POB TALK 16/07/2021 - #48

Interact with the community and receive awards.

A lottery chat post will be created daily, and for you to participate you just need to interact in the comments with other users. Want to talk about a topic, but still don’t have enough data to post about? Raise the topic and talk to others about it. Want to give your opinion on governance, UI, or even meet new people that you didn't know were part of the community, this is the place.

In addition to receiving votes on any comments that you bring to the community, you will also be competing for a prize for doing so.


As more unique users comment, more prizes will be drawn. Up to 10 participants are 3 winners, from 11 to 19 participants are 5 winners. From 20 to 29 participants 8 winners. If we manage to reach 30 participants, there will be 11 winners.

These votes will not hinder the trail, as it votes only on posts and not comments.


You can also try your luck in an extra lottery by purchasing a ticket. This ticket will give
you a number to enter an extra draw on the day you purchased, the week you purchased, and the month you purchased.

To get one, just transfer 1 POB to @vempromundo.pob, this will serve to increase the voting power, and consequently give bigger votes to the winners. (The limit you can purchase is 1 per day, if you transfer for example 10 POB, you will compete with 1 ticket per day for 10 days).

Good luck, and good engagement

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Q. Psychology question. People often write content, say things, or even whisper around you to manipulate you to do something. How do you avoid not getting influenced by other people? Like how do you ignore their said things to you (be it for buying crypto, or living life or even making choice?)? How do you ignore what people do, say effectively?

I'm not sure its possible to not get influenced by others. Hopefully we pick the right ones to be influenced by and that influence helps up progress in life. !BEER

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Perhaps the best we can do is question the motives of the influencer. What does the influencer have to gain? They don't influence to lose.

BTW-- it's OK for influencers to influence for gain as long as we gain as well. Sooner or later, each of us is an influencer in some way or in some context.

When we are a risk for a loss is the time to question the influencer.

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You have some idea of what you want to accomplish as a cryptocurrency holder:

  • Did you want to buy and hold for a decent amount of time?
  • Did you want to make a quick strike buy buying crypto low to turn around as soon as it went 2x, 10x, 100x, etc. ?

Keep in mind your goals as you read content from people here as well as from other sources. As long as you DYOR you will be fine. If it feels as is someone is pressuring you to buy/sell-- or even if someone is trying to nudge you to buy or sell-- that's a red flag to notice.

The above is for crypto, but it could be expanded to broader situations or to other aspects of life. With corporate media and legacy media being what they are these days worldwide, you need to compare what they say with your experience and what you have learned in life. If you have other sources of information you trust, compare what establishment media says with your information sources. Also compare what people you know say with your trusted information sources.

In the end, it's a 3-word sentence: Trust, but verify.

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Trust, but verify.

This is applicable everywhere in life. You just can't get excited about what someone said and react to it unless you are confident about it. After all it's your decision and you know best how it would impact your life. Your research and insights are the most important becuase without it you will never be sure of what you do. Somebody's research might be from their perspective so you gotta watch out.

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I think you answered your question on your own - it's all about psychology. You need to govern your mind in a fashion that it should hear and pay heed to only those things that matter. Others should pe passed by as if never seen or heard. There will be people around us all the time saying things we won't like and appreciate. If we keep answering all of them, imagine the amount of time we end up wasting.

It's best to just ignore such people as if they are nothing and continue your life like nothing happened.

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I have discovered trying to ignore such people tend to be difficult but one just have to do it..

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Hey @esmeesmith, here is a little bit of BEER from @rentmoney for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

How can i really get the beer token?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

The !BEER token can be traded on the exchange hive-engine.

Hold at least 24 and you'll have access to the !BEER bot.

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What's the daily limit for BEER? I know PIZZA has a daily limit of 10. I was just curious.

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The !BEER bot can be called once per day for every 24 !BEER staked.

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It's proportional. That's good to know. Thanks you!

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Sorry, out of BEER, please retry later...

Sorry, out of BEER, please retry later...

Oh yeah of course i do not have the beer token,i just want to know about it

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I try to leave the environment where they are or find a way to avoid interacting with them

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Both options are perfectly valid, especially if it's a social situation. It can be don at work, but it's harder. With family, it's even more difficult to do, but it can be done there, too.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Well nice psychological question as you may call it but getting to ignore people who do not share interest in same thing with you actually depends on how you handle there issues.

Well I'm not someone that follows what people say or pay attention to unnecessary topic rather I prefer generating my our findings,

So by doing that I won't be influenced to do what they do so I make my own choice and live them with no option but to go by my will.

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you can decided to ignore what people are saying if you choose not to give respond OR work with their advice .

sometime is good to be yourself just to remain focus and it this will definitely bring more confident to you and also believing in yourself

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The answer to this question quite appear to be an easy. You simply don't give in the manipulation of others and do what's best for you. Because at the end of the day if you chose to get influenced by them, whatever outcome you get alone get the resultant effect whether good or bad

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Wow fantastic! This is getting interesting 31 participants on the POB talk community that's great you guy are doing well, this community is now moving we can still do it again and again
Congratulations to me and the other winners
Surprising Friday to me!

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Yeah awesome to see those numbers. Really exciting to see to more people in here. You can say that again, we moving well as an initiative. I believe today and coming will see more increase in participants.

We should all also do well to spread the news of proofofbrain and POB talk by inviting our friends and family to spicy up activities in here. Congratulations. You're also doing quite well here. Happy Friday man

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Right mate which am always do from one location to other, friend to friends that I can call my self an Evangelist POB talk in the POB community..... Lol

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Great one man spreading the good message of POB to the world. The more people get aware the better. Hope you have a powered Pa Speaker system for this? -)

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Lol..let me add my own loud speaker to it..

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That would be really great. We can't get enough of this publicity materials :-)

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Yea the number of participants surprised me too and that means more engagement is taking place in the POB talk and we are actually doing great in making it happen.

Congratulations to every participant who always engage in this platform and I will say a big welcome to the platforms new participant.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Normally it might surprised you, am still expecting more than what the numbers it is now. Thanks for your feedback
Welcome to the new participants

Posted via proofofbrain.io

In fact I feel more happier to se
e the rate in which the community is developing must especially the postalk people are getting to know more about this engagement and is making it to look more intresting and encouraging.

a lot of problems as being solve here and many lessons as being benefited

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Hello people!

Covid has been one of the kind phenomena that our generation has witnessed. Our subsequent generations are going to read about it in their history books.

My question to you all is what have you learnt from this Covid pandemic? What are your takeways?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I learn, that is thing can't continue going smoothly, and any position we are, we should thank God because anything can happen at anytime.

We should always prepare ourself for negative thing in the world.. we should increase our agriculture setting like when joseph is in egypt and God show the king what will happens for the first seven years and what will happen in second seven years.

The first one they will be food in a cheap price but second seven years there will be no money.

But the best solution is to this, is to make sure they store food that we take tham more than that year.

So if we have prepared for this or we have to thinking let save so food is anything happens it will be easy for us.

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I have learnt that one should always be prepared for the worse..and we should always save for rainy days..

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That’s true. One should not think negetive but we just can’t ignore the fact that some days are rainy and we can’t survive without an umbrella.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Well one things that this pandemic have thought me is to know that life is too short and any slight thing can take our life's. This have made me to be mindful of so many things that I pass into my mouth

To me my level or personal hygiene have actually increased and I'm too sensitive of a lot of thing that I eat.

I also acquired a skill during this pandemic period which was a bit handy to me and it also gave me the opportunity to know or under go more trading training which I miss so much.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Hmm, you ask a very big question in fact no one will say their haven't learn from the pandemic is really a lesson to all.

as for me I learn that is always good to have other source of income the most painful thing is that i wise I'm into a platform like this then it would have been so intresting for me because that will make me to earn more and create more chance for me..

secondly I wish have make alot of saving to subtain myself because it really come like a sudden all the available money was just to buy food and some neccessary things and that is all

In fact I felt alot of pity to myself during this period because I have no place to go and everyday I'm just spending nothing else is coming in..

To me time where being wasted, I just don't prayer for something like that again but if it happens I don't think their will be any cause for alarm because I have take a good decision by joining the community...I will not be bore, interactive will be going on and aside from that money will be coming in which is important

In fact who knows hives might have a greater ground and increase in price as I believe lock down as open some people eye to be here as well

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The pandemic has quite a lot of learning experience for us all. What I have learnt is to be always prepared for whatever circumstance or situation that happens has the virus caught many by surprise.

In the area of finance we should always have savings for unexpected or end of the events such as this as many suffered greatly in my country as the government didn't provide palliatives leaving citizens to survive on their own.

Also learnt it's important to have multiple source of income and not to depend on a job as many got laid off from their job due to the effect the pandemic had on the economy. This event was helpful to me has helped chanel more effort towards cryptocurrency and earning money online.

Learnt also that no matter the suitaton that befall the earth certain business will thrive. E.g the food industry, and the medical industry. It also opened my eyes to agriculture and the food business. If one get to practice this, he or she will have no problem to the most basic need of life

Posted via proofofbrain.io

just signing in from Nigeria to this POB talk A.K.A chat room. Its 3:00pm Nigeria time and the temperature over here is 26 degrees here in Lagos, Nigeria.

it have been raining since morning 12 noon till Now and there is no sign for the rain to stop, which gives me great concern because the streets will be flooded and it will be difficult for anybody to go home because getting transportation won't be so easy.

Nigeria have a bad road construction and we do not have good drainage system build for floods to pass which is also one of the factors we face here and its adds to traffic gam in the country, which is of high rate when rain falls.

What do your country do to avoid traffic and maintain good transportation for the country?

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Yes oo this weekend I think is met rain, my dear there is nothing we can do about it.

because government are not really to repair the bad road, is God that can touch the heart of his people to do that.

And for the traffic you just have to bear it, that how it when ever it rain.

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This is the rainy season so one should expect frequent rainfa

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Yes it we just have to bear it, because if the rain did not fall now, we will be complaining that the weather is hot.

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It’s no rain here. It just rained for a day and has been dry and humid since then.

I use public transport a lot. Anyways the fuel prices are too high here so public transfers are the best.

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I think that good drainage system and good road network can help to reduce flood

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But there are some natural flood that happens..

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Infact have beging to think if we came from the same country because that was the way the rain as being since and their is no any signal if the rain stopping.

anyway Nigeria does not have any good way if controlling the traffic especially when the rain started everywhere will be flooded and this will contribute to a lot of destruction and damages of some important things

I believe the best way to control traffic is to create wider roads doing this will help a lot in controlling traffic especially in my country Nigeria

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Quite a day it was over at my end too. The rain was not friendly has it rained for close to six hours resulting into floodings and serious traffic congestion on the roads.

If I had a car I don't think season will be a great time to get them on the roads has the traffic I witnessed yesterday was hell. It led me and a friend to walking about 19 kilometers i.e 6.2 miles to get finally get a place which was void of gridlock to eventually get access to go home.

Not a good experience when there's also a bad road system and poor system of reducing this flood. I often wonder if other countries within what we go on over here. Hope we didn't take the boat or swim home? :-)

As concerning your question, over here I believe the government is blind as they are doing nothing about the current road conditions. I believe increasing the drainage system and making the roads plyable by working on the roads will help. Exploring the water means of transportation by employing more ferries might help beat the congestion experience in the country.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


It is very good and interesting to be here again today, see definitely I want to believe it is going to be another wonderful day to trash out issues and come to a conclusion also.

I have little thing to actually let us know,it is very clear that we are all from different countries and cities across the world,which to me make it easier for us all us to actually attend to issues in different way,but since last year something as brings us all together,which is the deadly pandemic called covid-19.

A lot as been said about this virus and measure as been put in n place,it was even said that some citizens as put the blame on government for not doing the needful to actually helped the eradication of the virus,which I want to understand why they are coming that way,it might be as a result of how it as limit them from actually leaving a Normal life which they are used to before.

But the main important factor this morning is eradication of the virus is not the responsibility of the government alone,we all need to help them to by adhering to the measure put in place to make sure the Virus is clean up from our different countries.

How have you as a person or the citizens of your country helps in making sure that
the Virus does not stop us from living our normal life?

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The virus came to us to give us a life lesson, and many do not understand that to avoid expansion, it depends on each and every one of us, the government has a responsibility but a very high percentage depends on us to raise awareness and comply. . . . with biosafety measures.

The virus touched me a little, thank God it did not allow the symptoms to be so strong, and I am still standing.

we are responsible for staying virus free. Following the rules is everyone's job.

the government cares little about our life, one plus one less, it will only be part of the statistics but we really must be responsible and not think that it is a game.

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Hey, I think I was the one who mentioned about putting the blame on the Government. So let me explain.
It's not about playing a blame game. As a citizen of the country, it is our responsibility, as much as that of the Government, to fight the pandemic and follow the security protocols. If as a citizen I'm flouting the social distancing norm, not wearing masks or roaming around unnecessarily, it's my fault.

But as a citizen, I can only decide for myself. If others aroudn me aren't following the rules that are meant to be, all I can do is talk to them and put some words of advice in their brains. Beyond that what they do is not in my control. But it's not fair if becuase of such people other citizens suffer. And here comes the role of the government.

The government is a central body that can decide for the nation, not anyone like you and I. The y have the charge and control of the nation and if they want, they definately can control such unwanted activities of the people. Also, the government must take actions to enhance the medical facilities for the citizens so that they can survive the pandemic. The government is collecting funds from the citizens and we can't see the being used at the right place.

While we have this pandemic, in my country, the government is planning to spend millions on building a new temple when we already have 1000s of them. Is that even required? Can't that land be used to create a medical facility or a school?

But having said that, I can't even blame the government becuase they have support from so many people to create such temples and people are actually thankful to the government for it.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

You're totally right about this, is not only left for the government to take care of the country and safeguard the country against.

We as individual have our part to play in keep covid-19 from spreading by following the covid-19 protocols set by the government and it's medical agency.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

You have spoken well,the issues of covid 19 the deadly virus is never a situation that only the government can handle infact is total beyond their power.

All their need is also the cooperation of the citizens as well, if the citizens refuse to agree with them their is no way their can be successful..

Must if the rumor carried around was that the vaccine being released for the cure of this deadly virus is harmful and that is why many people refuse to take it,some even say it can affect the chance of given birth in the nearest future,why some say the period use to get the vaccine is to short compared with the harmful it as cause

As we all know must of this wicked politicians can never be trusted when it come to something like that,and some of them are not even ready to take it..the problem now is this why are their now persuading people to take it..

Anyway for all those rumor going on, I have see someone closer to me that as taken the vaccine and nothing happened to him, just the pains he has at that first day of receiving,though different types of vaccines are available which I don't know the particular one that he take..

My advice is that their is no way the government can succeed in this without our hands in support we need to give them full support and work together as one..

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The vaccine could totally me a gimmick, I agree. You don't know what are they selling in these small bottles. All you can do it trust the creators. And if anything worng happens, it will happen to everyone not just you.

Also, it's like a push, you just don't have to option to not take it becuase there's no other way you will find yourself to get saved from the deadly virus

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That is the truth all we needed is to put our trust on God alone because no one can be trusted.

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You're totally right our lives belong to our creator to take care of us and save us from the virus and heal those that have taken a bad vaccine.

Though I'm hearing the second wave of covid-19 is spreading so fast but I will suggest to us at large we have to wear our mask and be safe always.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Indeed the government cannot handle this alone the we are all need to work together to eradicate this virus that has taken lot of lives. Infact whatever way we look at it, we are the government more than the people occupying those top position. The earlier we realize what we need to do, the earlier we kick out the deadly virus from our landscape.

The persuasion is one area I totally disagree with the government. This should not be forced as employing such tactics seems fishing and against the freedom/freewill of the people. The problem of trust seems to be reason people don't trust whatever comes out from the mouth of the government.

After lots of videos making rounds online concerning the side effects of the vaccine. It's quite frightening and I personally wouldn't be taking any shot no matter what unless a more tested vaccine comes out. Was it the first or second shot your friend took? Has I heard the second shot seems to contain magnetic properties. Have you been able to take the vaccine?

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You are not alone on this. Same here, don't trust the rushed vaccine has it came out much sooner and going by some side effects, it's not worth been tested on.

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Well it will be obvious the scriptures was right all along. In that case, I guess it will be left with chosing between you and your faith. There's no preventing that.

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Yeah. Much awareness to the threat this poses will really go a long way. The government has much part to play in this

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I got the vaccine and I am alive, fit and fine. It was a one day fever and nothing beyond that.

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All their need is also the cooperation of the citizens as well, if the citizens refuse to agree with them their is no way their can be successful.

I totally with you on this sir the government fully needs corporation of the citizens if they will succeed in their plans.

In a case where the citizens go about their business without sorting the covid rules that would be a very big blow to the government.

Must if the rumor carried around was that the vaccine being released for the cure of this deadly virus is harmful and that is why many people refuse to take it,some even say it can affect the chance of given birth in the nearest future,why some say the period use to get the vaccine is to short compared with the harmful it as cause

I heard the news concerning the vaccine being what you said it is but I will not believe on that fully but all I know is getting a vaccine for such a deadly deaseas under the period of 1yrs is really something someone have to look it into.

I believe years of study should be taken at least up to 1yr for the development of the drug and proper test run should have been done to avoid putting lives in danger as you stated above.

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That is to tell you many people are really scare not because their are happy about the spreading of the virus but just that their are scare of what will happen to them when after taking such an injection

however because of the rumor that was carrying about it as really affect and discourage many people all we needed is God intervention to set us free because with the way the virus is coming with difference dimension in not smiling in any way at all

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thanks for your take on this,indeed your contribution as also open my mindset as to what I forgot to add to my previous comment here.

Asides the fact that people are going all about saying things about the vaccine,which I want to believe that is one of the part where the government needs to come into play,the negligence of the citizens too is another thing to be talked about here

But It would have been much more better if the government should create a means of educating or sensitizing if citizen on how the vaccine works,with this it will also hp the citizens to know more about the vaccine rather than just saying thing about it.

COVID-19 Virus eradication is very important and we can only achieved this if you and takes the necessary measure by observing all the measure that as been given us to observe.

Just like your last statement,their is no way the government can succeed in this if me and you refuse to do our part in helping them,which means it is our efforts and theirs too that can end the pandemic

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That is the truth educating people about the vaccine is very much importance so as to change the previous perception that people have on it..

More also people that as taken the vaccine before should also be able to say how it actually work on them so as to avoid the situation whereby people will be scare of taking it.

More also some of our leaders are scare of taking the vaccines, the other time I heard a news that some of the nurses that give this vaccine refuse to receive it .

In situations like this, what did we expect the citizens reaction to be,that show is not advisable or probably something is wrong in taking it.

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You have spoken well, I think this are the reason why people are scare to take vaccine.because they know this people should be the first person to take it.

And they know for them to reheat it that means the vaccine is somehow.
And that gave them a bad tough on the vaccine.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

You have spoken well, I think this are the reason why people are scare to take vaccine.because they know this people should be the first person to take it.

And they know for them to reheat it that means the vaccine is somehow.
And that gave them a bad tough on the vaccine.

That since the leaders and nurses are not not taking the vaccine, they too will not take lt

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I think normal is different for each person. Some of us who are introvert, have no issues with covid lifestyle what we fear is regular life after that which would be rushed. What we can do to make life of others better is we respect their space and boundary.

Yes those that are used to staying indoors will not be really have big issues with the lockdown caused by covid19 but it affected in some other ways...

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For those staying indoors, they might not be affected from a lifestyle perspective but for a lot of them, work suffered for sure. Business have been hampered, jobs have gone. People are rendered without work with a financial crunch, not able to support the basic needs sometimes

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Nice bringing us this issue. Yeah funny how the pandemic has made us all to get more United and helped us see the value of life. I think I quite understand why some citizens behave the way they do by not adhering to the measures put in place.

Indeed the citizens must play a part in ensuring this pandemic becomes a thing of the past. Their cooperation is needed to tackle and eradicate.

It's sad some people still see this has scamdemic. I wouldn't blame some in my country has the corrupt government seem to have hijacked this scheme and intend to use it to enrich themselves.

The citizens no longer put on the safety precautions unless it's time to visit the banks or certain institutions that take this more seriously. At the end of the day, it's our duty to protect our self from the virus from by preventing it at all cost

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This issue of covid-19 pandemic virus, it all concerns everybody because government can not do it only.

But with help of we citizen, we need to cooperate, understand and follow their insurtion delay down for the dedication for the deadly disease called covid-19.

I think this will help in eradicate the disease.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I always make sure i wear face masks wherever i go and i also do my best to wash my hands frequently and advice others to do the same...

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What a nice observation you noticed and getting to think about it the whole country in the world really shared that as a common factor(covid-19) that puts the citizens and economy at stake.

I won't really say only me can make an impact in general to keep my country safe and reduce the spread of covid-19.

But I will help by keeping myself safe which is the first priority but adhering to the covid-19 protocols by wearing my face shield and nose mask regular, constant washing of my hands and also getting a personal sanitizer.

I will say the public at large have actually over look the safety warning the government keep in other to keep the out burst of second wave of covid-19.

Getting to know the amount of money government used in getting covid-19 vaccine for the citizens to take and be off Safe to reduce the threat of covid-19.

I think the citizens should try by responding positively to the covid-19 protocols and keep the community at large safe.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Yes I believe that is another best way to prevent the virus declaring lock down but when lock down is declared in a country is never an easy things because a lot of activities will be shunt down which will really affect business and some that earn their money from daily activities will be under hunger.

That reminds me that last time my country declares something like that it wasn't smiling to anyone because hunger was everywhere and the rate of crime increases and the insecurities was seriously higher

However doing this period the government did not bother to provide food and even the little money that was contributed by other sympathy citizen was embezzle by the government in returns of many lies and this act as even taken the life of some many people not even the virus itself that kill what kills faster is hunger

In situations like this It will make it very hard for citizen to trusted the vaccine and that is why many people are scare of taking it.. so for how long will the lock down continue

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Yeah lock down is great to contain the spread but where there's adequate palliative provided the government. It could take a toll on the economy and the businesses of corporations and individuals but been alive is much better.

Sad you country didn't take initiative by doing the needful. What they got was a ripple effect of subjecting the masses to suffering and hunger. Developing countries like yours shouldn't joke with a pandemic or lockdown. Hope the act better next time has I got information that another wave might be on the way.

Very pathetic that a government would chose to leech on it's citizenry in a time of darkness. It goes to show the level of corruption and decadence. Hope they also get to receive such treatment in one form or the other has they seem to always evade this bad act. Judgement will always catch up for sure.

Yeah the reason I said in earlier comment I don't blame people who have great distrust in the vaccine and the going choosing to force it on people. Imposing a lockdown would sure not work this around in your country.

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Are the rewards distribution for the extra prize equal? If someone transfers 1 POB to the vempromundo account, does 1 POB get distributed among the winners?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Hi @scolaris.pob When we choose the option to buy an additional ticket for the raffle, we transfer 1 POB to @vempromundo.pob
what happens with that transferred POB is the following:

this will serve to increase the voting power, and consequently give bigger votes to the winners.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

The ticket works as follows:

To purchase, just send 1 POB. The award is a full vote. The prize is drawn among those who purchased the ticket on the day. If there are 3 users bought that day, there will be 1 winner, and 2 losers. If 5 users buy, there will be 1 winner and 4 losers.

Every night from Saturday to Sunday there is an extra weekly draw, among all those who purchased a ticket that week. If a user purchases every day of the week he will be entitled to ONE ticket for the weekly extra draw, if the user purchases one ticket for the week he will be entitled to ONE ticket for the weekly extra draw.

At the end of the month there is a raffle between all those who purchased tickets during that month. Again ONE per user.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thanks alot for the explanation have been wanting to ask the question @scholaris. pob throw to the house because I do see extra prize and have been willing to know what is all about.

@vempromundo.pob when someone transfer 1 pob to the account did we need to show an evidence or is automatically

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Just transfer, everyone can check on the wallet

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Didn't quite know the raffle works this way.
It's a good one. Thanks for the thorough explanation.

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you are welcome, waiting for you to participate

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Yeah. Just sent some POB. Not Lucky on them draw. Hope I get lucky on this one

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Thank you very much.

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Let me know about one of your latest topics. Leave a link and some details to entice others to click the link and read your content.

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This is my last post of a series I'm doing called Crypthursday, where every Thursday I talk about some of the most relevant topics (in my opinion) regarding crypto and especially Hive. I try to avoid technical analysis and focus more on developments and my view on how they affect the community.

This week I talked a bit about:

  • the most recent developments on CubFinance (DeFi platform by the same team behind LeoFinance)
  • how Hive Backed Dollar (HBD) seems to be stabilizing
  • dividend voting for LBI (one project in the LeoFinance community)

Every week I also pick my favorite article by another author that I read. This week it is an article by @finguru, where he explains the concept of IDO

And to wrap things up, every week I teach a recipe for a new cocktail, so people can party on Friday :P

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Oh that sounds like an interesting project..

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Question : Which is the best cryptocurrency exchange??

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I will pick binance.com as the biggest crypto exchange...

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I would have want to pick kucoin but i noticed that they do not offer all cryptocurrencies..

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Nice question from you when it come to crypto exchange I think by now is is the best crypto exchange to use because it will enable you to trade crypto well, a lot of people are making money from this and when you get use of it you will really enjoy it

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If you could describe POB with a song,what song would that be?

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The song would be speechless by michael jackson..

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I Can't Get Enough by Selena Gomez, J Balvin

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Oh nice choice of song,i love that music

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Yeah, Thanks. Really cool music

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In fact I don't really know the kinds of song to sing to something like this but I know if I'm to compose a song for Pob it will be a greater one

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Yeah i understand the point you are trying to make..

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Our prayer for Pob is to continue to live long at least I have a lot to do here and have not even make up my target my plan is that by December I should have up to 5000 pop which I'm really working towards right

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Burning of tokens is one of the important topics on this platform as a whole,do you think burning of tokens are really effective??what is the best way to burn the POB token?

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Yes, a general rule is the less of something available the more its worth.

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Oh i love your intelligent contribution,i agree with you

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Yeah I believe burning is a great thing. As the less it get in supply, the more scare it becomes and possibility of the price shooting up. Sending it to a self destruct address seems like the best way like the @null username we have here on POB.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Okay thank you for sharing your opinion

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My pleasure

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Okay my friend,how is your day going?

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Exactly have heard about this from a mate and it fine too,even thou have not given it a trial

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No but i believe it is a good cryptocurrency which should be embraced

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May I ask why would you not want it to be a legal tender?

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