POB TALK 03/09/2021 - #97

Interact with the community and receive awards.

A lottery chat post will be created daily, and for you to participate you just need to interact in the comments with other users. Want to talk about a topic, but still don’t have enough data to post about? Raise the topic and talk to others about it. Want to give your opinion on governance, UI, or even meet new people that you didn't know were part of the community, this is the place.

In addition to receiving votes on any comments that you bring to the community, you will also be competing for a prize for doing so.


As more unique users comment, more prizes will be drawn. Up to 10 participants are 3 winners, from 11 to 19 participants are 5 winners. From 20 to 29 participants 8 winners. If we manage to reach 30 participants, there will be 11 winners.

These votes will not hinder the trail, as it votes only on posts and not comments.


You can also try your luck in an extra lottery by purchasing a ticket. This ticket will give
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To get one, just transfer 1 POB to @vempromundo.pob, this will serve to increase the voting power, and consequently give bigger votes to the winners. (The limit you can purchase is 1 per day, if you transfer for example 10 POB, you will compete with 1 ticket per day for 10 days).


If you interact with people in the post or generate good content that makes them engage with you, be aware that it won't be in vain.

I think it's fair that those users who fail to win the raffle are rewarded daily according to the amount of engagement they bring to PobTalk, they're the ones who keep it growing.

So don't be surprised if you end up getting rewards even though you don't win the draw. You deserve.

Good luck, and good engagement

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Weekend is upon us, what are everyone's plans here for the weekend?

Myself I had a little boat trip planned for tomorrow but unfortunately it got cancelled. Probably gonna relax a bit and if anyone has some good ideas or inspiration on things to do. Do share :-)

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Mine should be great. Planning on having some great time with some of my colleagues tomorrow to have some nice treat. On Sunday would be heading home to hang out with them buddies, been over a month since I got back and about nine months since I met with some of time. Life can be so busy that one fail to keep in touch. Trying to make it up.

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Yeah I feel what you're saying, great though to see people after so long again, enjoy it!

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For me is clean and wash my dirty clothes relax and engage in this more community tomorrow.

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sounds like a good plan, having everything in order for the next week :-)

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Hello Friends, Greetings 🙏😊

Always keep alive,
The child inside you,
too much cleverness,
Can make Life dysfunction.

Do not measure anybody's status,
By judging outer appearance,
Still waters are always deep.

Be Engaged and Have a Great day👍

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Trying not to keep you lonely. Very busy today. Were you a dysfunctional kid... you can always blame it on your dysfunctional family. The word special has taken on too many meanings today, anyway... you are special.







@vikbuddy, you've been given LUV from @mineopoly.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. LUV changes soon. (6/10)

Wow that is pretty good u knw the ultimate time
for a man in life is work work work, although I wish you the very best of your today work.

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Life can be messy sometimes but anyway we keep moving forward. Where are you busy today? Work or Family? See you around 😊🙏.

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I was working on a video for next week's fifth grade class and I want to write a short book this weekend. My kids are also waiting for me. It's been four days of rain and today is sunny and clear. I left work early and now I'm on the train :)

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Wow that is good, you really have alot to do this weekend and next week, your kid have miss you and too have miss them, it also raining here since on first on this month till now. Safe trip and good luck for he short book.

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Rain they say brings blessings, take it as an act of good coming. I know the book is gonna be great cause u are a terrific writer. Best of luck.

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Yes ooh! Rain is from the almighty which is the sign of blessing from him,so I pray today may the blessing of him touch each and everyone of us In this great community.

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I also share the same believe as you. The abundance is also a good one for farmers and it spells a time for their crops to yield good increase. So let it be according to your prayers and wish you the same

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Amen and you too thank for the prayer.

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In fact I'm always feel so excited when ever I saw it comes to the raining season ... Nice prayer from you

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That's very impressive. Good luck for your short book 😊👍

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How much !PIZZA do I have left. It's cool how when Hive goes up all this tokens take some time to follow. The book thing is funny. I wrote the first one a year and a half ago and now it looks like a good time for a series.

@vikbuddy! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @mineopoly.

Did you know you can earn $VFT through the PIZZA farm? (6/10)

Boss I never see my pizza ooh

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@mineopoly! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @vikbuddy.

Did you know you can earn $PIZZA through Hive-Engine Diesel Pools? (2/10)

Oh you still have pizza left. I need to stake more^^

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Life in general is messy is not depend on an individual to play his or her way to make it look pretty gorgeous and sweet.

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Hello , how are you friend ?
You wrote a lot of meaningful content in just less than a one minute reading time.
A lot to learn and apply in real life , thank you for sharing it. I am happy that the child inside of me is still alive.

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Hahaha Keep that child alive it's how life gets fun and meaningful .

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Good to see you back at POB talks, keep up the interaction, have a Great day. 👍😊 !PIZZA

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@kamran-rkploy! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @vikbuddy.

Did you know you can now buy Rising Star packs with $PIZZA? (4/10)

Haha, keep the child alive inside you and listen to Johny Johny Yes Papa every day, 100 times, like I do these days, LOL :D

Who are we to judge anyone, God has gifted all of us a unique and beautiful life. We should always relish and thank god for what we have.

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Ha ha, a mother actually relives her childhood with the child. How crazy is to deal with the naughtiness of kid, being a little childish helps and eases the trouble. 😊👍

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Ask me, he just never stops. He is so full of energy (which apparently he might have inherited from me only). But the problem is, he is too naive to utilize that energy in the right direction. He would just run here and there. If he is bathing, he would want to take and eat the soap, if I brush his teeth, he would take the brush from my hands, he would snatch his powder and cream. He wants to eat my phone and all the remotes of the house.

I'm so tired, sometimes I just sit and hold my hair :D

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Smile that is kid for you, they will want to eat all they see, but it is that will monitor and take it from him.

You don't need to be tried, just keep doing it for his safety, you know they need proper care, and you house help should help to tight up the environment very clean and monitor him very well.

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Ha ha that's hilarious. Did he grown some teeths? Wait till you struggle make he brush or he will eath the toothpaste, lol 😁😊. Good luck for more surprises and craziness. 👍

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Yeah, he has 8 teeth and all he wants is to bite me. I am looking for a good boarding school for him, already 😂😂

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Wow that means he is going to 1 year or more than, haha well that is how kids are they will want to know maybe those teeth are active.

And they like to bite especially when they are breastfeeding,they will bite you and look at you maybe you will talk or not.

See you if you will miss him, when you put him in boarding school

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Yes now a child erupt there teeth incisors at six months, so she will need to brush his teeth from that age and clean his tongue too.

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Greetings @vikbuddy It is always nice to enter the conversation and find a great message for reflection, even if we are very old we always have a child inside with a lot of desire to laugh out loud, not judging the book simply by its cover can make a difference. I wish you have an excellent DAY friend

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Greetings everyone 🙏 is great having us back here again. If we continue to judge our progress by measuring other people status it will mostly end it sadness.

We all have our story, a space of growth. Focus on your focus and you will be amaze with how much you can conqueror.

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That is good and you are right because when you finally know you judge worngly you will feel sad for your action.

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A agree with you @hook.up enjoy your weekend and have fun🤗😊.

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Thank you, you too need to enjoy yourself since is weekend and don't forget to engage more in the community.

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Morning my dear funshee, how was your night and your family in general.thank GOD is Friday ooh.

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Yes it is Friday Anzy , everything is going on fine over here, thank you. couples with the rain that bless us with a very cool and nice temperature.

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Comparison is a killer of joy. We should base our achievement with that of others has we operate on different timelines. Focusing oneself is the best approach to lose sight of other and stay on course on what we are pursuing. It enable us to even get better

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If we continue to judge our progress by measuring other people status it will mostly end it sadness.

Yeah. Correct in theory, but in practice it is a very competitive world and people can't help measuring their progress against their siblings, friends and colleagues.

Greetings to you. True words. Indeed no one ever derived joy by comparing himself or herself with the life of others. It only brings sadness has it steals our joy. We all have different races and should be concerned only on where we desire ourselves to be. Been determined and focused will ensure we arrive at the appropriate time at our goals.

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Wonderful piece with deep meanings

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Oh judging someone is not our right, but God is the only one who have the right to judge both inside and outside appearance.

And judging someone base on her outer appearance is just like condemning someone who you have not live or know her behavior weather is good or bad.

And you just judge because of her dress, you now conclusion that she is a bad person, no, some appearance does not mean that is how the person is some time.

Some some time it make people to know who you are, because they do say the way you dress you will be address, so I will say we should let our outer appearance should be a good one.

Because appearance matter alot, we can see some guy in the street which they are innocent and because there appearance is bad or it looks at bad guys they will take them to police station or to the prison before they will find out they are innocent.

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Good evening to everyone nice to be here and to also good new friends in the community I believe I'm welcome

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I'm in my fifties - really really hard to keep alive the child I once was!

Indeed we shouldn't judge or try to compare our lives with that of others. Our life should be our only focus. Also shouldn't be looked down upon no matter how elated how status or their might be. The tables turns so it's best to everyone in the way and manner at all times. Do you have an awesome day too

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thanks once again for the word of motivation no one can ever be judge by their physical appearance but busy what is inside

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thanks once again for the word of motivation no one can ever be judge by their physical appearance but busy what is inside

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As i woke up this morning, the first thing that came to my mind was |this is September February is almost here i did add another year. I had to think of my achievements so far, which life i had affected all these years and a question pops up on my mind. I do like you guys to share me your thought on it.
IF YOU ARE GIVEN BACK YOUR CHILDHOOD what important changes would you do to better your life.
To me i did say i will definitely go into music because back then a s a kid everyone tells me how great i sounded with an aura of angelic voice.
Thats's one, secondary i did do more to affect peoples life than i have today, say 7000 lives.
Whats yours?

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I feel a little sad today..can someone cheer me up a bit??

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I'd recommend checking out the cat and dog videos from channels like Dodo on YouTube or instagram.
Pets if it's your thing then they would cheer you up to such an extent that they give meaning to life.
I always watch little kittens, puppies and other animals as that takes my sadness away.

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My top tip for when you are feeling sad: switch off all news and sit down to watch old sitcoms.

Sorry to hear that man

At least the weekend approaches so I hope you have some time to rest and be with people you love

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Watch out for some funny baby videos, it always cheers me up!

Or otherways, you can just chill around here, I'm sure you will feel better. Don't worry mate, there are some low days, these too shall pass. Just be strong and keep going. Eat some tasty Pizza, @vikbuddy, please do the honours :D

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Please try and cheer up, I recommend you listen to some cool music, treat yourself to some nice meal🤗🤗🤗 sending you some hugs as well.

Pls I plead with you whatever it is that make you sad pls put everything in the hand of the maker that create you and create that sadness,and constantly let his words be with you.

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Haha you don't need to be sad, you need to cheer up, you know today is Friday and weekend will soon start in the evening so you need to cheer to have fun.

And don't allow sadness to rules out your day for you or you will manage this for your weekend




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Wow what a temptation this blessed day of our time,sheet am salivating already whatttt.pls I have a question where is this drink made from???

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Smile this just to cheer him up,why do you ask, from Nigeria I gest.

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Now this is something that could make me a little happy no matter what mood I might currently be in. These are delicious looking meals. I Hope it helps our friend up there who is feeling down.

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Sorry about how you. There is a highs and lows. Good you recognize this mood you are currently feeling. That is the first step. I listen to music when i feel that way. You should try that out

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Don't take much load friend,sad and happiness are all part of life, try to find some peace in your current situation, chill and have some !PIZZA. LOL TIME 😊😁

What do you call two birds in love?

What did one volcano say to the other?
-I lava you. 🌋😊😂😅🙏

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@chincoculbert! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @vikbuddy.

Did you know you can earn $PIZZA daily by delegating HivePower to Hive.Pizza? (3/10)

Have you travelled solo outside known places?
How did you managed the courage and how did you planned it?
What are some things you remember doing when in solo travel?

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Yes, I have done it a few times actually. I love traveling with friends but I also really like traveling by myself

I'm a project manager so I just used my work skills to plan my trip hehe
I created a schedule, ran a budget analysis and a risk analysis to make sure I was prepared and everything went well.

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Nope, never done but this is on my checklist. I want to travel solo, do a mountain hike. I love adventures but my husband doesn't. We once planned, visited the place but he gave up at the last moment and so even I had to stay back with him. Now I'm waiting for Raag to grow up a little, I am going to leave him to his dad and go on a solo trek.

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I haven't travled solo before, but i think i love the ideal of it, planing a trip alone, meeting and chatting with new people i may never met again.

Also experience unknown new place sound interesting to me.

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Never done this before. But I hope to do it someday. It is important one takes certain journeys alone so as to build ones confidence and courage. Would love to do some tourists and adventures travels in the future to explore certain kind of lives. This things will help one also create lot of lasting memories.

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Another friday, another weekend, another day to party and enjoy.

How is life, we are looking for reasons to be happy and party. Life wasn't like this when we were young. We didn't have to bother about what to cook, pay bills, cleaning the house or earning money. It was all about sitting on the couch, chilling and Mommy serving tasty food.

When I look at Raag, I see how he enjoys all day. When he grows up, he will be too occupied like all of us and will get busy doing stuff. But such is life!

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Yes such is life.
A time to be a kid and a time to be an adult, life is indeed in stages

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Yes ooh indeed such is life,from what you said so far.in a business there is a terminology call PAC,meaning P = parent button,A = adult button and C = child button.

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Waooo. New things per day. Thanks 4 teaching me

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Hey the great people of this great community, I personally greet you all with the most powerful greeting that supercede all the greeting in this world and hereafter which is Assalamu alikum warahamatulahi wabarakatu.meaning may the peace and blessing of the almighty GOD be with us all,so I use the great opportunity to my prayer to you all in this greet community and the prayer is may the almighty GOD see us all through in our daily activities and grant us the most powerful wisdom to over come our enemies.ameen i personally thank GOD is Friday, and is been raining and everywhere is calm and cool for those with wife ooh.

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Hello everyone.. A new day with positive vibes only. Lets learn to stay happy like Children of our times past

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Hi. Lovely approach to our every day like. Reminds me of the Skepta song, bad energy stay far away. Good and positive vibes only. Nothing should be let to weigh us down

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Yes dear ,sure the new day with new vibes only.no other thing than new vibes so let make it happen ad real pls.

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Happy weekend, we that happiness is key to illness, and you know children don't think much and that is why they do happy all the time, as far they see food to eat.
we need to keep ourselves happy

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Congratulation to anybody happen to be a winner on the list for today (those people that made the list for today) which i congratulate them in advance you know as I always side right from time that if you don't be on the list for today it can be yours turn tomorrow and keep more engaging

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Can it be possible to list my name on the list everyday.

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Good day to all sport lovers now it's another weekend what do you guys have for us in the world of sports which I think you guys have a lot of matches to play in England, Spain, Germany, France, and across the world.
So what in the world of sports let us know keep dropping your prediction so that we can use one or two to make our weekend sweet
we can do it God bless our hustling and also have a nice weekend

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Good day my belove brother and sister in this great community, I just come and across this head line which say more than half of millions of South Korea troops are ready to face Kim Jong in??

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It's the weekend. Lot of exciting matches to follow. Haven't really checked up this week fixtures but as always there will always be great games. Do well to drop your predictions also. You seem to really good at it

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What do you think will be the price of hive by end of this month?

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At the current of onboarding and development in the community, I believe we will hitting atleast $1 before September ending. Currently at almost 70 cent. Wouldn't be surprised if we hit $2.

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