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RE: My Hive story: Almost Four Years of Awesomeness!

Ever since, I joined COM(Comedy Open Mic), got called "Mentally unstable" by Ned, humped @traf's leg like a hungry dog for upvotes, and wrote the first song about dicks, performed by the great eyeball itself, @carlgnash. So, from COM to CUM, here is my Hive story.

LOL, good stuff!

So you were a crypto rookie too when you started Steemit :)

The lovely thing about it is that those people, as busy as they were, were never really cheap with their time in talking and helping newcomers like me. That trait is something I carry with me this day whenever I am asked for help.

So true!

That simply inspires you to be better.

Glad you feel the same! I have been inspired throughout my years on both chains and it has been an absolute blessing to discover new talents, new things I could explore, learn new things. I've never encountered so many talented and inspiring people in my real life in total as I have in the past years on Hive, crazy to say, maybe, but true!

Good tips for newCOM-ers :) I always repeat it several times: make a good intro, please take your time, format a bit if you can, use good images etc. Make an effort it will help you so much to gain eyes on your content. As otherwise, you just won't be noticed.

I'm so happy to reconnect with you :-) I really missed your humour!


Yeah, I learn and try new formatting ideas every now and then.

LOL, good stuff!

Good to know I still have that funny bone, I don't think I wrote anything ever since the shift to hive.

I'm so happy to reconnect with you :-) I really missed your humour!
