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RE: Greedy Yellow Bird Contest (Round Three)

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

Let's spice this game up and add some intrigue.

For instance, when a comment is left without a #, does it count if ... the number is added later, via an edit?

If so, this is comment #25 perhaps?

If not, then this comment doesn't count.

But what if one of the previous comments without a # gets edited just before the contest ends? Does that shift the winning comment by one?



Or maybe, as long as the # was added to the original comment before the next numbered comment appeared, then it counts ...

Could take some real sleuthing 🔎 👁 deep into the timestamps of all the comments and their edits to figure this one out ... 👀 💼

It's a philosophical question:

When does a comment become a comment?

Surely it is a comment when it is conceived in the mind, but then no one can record that time table accurately.
The best we have to go with is the written comment and when it was published through the blockchain.
Since I am checking the comment at #51 then I will double check the time each comment was completed regardless of when that comment was conceived. That means any edits should be considered entered at the time of the most recent edit.

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That means any edits should be considered entered at the time of the most recent edit.

Ah, but then I could flip-flop my comment # with someone else's, by waiting until they comment after me, then editing my comment to be after theirs.

What a tangled web we weave ...

The other way we could play it is consider all edits as invalid.

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I made a little amendment that will work even though there is still a tiny loophole. I will check the comments at one time when I see 51 valid comments. I will record the time the comments are checked.

For instance, when a comment is left without a #, does it count if ... the number is added later, via an edit?

You noticed the little loophole again @trostparadox. So did I.

It's the one rule I didn't specify.

Does the comment time start from the post time or the edit time?

I really didn't specify. I had not foreseen this at the entry of the rules so I am just waiting to respond until #51. This keeps people on their toes and always uncertain.

Thanks for noticing the loophole again !LUV

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@trostparadox, you've been given LUV from @mineopoly.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. LUV changes soon. (2/10)

not valid

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