Conflict Of Interest?! Bill Gates Funds UK Medical Regulator Plus Funds Or Owns Shares In ALL Major COVID Vaccine Makers.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

It is abundantly clear that Bill Gates has been very busy in recent years, with fingers in so many pies it is hard to keep track. Whether he's hanging out with industrial scale child abusers like Jeffrey Epstein and Peter Nygard, using his company to log patents that seem suspiciously like the mark of the beast from the Bible's book of revelations, Bill is quite the busy body. Now it has come to light that not only is he financially involved with vaccine development with shares in both Pfizer, Biontech, Moderna and Astra Zenica, he is also funding the MHRA - the UK's drug licensing body! Conflicts of interest are no problem for a man who could become the world's first Trillionaire!


Diving into the world of Bill Gates is like walking into a never ending maze of twists and turns where the many shiny PR pieces about his 'philanthropy' quickly give way to a disturbing array of information that points to far less healthy pre-occupations than the public is intended to realise. I want to briefly touch on some of his denied background before getting to the main point of this article, his apparent funding of drug and vaccine licensing bodies!

A Disturbing Set of Dots To Connect

When Bill and Melinda Gates announced their divorce recently, no doubt resulting in one of the biggest settlements in world history, many - including mainstream media - suggested that the divorce was due to Bill's friendship with industrial scale child abuser and human trafficker - Jeffrey Epstein.

As I and many others, over the years, exposed the extent of his connections to Epstein and a network of extremely dubious people the world took notice - resulting in many people signing a [whitehouse petition to investigate the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation](Petition to investigate Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: and numerous other such petitions. This even included removing a large call to have his 'ID2020' program investigated - which suggested a nefarious plot to track and monitor the global population in the wake of COVID19. It wasn't long before removed the petition and it was exposed that Gates had given $30 Million too!

The issue of Gates' involvement in so many issues relating to COVID19 is manifold and entire books could be written to include all of the details and still miss some out. From his recently logged patents for body scanning cryptocurrency tech and synthetic viral tech to edit genes of humans with 'coincidental' patent number '060606', there are plenty of reasons to be suspicious of Gates' intentions.

Early on in the COVID19 phenomenon, Gates’ Instagram page was bombarded with accusations & comments against his involvement with vaccines.

The bottom line is that Gates is, for some reason, very very interested in vaccines and technology that could be used to literally enslave the world. Does he intend to do that or is he misunderstood? So far, his actions, words and business strategy does not do much to defend him here.

Funding Vaccine Regulators AND Vaccine Patent Creation?

It is no secret that Bill Gates has been funding just about every scientists and entity related to vaccine research in recent years. This has included virtually all of the pharmaceutical companies behind the rollout of shots for COVID19.

(Note: Please see my many posts on why these shots may be more of a risk for health than a benefit).




Pfizer / Biontech:




What may be more surprising is that he has also been giving large grants to the UK's Medicines And Healthcare Regulatory Authority!




I think it's fair to say that given the very well known degree of corruption in the medical/pharmaceutical world, this blatant conflict of interests should not go unmentioned.

How can it be ethical or perhaps even legal for someone (especially with such wealth and reach) to be simultaneously giving large amounts of money to a drug licensing regulator and also to be owning shares in all of the major developers of the COVID19 shots during the world's most opportune moment to be owning such shares!?

The list of difficult questions surrounding Bill Gates' plans and agenda just keeps on growing - yet the majority of people seem to continue on oblivious, as if none of this is meaningful! I assure you that it is.

I'll leave you with a couple of short but powerful testimonies from pharma and gov whistleblowers explaining just how corrupt the medical establishment has become:

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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So is that bill 1 or bill 2?
And who really does all the crap that he is just fronting?
If he is really a he, but that is another rabbit hole...

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The person to arrest is whoever is walking around acting as Bill Gates.

Sooner or later I'm sure is time will come...he is expendable, like elon musk or mark zuccerburg...the big guys will just replace them with new puppets

every individual is on a wavelength of being which matches others. overall the flow is a continuum of contrast and variation, but on the shitty end of things this means that there will always be more to carry on what others were doing - until we heal, balance and evolve.

Very good post .... Thanx .

I'm so glad with this but I think governments should release just one vaccine for all the country because many of vaccine is killing they should just try and check the best that's going to be useful for All

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the data i have seen shows that none of them are safe.

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Nice one, thank you for the update.

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