Pob-wotw :Is pride positive or negative?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Pride is a two sided word, it serves the purpose of how it is been utilized. Being proud doesn't necessarily mean being arrogant, it can be having self pride or self esteem.

Literally, we believe the first step to take to destruction is pride, we detest everyone that has the habit, may it be in a positive way or the negative way. We only look at things from the negative aspect.

Pride is divided into two parts: the positive pride also called authentic pride and the negative type of pride called the hubristic pride.

As the word authentic means in a lame man definition it mean something good, legit and original. People gain self respect in portraying the authentic type of pride,also knowing your worth in the society.

For every successful being, who is boastful of what he does, uses it to inspire, help or move forward himself and the society, has gained self pride which serves as the best legacy.

This type of pride brings a good sense of humour, it also motivates one to strive hard to the point of being proud and satisfied.

A reputable personality and a well known man around the world named Abraham Lincoln has proved to us to be a very good example of the above named type of pride. He achieved a self-respect for himself, family and the world at large.
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He was a humble and a very successful man whom due to this authentic pride worked hard after many failures and challenges, to be where pleases him and favours everyone. He contested for 2 official posts (senate and vice-president) which he failed, after some years, he worked hard and won the office of the president, his regime was against slavery.
Note, He wasn't born with a silver spoon but his self pride motivates him to achieve his goal and to become a successful person whose legacy still lives.

Pride in the other way:the hubristic pride, implies being arrogant, lack of self respect. To be arrogant is a deadly habit that ends in a bad way for the owner. A person who has a hubristic type of pride is always hated by people. No matter how successful the person might be, this pride will make him fall or lead to his destruction.

Biblically, pride is deadly

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall Proverbs:16:18.


There was a well informed, resource-full, and intelligent lawyer named Bode thomas, he was so rude and arrogant,he allowed himself to be controlled by the things he achieved during his youth.
He cut short his promising career with his arrogant behavior. His pride led to his death.
The two cited examples prove that pride works according to how it is been used. It can come out good or bad.

My advise is that, we should work towards gaining the self-respect and self pride in what we do than being arrogant.
No position is permanent, this life is a dice, live it by maintaining good will andnot with hubristic pride and .
Thanks for reading.