a spot where all eyes will be on me, so please help me to pipe low my level no reach. We have our giant in the platform and once you see them you will know not me at all I'm just a baby here too.
Well I noticed you're new too because I've not come across your name before I went a bit mute here and stroll around other forums but one thing you have to know is there is love and freedom of speech here and also do well to donate quality content and keep up with your engagement in the system.
This is the platform for you to ask any question you want to ask and receive thousands of answers and ideas to go about it and if you ever feel lost to do some action which you do not understand do well to ask for guide here, you are welcome to the platform and also welcome to POB talk AkA chatroom a forum of love.
Good morning @da-prince truly it being while we see I know it be you are very busy this days and we really miss you and as you can see we have alot of newbies.
And they are really wonderful people and we are happy we are increasing in number, and this have really make the community so interesting.
You are welcome back
So concerning your questions if I was given $10,000 to have fun throughout the weekend, I will invest on hive and pob $7,000 and delegate to @vempromundo.pob make the remaining $3,000 to have fun and share with my parents.
So that it won't be like I do not use it according to the person that give the money but someone much be wise.
Good day, thank you so much @hookup.pop how are you doing, I can see you're good and enjoying yourself here which is very important. Yes I've been away for sometime here and I've also been around just as you said I've been pretty occupied lately so I don't have much time to attend to the forums I visit in the platform.
However I will do my best to keep up with my routine here, staying silent Totally is not ideal at all because I'm missing a lot of things I ought to know, judging that I can see how interesting the chat room is now and the Wonderful contribution of you all who are really proofing their brain IQ.
Yes I can see a lot of new username coming the chat room and that really great 👍 it shows we are growing in number and the population is quite interesting now, this is all thanks to you guys for being the holder of the platform.
Nice plan on how you will use the $10,000 if given to you and just so you know $10,000 is equal to $5,000,000 @#500 if converted to naira ie our Nigeria currency. So your $7000 is equal to #3,500,000 which you will use for investment and thats great plan because is you use that to purchase POB for delegation in the platform wow 😲😳 that will be a total boost to the price of POB and it will be a great advantage to us all and coming to your remaining $3,000 which is equal to #1,500,000 when converted at #500 per dollar, you said is for fun and also to take care of your parents.
Good thinking about your family and it will be really great to take care of them those are the joy of this world and they deserve to be treated nice and provided for always.
My prince to your questions and to my view and understanding of life also from individual background,to me I wl definitely do justice to it.
have alot to be done for weekend listed below
1 attend a best friend wedding at pH and am planing to go by air
2 from the wedding to a friend at Abuja for lunching of his new house.
Hope my prince the listed above activities is Good for $10,000.
😁😁😁 don't mind me for laughing but after reading your comment and the plans you have for $10,000 which is equal to #5,000,000 when converted to Nigeria currency at the rate of #500bper dollar, man I needed to laugh because it will be enough to take you to where you are going and do much more than you expected, unless you're planning to rent the whole plane for yourself.
you are welcome back to the house,..
thanks for the question so amazing giving me $10k I don't need to doubt it in my mind what to do about it and I don't even need anyone to advice me that I need to buy more pob and stake in other to add more value to the community
Thank you man for the welcome and I miss you guys too and the Wonderful topics you guys raised in the platform. Nice plan on what you intend to do with your $10,000, I love that spirit of investment and it is really good at this kind time not to and investing all in POB will be a great idea but you also have to know is 10000 Dollar and not Naira.
So you have to check how many pob this will be able to buy because $10,000 is equal to #5,000,000 if converted at #500 per dollar so using all that amount to buy POB is a total blow in the system to push price to a higher and reasonable amount.
I'd invest it in Splinterlands. I love this game!
You must have known much about it I guess mate, maybe you can be a tutor to as many who want to venture into it too, especially people like me need a tutor on how it works and I won't mind be tutor on it
I’m brand new here and don’t want to do anything that’s not seen as good etiquette. I’ve only been playing about 3 weeks. I’m happy to post a referral link up if that’s not seen as bad form.
Wow that's cool, u really don't know much about the game so I have put interest in it and judging I do not have enough time for myself though
Good morning to all
Hope you had a nice yesterday.
I was so stressed yesterday but thank God he has strengthened me
Thank God you are now okay now and thank god he is with you and our strength and you.
Good morning to you too and I hope you also had a nice yesterday
I had a nice day what about you how was your Thursday yesterday
And I hope today he won't face any difficulty
Since you are strengthened today you can have enough time for this community thank God you are alive
that is good for you it strengthens the weak hope you stay strong
welcome back to this community
we have some very wise newbies in this community.
I think I'm part of the new wise newbies.
I have get more engage in this community these days and I'm getting addicted to it
definitely anyone that comes into this chat room are very wise I've seen that in each and every account here speaking a lot of word of wisdom it really amazes me
Am I part of them?
If my world are not wise please tell me the truth so that I will work on myself
everyone speaks meaningful things and wise things it is only a fool that wouldn't learn from your word
And to that question of yours.
If I had $10,000 to spend this weekend,
I will jus buy pob of $9000 and hold till it rise and use $950 to buy crypto and use the remaining $50 to enjoy myself.
Why are all of you just buying crypto here and there.
Is there no any better investment other than crypto?
For now cryptocurrency and forex is presently the best investment for me
What is so special about this pob that you want to use $9000 to buy?
if you are buying crypto you are not spending the money yet you are just keeping it and I think the question is that you must spend it over the weekend
That's true crypto is just another currency.
It's like you are converting naira to dollar or converting euro to pounds you didn't spend it
yes I think you'll understand what I'm saying
after buying pob I think I don't have much thing to buy rather than to invest in ministry
What will you use for it for in this weekend
buy a car
buy crypto
There are many crypto traders in this community
my brother spend it
Are you a pastor?
rather invest all in ministry so I think you're spending it like that buying crypto you are not yet spending 10000 dollars
Another pastor here again 🤣🤣🤣
If I have $10000 this weekend.
I use it to start processing is traveling to another country and I know I can spend all on travelling processing I will just use the remaining to buy cryptocurrency
Wow I love this idea is really cool and interesting, actually getting to leave your country is a good plan and you know it requires a lot of money and this will surely take you there. I can see you're determined to search for greener pastures elsewhere I like that .
The idea of investing in crypto currency got my attention too that a very nice idea and plan for the future not investment plan beat crypto currency that adds value day by day so earning there takes time but it surly worth it.
Yeah I'm one of the newbies that has joined this committee 3 to 4 days ago welcome @daprince
Thanks for welcoming me and is so good to see you here In POB talk, I guess your the one we are waiting for all this while lol welcome, I'm sure you're enjoying the platform already, just do your best to explore and add more value to the community by post quality content for the benefits of all and also keep up with your engagement in the platform.
If I have ten thousand dollars today,
I will just go to Lagos beach this weekend and spend and enjoy my life in that beach.
Wow that so great, having to go to the beach to have fun and enjoy the cool breeze wow is been a while I think I have to take myself to the beach to have some fun though, I've been so so occupied lately and I think my body needs fun right now.
Lagos have a lot of beach and going there won't be you a problem at all. $10000 will give you all the fun you need there and you will still go home with good amount of change left with you.
It Is always good to have you back, i will spend $10,000 to buy pob and stake. There won't be a greater fun for me this weekend than seeing myself getting close to the #pob rich list.
Thank @funshee I really appreciate the welcome and is good seeing you too but I don't know why you look so new in the platform because bi can't recall seeing you in the POB talk AkA chatroom. However don't mind me if you're new here hope is not coming late from me though I will be saying a big welcome to you and I don't have to say much I see you're already enjoying the platform already.
Well I love your idea of having to invest the whole of $10,000 in buying POB well if you will do that it will be more than fun to you because not only you will be in POB rich list but you're rich already.
$10,000 is equal to #5,000,000 in Nigeria currency if converted at #500 per dollar so I guess you know how far that will take you then.
Keep up the investment spirit it will really take you far in you financial freedom.
I'm somehow new, was in chat room few times before your few days brake.
And yeah I'm already enjoying the platform . thanks for comments.
Welcome back once again@da-prince you're welcome back to this community hope all is well it be long time that you have ft here which I believe that you have fully back to this great community
Thank you so much for the warm welcome I really appreciate that, yes I've been away here for sometime but I can't really say I'm fully back but I will do my best to keep up with the chat room. I think all I need to do is plan out my schedules and know how to follow them accordingly.
I felt really happy when I see everyone welcome me back in the platform and this chat room which is Pob talk made me feel at home and that the best feeling ever.
I trust you're doing great too and also engaging well with the community.
Nice one which we are expecting more from you in the POB talk community and I personally missed you a lot in this community.
And we can still do more, more, and more man let take this community to the greater high
Engagement is the key
Yes you're totally right well don't make me cry the way you said you miss me here is making me emotional and I don't have any handkerchief to use here. Lol well I'm here and I can see everything is fine so far and the community is growing but I will also do my best to drop what I can.
However is not one way thing, we all have to do same thing at the same velocity to keep the chatroom active and warm for everyone to engage in.
Definitely which we can do more than our best in this community but u believe that been part of the community can make it grow more than the expectations.
Togetherness we grow
U ar welcome brother,really is been a while my prince.may your new job bring you success and peace of mind ameen .
Thank you brother for the warm welcome, is have really been a while and I was away due to some reasons though I've been around in the platform but haven't been opportune to go through the post but I do my best to vote daily band when I get the chance to do that.
However is cool getting to meet you here today, I can see you're doing well in the platform and have found your way around the community...just keep up with your level of engagement and do well to have fun with others too.
Have a nice day at work and I'm doing my best to reduce stress for my self too, work load is quite much here but I'm doing my best to keep up. Thank so much for your concern, I really appreciate that.
View or trade
Hey @da-prince, here is a little bit of from @rentmoney for you. Enjoy it!Did you know that you can use BEER at dCity game to **buy dCity NFT cards** to rule the world.
Thank you @rentmoney for the beer I really need it to chill down, is really needed for a warm welcome after being away for sometime so I appreciate the kind gesture 🙌... Maybe I will meet you on a table someday for the real beer 🍻 and I hope you're up for it anyway.
The $10,000 thing.... I said it before and I will say it again, the money is not much, so I will eat whatever I was wishing to eat, get a good laptop and buy POB for stake....Welcome back @da-prince of pobtalk, we missed you and you came back with a very funny question....
Mind you the laptop will be so functional here😊😊
Mind you converting $10,000 to naira which is your country currency At the rate of #500 per dollar, then the money will be #5,000,000.
Well I'm not judging what your plans are but just showing you the worth in your currency then you can go through your plans again and know what you will really do with the money.
Although I love the part of investment you mentioned which is very very important among all.
And you know the kinda situation in Nigeria now, even that money you mentioned still don't have value..
The economy is messed up
Well to some extent I agree with you but not totally but you have to know the value we are talking about here is #5,000,000 and there is no way that won't achieve a lot when put to right use. All you need is a good plan of investment and something to engage in to yield profit when it comes to making investment.
Though you talked about buying POB for investment purpose, the question is how much POB will you buy? And how much will it take you to get other coins if you really wanna get them.
So with that you can have enough fun and get whatever you want for the mean time so the economy won't really be a major problem to you though...just forget economy and go to your favorite spot, rent hotels and sleep over and have fun all night...the money can afford that much for you with change.
Hahahahahahah the last paragraph caught me, that would be a hell of fun... 🤣 🤣
Let me have the money first...
Hahaha have that kind of thing Is very very needed at some point we all need to have that kind of fun once in a while
I will just get myself a good car
If I may ask which of the brand is your choice of cars.
Well that's not bad at all if that's what is going to make you happy. Everyone have there own needs and plans.
We have been engaging and we didn't notice the difference in today's engagement, a master, a great investor in POB community, a motivator joined us today and he has been communicating...
My respect to @onealfa.pob...
Please let's welcome him, its our pleasure sir..
Yesterday's Winners
23 participants - 8 Prizes
100%: @blezyn 87%: @profdanzy 74%: @sugandhaseth 61%: @esmeesmith 48%: @babsgirl 35%: @timmzey 22%: @precious008 9%: @newman42
Extra Prize (Ticket)
Congratulations to all of the winners. Nice to be part of the list also. It's Friday. Have fun and do well to unwind during the weekend. Have an awesome week y'all
Congratulations to all the winners
Congratulation to all the yesterday winner am just seeing it, wish all big congratulation.
Another thing I want us all to do today which is very very important to this community and also to this POB talk is for every one of us to vote the content and reblog it.
The essence of doing so is for us to spread POB talk in our timeline in other for newbies and old participants who are not aware of POB talk to be aware of it and join the contest.
Yes that is a very good one coming from you , cause that is the only way will can have more participants here too and it will also enahce the increments in terms of rewards too,so I think is what we should do ever Morning from now on,godd thought by you mate
Good morning to you all, we thank for the gift of life to see another wonderful day.
Today is another Friday, another weekend.
There is a question I will like to roll to us IF YOU ARE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN MONEY AND LOVE WHICH ONE WILL YOU CHOOSE.
thank you let engage well today and make our weekend a great one and never engage yourself in what can affect your health.
Good morning @ hookup,your questions is if you are to choose between money and love hmmmm first of all money is ultimate of life while love is more ultimate ,beside money come with love.
to me I wil prefer money because with money love flow .
I wont' choose even if I want to. Because love isn't the end and neither is the money. I'd try to pick and choose between the both. Like money enough to last long and love enough to know the boundary.
That is good, I watch a Motivational movie which talk about if you have to choose between love success and wealth and there is a husband and wife with one child.
They have a visitor And visitors 3 elderly men they are name love success and wealth, so the woman went to the door to look at the people who is knocking the door and find that that they are three old men.
so she went inside and tell her husband that they are visitors and their three elderly men who their name are love success and wealth.
And the husband said she should invite the three of them inside then the wife went to invite them and they said to her that they cannot enter at the same time.
So she went back and tell husband and the husband said they should invite wealth and your wife said no they should invite success when they are discussing these they are little children now give an advice that why can't they invite love.
And they agree to listen to what they are little daughter of tell them they invite love and when the love enter the remaining two old men.
Enter with love and the woman asked them why are they coming inside with the love that is only love that they invite and the answer to her that since we invite love other people must follow because where love is there is success and wealth.
But as a human you definitely fall in to one of the category either the money Or love.
I think this is a great question which requires a lot of thinking to choose between money and love is something difficult but I would say love is ultimate, because the Bible also says God is love so I would rather choose love than money
Yeah God is love
True love come from God only.
You can't love someone truly without the spirit of God
God is Love what do you expect
That is good you really make a good decision because love can alot give you money.
love can give anything so far it is accordance with the will of God
that is true but in the world we are today nobody is ready to love you if you don't have money and you yourself you are not ready to love anyone that is not ready to add value to your life
Good morning to you too
His Mercy keeps us alive today.
To your question.
I will surely choose love because you can easily become rich than finding love.
To become rich is not that oo
Those that are poor is not because of they don't work hard or not because they are not wise but just because getting rich is not easy as you think
Wow that is so brilliant when you have love you can become rich and have the money because nothing can be compare with love.
Love is the greatest thing
my brother you better choose wisely richest don't come so easy if you have the opportunity choose wisely
I will go for love but true love.
I am already rich so the thing I need now is love
You are rich and you are looking for real love,brother make use of your riches to find love.
sorry to say this u might be rich but to yourself,extend the richness to get real love.
Good morning to you too friends , if I'm to choose between money and love I will definitely choose love, love come with peace of mind and happiness and i can still work for my money.
Have a great day ahead.
That is so wise where there is love alot of things will be engage with it happiness peace, good work.
Because where you go people will love to have you with them and to share with you, nothing can be compare to this love, that is why God give love first by give himself to us on the cross of Calvary.
With love he created all living things and non living things, we can see love among the bird we can see love among fish, animals.
So nothing is greater than love, where love stay other thing come to stay with her because all things want love.
I will wish to choose love but sincerely I will choose money for now
Since God loves me I don't need anything again but I need money money money
Hmm that is good since is money you want that is nice.
Money is power
I'll let faith decide. One can be happy either way or one can be miserable either way.
This should not be too hard to answer and I wi say that out of greedness and so much love for money,I will definitely go for love everytime irespective of it outcome later , I' will choose love always mate
Hi hookup.pop. I'd rather I have both. But if I'm forced to pick one, I will go for money. Love is a good thing but without money there is certain tendencies that the love could diminish. I believe it is better to be in a state of comfort than to go through love on empty stomach or with certain problems. I always love to believe there is a tendency of find love when there is money. It might be difficult but it is possible. At the end I would choose a balance of both as life without love could sometimes be miserable the reason I think certain people despite all the money still fall under depression. Love is essential inasmuch as money is vital. I am a little curious, what would you rather choose if you were to pick one?
I think money will be better here I would prefer money because nowadays money buys love and no love without money in today world
Great people in this community hope you all doing fine,I wish you happy weekend from this side and don't forget
that we are still on the matter, your hard work earn you quality money,and no food for lazy man as you all no,love you all.
yes of course no food for lazy man not only food but I would like to say no greatness and success for lazy man, because a lazy man can beg for food and eat but if you beg for food you can't beg for greatness
A lazy man would be too lazy to even beg🤣🤣
definitely he will die of hunger, laziness is one of the greatest demon on earth
To be lazy is a great disease than can destroy your future,
Keep yourself from being lazy from now on
To be lazy can cause you a great disaster.
Avoid laziness and start working hard from now
Thanks for the advice
I will stop being lazy from now on.
now is when to take decision not tomorrow
Procrastination is one of the great instrument of laziness.
procrastination is something that is very bad for your future
procrastination make someone loses
opportunity it is something that is very bad
that is what life requires
Life do not require being lazy
of course I don't even like keeping lazy People around me
yeah because people will say show me who your friend is and I'll tell you you are if you keep lazy people beside the definitely you two are lazy or later become lazy
I can't take lazy people as my friend do because they will affect me
Even though you have a lazy French or people around you if you did not want to be a lazy person he won't be a lizard person we can choose to be who we are.
You should learn how to change others for good not those people that is doing bad things that will change us to bad.
Because we know more than them so we must use our wisdom to influence them positively not that they will influence us badly or negatively and we know the difference between right and wrong.
So which should help them through because they are in the darkness why we bad snow the good things are in the light so we need to shine the lights to their life.
that is very true and you are mostly influence by the people around us
Even arguably the greatest
yes if possible the greatest of them all
Without controversy
It's the greatest
hmm that's very true
Lolsss but true
Lazy people are just worst
Lazy people can't make
of course fear laziness and run from it
Yeah you can't beg for greatness
Even if you cont beg for the food I will be so comfortable with.
Lazy man who just by eating food that are not convenient for him because of hunger
In fact lazy people are too lazy to think about greatness.
Laziness is very very very bad
@ insight what is your defination of lazy? You knw you can be great but lazy it depend on the wisdom incup with individual.
Hard work earn money and knowledge earn you more money but lazy thinkers will remain poor
Knowledge and more money and that is true.
Informations is life
definitely lazy thinkers will remain poor and even suffer for what that is supposed to be their own
Lazy thinkers are not always creative
Not only hardwork alone can earn money.
There are many people who are more hardworking than ever but are poor.
True talk but the ultimate guide to getting rich is informations
Gather knowledge and information.
Do you know that there are some people who have not heard about crypto at all but think they know everything
This is so true that's why they say information is power, if you don't know you don't know.
Good morning to you @ochedi thanks we are all doing fine and happy weekend to you too.
The matter of working hard to earn you quality money it is a good thing even Bible supported it that a lazy man must not eat.
So it's not good to be lazy you should be hard working and has the say that whatever we do not work for doesn't last with us if a lazy man beg for food it's just for a main time he will come back that very day.
Greetings ochedi. Doing quite alright here, I believe others are doing the same too. It's indeed the weekend, Happy weekend to you and yours. Love your endnote, it is important to put some form of work if we tend to live a decent life. A lazy people will face a lot of suffering and get rejected. It is important do something has those delicious meals won't fall from the skies.
if you are lazy there's a saying that or a prayer rather that says you will eat the fruit of your labour, so if you're laziness you also eat the fruit of your laziness
Whatever you sow you will reap
yes of course that is the principal of life
I welcome everyone into today's pobtalk chat hope you all slept well and enjoyed your night, TGIF today is a great day that everyone loves a lot.
I would like to ask you a question about laziness is there any difference between mental laziness and physical laziness?
if you think there is give your reasons God bless you as you comments
Physical laziness refers to the lack of movement. Mental laziness is ability to use the brain to solve the personal and the essential problems for the growth.
I never gave mental laziness much thought before your comment.
I don't think i understand you
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About your question.
Mental laziness is when you are unwilling to think more about a solution or being too lazy to think.
Mental laziness is the reason why some people are not creative.
People who are hardworking mentally are always so creative.
Why physical laziness is being unwilling to work physically.
It's very very bad to be physically lazy because you will be too lazy to express your creativity and your thinking
this is a great answer to the question I love this I know a lot of people will learn from this question and answer.
I hope so
that is very sure no doubt about that
Let's see
me myself am learning alot
You said my mind exactly.
You said exactly what is in my mind.
Mental laziness is worse than physical laziness do both our worst
I love this answer it is perfectly said by you
Welcome to you too
Mental laziness and physical laziness they are not good at all the worst one is the mental laziness, the person wants want to crack his brain or use his brain.
And this will affect the brain itself and the body, because such brain will be sold dull and it's not easy to think straight or think a good thing.
That is why when you see a lazy person it won't be easy for to engage in now thing that we make them think deep or stress his brain.
And they won't think before they talk whenever their ask a question and all you see around them is failure because they are not ready to use their brain.
exactly it is perfectly said by you the mental laziness is the worst if a person is lazy mentally he or she will be lazy physically and sometimes some are lazy mentally but due to their mental laziness they will have to work harder that is why they said work smart not work hard.
if you are too lazy to think you will be enslaved by those that can think that is the principle of life and it is one of the things that is affecting most people in Africa laziness in thinking
The above statement was perfectly said by you and I have indeed gain alot from you and @timmzey too mate
Physical laziness is sometimes caused by external conditions - like the weather, it might be too hot to move,
Mental laziness is caused by inner conditions and inner motivation, which we all control.
yes physical laziness is influenced by external conditions as you have said but the mental laziness is influenced by mindset and even motivation also.
or we can call it reprobated mind
there's a difference between mental lazinessness and physical laziness, if you are lazy mentally you won't think the way you should think you will not want to stress your brain, but you'll be limited so how you can see things and engage in things and those that are lazy mentally they can never be wise because they can't think the way they should think.
to do things right will be very difficult for them because they can't think example of those that are lazy mentally are those that hate mathematics 🤣🤣🤣
but physical laziness is a type of laziness that hold the body even if your mind is willing your body will be reluctant.
But the two is not good you don't help them to achieve success in life laziness always waste time to progress.
Must be very honest with you that I don't know much about this at all mate and it is very good to see that thier is different between physical and mental laziness and I must be very honest with you that I have taken my time well enough to read through and I want to say that.inhave really learnt alot from this contribution of your mate
How are you everyone,
Obedience is better than sacrifice but not in all case, sacrifice are sometimes better
than obedience
Sacrifice can never be better than obedience.
I don't need to prove it there is no situation that make sacrifice better than obedience
How can sacrifice will be better than obedience because why you obey there won't be need to make sacrifices and is not all the time you make the sacrifice and it will be accepted.
So you to do sacrifice until is being accepted that is wasting of time and it will a punishment to you by wasting your strength, energy.
So the best thing is to obey and have your way
Definitely mate their is nothing like sacrifice before obedience and that is why that famous word says;
Like once we obey thier won't be rokm for thinking about sacrifice and even mere looking at that word sacrifice is a price you pay in a grd Way for not obeying at first,so am wit you that obedience is more important and it comes first
Interesting. I don't think there will be ever a case in which sacrifice becomes better than obedience. I would love to see you suggest that scenario that made you believe such could be. Because it is written obedience is better than sacrifice in scriptures so I don't believe this word can be broken or mean another thing. Kindly tell us why you think that might be so maybe it could help me see another view to it.
the reason for this proverb is not to debate between both but but respectively you should obey instructions so you won't need to pay or make any sacrifice that is the origination of the proverb
Good day to you all
Can't wait to see another weekend which is tomorrow because of football
Greetings. Also happen to be in the same situation as you as I am quite excited of the football matches that will be aired tomorrow. The weekend seem to be much fun at the league action opened up. Which team are you supporting and which games would you love to see tomorrow?
Barcelona vs athletic Bilbao
It will be a very exciting match.
Athletic Bilbao do drag with Barcelona,even with Messi
But now let's see their result without messi
Truly this will be an exciting match the catalonian Club face a tougher opponent in the absence of Lionel Messi. Would be interesting to see how they fare on this one. Going by their preseason games and other games I believe they should do just fine. I don't however expect an easy match for them tonight but they should pick up at least a draw.
Good morning friends I trust we all are doing okay this bright Friday?
Random thought just for fun since today is TGIF:
Why is it that when one key opens so many padlocks it is called master key but when many keys open one padlocks, the padlock is bad and needs a replacement.?
Just getting to see this,but if all I must be very honest with you that this is a very tricky one from you and I will be lying if I didn't admit that u don't have a very good or clear answer on that mate
Very tricky indeed !
Last night was busy in trading POB. 🙂
See my last screenshot on D.BUZZ
I gave trading a try.
I'm down 100 POB but in some HIVE.
I was attempting to get more POB / mission failed lol.
You are welcome sir to this great hive community am so happy to see you here with us.
Happened to stumble upon your post, that's some great activity in the market yesterday. Richardhill appears to be picking up POB at those prices.
Hello Sir, Greetings 😊🙏
What's your other areas of interest besides crypto and investment. I know about your Radio and photography passion, what else you like to do? I hardly see you take any day off, how you manage all this? How's your family's reaction on your online activities?
I usually scolded by my mother alot, she didn't understand what i do on mobile or laptop most of the time 😂.
Good morning to all living soul in this great community of ours,I use this great opportunity to say it's a Friday again the great day of all day.
Once again good morning to each and everyone of us.
Good day profdanzy. One of the best time of the week as one girl to head into the weekend and relax a bit. Always love when I get to this particular day or the week I smile work activity kind of reduces which means less stress for me.
Very interesting post, sometime it's good to give room to people's to express his or her self in this kind of community which you just did.more grace to you.
This life opportunity hardly come for those that need it,this reminds me of my colleague which will started this hive business but just because is not quick money he refused to continue with hive business,but I tell you since I started this hive business I have earn something better.
Lol Time 😁😀
Keep engaging guys, break the count today, go nuts 😁😂👏

I love this dance everyone love vacation be is full enjoyment some we travel and some we have time with friends.
Hahahahahahah @vikbuddy I'm practicing the dance moves... 🤣 🤣
good to see everyone again today welcome to a new day
Yeah a new day and is a weekend too
Today what did you guys have for us in the world of sports that can sweet our weekend
Maybe in
English league
Spanish league
German league
Or French league as well
Let talk about sports here for this weekend
Keep engaging! !! !!!
Yes I am ready for the weekend, to place my bet on big teams and wait for another big weekend win
Definitely man but be very careful for this big team that you mention because it make me remember the first match played by Bayern Munich.
My tip advice for a betting man should have enough found to do the business because the betting business need more found which you will just get like one to five match and put some found and collect your money and the interest on the business. Happy weekend
I feel it will be smart to avoid some of the big clubs as the league is just beginning and there is tendency for some of them to lose out at this stage. I believe this treatment option should be avoided for some matches and or rather focus on the goals options.
What's a great idea of a business man you don't need to focus on what the business want to bring but the stability of the business. Hope to see the result of our effin the big bolw . nice weekend man
Yeah. have a lovely weekend too man
Yeah it's weekend we time of the week we have all been waiting for. Personally looking forward to the exciting games that will come in the weekend. The Arsenal versus Chelsea game seem like a very interesting one to watch I think I might be following that's one. Will have to check the football feed to see if there's any other interesting game that I might also follow
Right man! That is game am even want us to talk about in the world of sports London river it a very big match in London that day and if I may ask can the history repeated him self?
The blues and the highest spender in the this transfer window
What a great match of the week
Nice one man
What a match it was has the London club prevailed has they comfortably saw off struggling Arsenal. I didn't expect anything less from the result has Chelsea ran out winner's. I believe you are an Arsenal supporter, what do you say about your club performance against Chelsea and their abysmal performance since the new commenced?. Do you think Michel Arteta would be able to guide the club to a great spot has they currently languish in the relegation zone? Or what do you think should be done to remedy the current situation of the club after spending quite some amount of money at the transfer window?
i hope for a big win from psg today
That's exactly what everyone needed from them but football is not what we normally think because if the club is playing statically game which if they have enchanter with the team that is playing physical game it will be very difficult for them getting victory on that match so that they should be very careful
Having big player doesn't warrant that the team will always get winning every time.
Football is very crazy which everyone know. Hope them for more winning
You seem to be actually right with this has having enough top or star player often doesn't translate or results in teams performing very well as can be seen with the galacticos of Madrid during the time of delima, Ronaldo zidane, Raul, Beckham. This kind of teams happened to lack question and unity as each player try to be to get in the news and show their self. It also often difficult for managers to handle this kind of player as they don't want to go into the bad name in in the media address for benching this kind to player so managers are faced with a difficult task. Hopefully this isn't the case of Paris saint German. With former captains anything like Sergio Ramos and Lionel Messi, I believe it's in able to stick to the original script and deliver an European and League success. Can't wait to see how the teams all perform as the season continues and become more intense
You're very right, and the references you laid emphasis on is just like the pictures of the team we are talking about which there managers should be very careful and know how to play them one after the other meaning to know how will start and who will bench and use the player as game changer when the match is more of statical or strategical
Exactly. The manager have to ensure every player remains happy at the club by giving each of them at the quit playing time and ensuring there is no rift between any player. It can be quite a difficult thing to do but I believe they will get things fine this time. Indeed needed to very strategy and tactical and knowing who suits a certain match and position. He might be having a little headache doing all this but being a professional manager I believe he should know better. What do you have to say about their match yesterday? For me I think they need to work on that defence has conceded two goals back-to-back is not a good one for a club who intend to do much domestically and in the European scene.
Definitely mate.and I want to say that u sincerely agreed with you on this , cause for football anything can happen,but of all as regards that match they won by 2:4,the only suprised thing is that Messi is yet to fixture for the Paris landlord
What people thinking on this club is that been signing messi means that not club that can bring them down which is not possible in the game of football though they will try enough but when it come to physical football it will be very difficult for them even when messi play.
Nice weekend