
Definitely and it is good to have see you come this time to give us a clue of that ,I think that is one thing that we should all have at the back of our mind,cause keeping the sermon on our heart will help us go along way in life.

Just like my church today all we talk about was about a topic which says:

The faithful steward

I must be very honest with you that I get to know what it takes to be faithful through bgnis topic and mind you it is not just been faithful to man alone ,which comes with earthly rewards,but being faithful to our maker and I must say that lot of example too were sighted from the scripture go back the sermon by my dear pastor and I must say that I really learnt alot today in church

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Awesome service you must have a heard. Great to always pick up the message for every Sunday or church activities. It's sascronsct to keep the abiding word in our heart to help us in living a righteous and holy life. A life of love most especially so we don't get consumed to worries and contaminations of this age.

Great topic from your pastor to the you and everyone who cared to listen. A faithful lifestyle indeed goes beyond about been diligent to our boss but in anything we find ourselves doing and utimately to Heavenly Father on seats on the Throne who watches everything that goes on in our daily lives. More anointing to your clergy and may keep ditching out those timely messages has the Spirit gives utterance.

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