What would you tell your future self if you had the opportunity??

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

I have pondered on this question for a while now and actually thought of sharing it here.

I do dream but whenever I wake up I feel like I just returned from fantasy land. Everyone dreams and at times never feel like waking up when the encounter in the dream world is an amazing one.

I had a dream where I was asked to wish for a thing but in that dream I sheepishly wished for my boyfriend to be happy with me because we actually had a fight before I went to bed lol.


When I woke up I felt like slapping myself for that crazy wish. I know my boyfriend too well that he wouldn't prolong any misunderstanding but would settle it amicably but it seems like I value my relationship a lot to even wish for peace in the dream Land😄.

I actually do want to go back to that dream and change my mind to wishing to speak with my future self. Crazy right? Yeah I know I just love crazy things so you won't blame me.

It would be freaking though but I'd really love to talk to the future me! I'd love this for some specific reasons which I'll state briefly.

First to ask questions about what I'll look like in the next ten to fifteen years and prolly when I'm eighty. Yep eighty because I really don't wanna see wrinkles on any part of my beautiful face. I can't bear it arrgh! So maybe I'd wanna find out if there'll be any so I know if I can correct that hehehe.


Second, to know how my life would be shaped because I so wanna live the life of a princess in a diamond castle where everything is brought to me at a snap of my finger.

Third, to know who I'll be getting married to because I really want to get married to the man I have as a boyfriend right now lol. He's so fun to be with I can't trade him for even my future diamond castle lol. Silly me but yes that's true 🤗.

Fourth, to be sure what kind of car would be the latest hehehe. I wish for a flying type of car so I can always beat whatever congestion I find on my way and then I want to be the only one to own it so that every other person in the world can envy my style. lol

Haha I know some people won't understand but then it would feel good to own such. Like imagine holding a button and you're rocketed half way the sky just being in-between the other cars and the sky and everyone lifting their phones to capture such intriguing moment 😄 and then you trend online like crazy seriously I'm becoming a star.

I'd prolly feel like Queen Elizabeth hahaha. I think I'm beginning to think like a child but then it's okay to think like a child because at times their thinking comes true. You see them doing things they used to imagine back then when they were much younger. I'll give an example.

It's more like some children who used to love playing around with guns and wishing to become professional armed robbers and today, they are just that and in their highest ranks lol. If you haven't seen one, contact me and I'll show you one prolly take you on a free tour to see for yourself and then you can thank me later that's if you come back alive😜.

Can someone help me to go back to my dream Land and make a good wish? I really need that flying car please 😔. It mustn't pass me by or maybe if there's any trending already which I doubt, the latest of my kind would show itself soon when I'm ready to buy.
Let me get back to sleep please.

Much love 🤗. Thanks for reading 🌷

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😂 Oh my goodness!! You're so funny and very crazy.... And I love crazy 😃

So tell me, you wish to go back to the dream and make another wish... How about you make the wish while awake? It might still come to pass so long you keep working towards it and still have that crazy mind.

Living like a princess in a diamond castle may seem unrealistic to some but I love the whole thought of it and I kinda wish for that as well 🙈

A flying car? I understand what you mean there, a celebrity thingy where people are wowed by what you've achieved.

I wouldn't also want my skin to get wrinkled when I'm old, maybe we should start working on that now... What do you think? 😊

I found my way to your post through @dreemport and I love the fun and creative imaginations in it, kudos to you girl ✌️

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Oh my goodness!! You're so funny and very crazy.... And I love crazy 😃

You love crazy huh? It's my life you know at times you need to step up and act the extra normal 😂 and I think you're a good vibe too🤗.

How about you make the wish while awake

I did think of it but there are too many distractions lol.

Living like a princess in a diamond castle may seem unrealistic to some but I love the whole thought of it and I kinda wish for that as well 🙈

I said it! You're a good vibe don't worry when I get mine first, we'll both stay together in Grand style 😏.

flying car? I understand what you mean there, a celebrity thingy where people are wowed by what you've achieved.

You know I want mine to be more than that celebrity thing. I hope I'm not thinking out if the box already 😂.

I found my way to your post through @dreemport and I love the fun and creative imaginations in it, kudos to you girl ✌️

Awwwn! Thanks darling for coming around. !PIZZA

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$PIZZA@merit.ahama! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @teknon.

Did you know Pizzabot speaks Spanish if you use the command ESPIZZA? (1/10)

Hehe, this is funny, sweet and realistic at the same time! Speaking or writing to your future self is a way to paint and imagine the life you want.

Most of us want to speak to our future self, to talk about the things we want to achieve and things we desire in life. Me included!

I love the list of things you have listed in your post for your future self. So start now and get busy...so you can achieve them all!

This is beautifully written and I will be submitting this post to @dreemport once again for curation. You are doing great and I hope you get some visitors.

Keep writing! 🙂

Hehe, this is funny, sweet and realistic at the same time! Speaking or writing to your future self is a way to paint and imagine the life you want.

Yeah it is. I couldn't help but wrote after that crazy dream encounter lol.

I love the list of things you have listed in your post for your future self. So start now and get busy...so you can achieve them

I'm busy already dear.

This is beautifully written and I will be submitting this post to @dreemport once again for curation. You are doing great and I hope you get some visitors.

I'll forever be grateful 💖. !PIZZA

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$PIZZA@kemmyb! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @teknon.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (2/10)

Hope you enjoyed your week with DreemPort!!!

Did you know that you can become a tester and enter your own posts each day?

If you'd like to - be sure to let @kemmyb know! :)

That'll be fun. I'll sure let her know ma'am. Thanks a lot

Here comes wongi the genie who isn't in a bottle.. make a wish.. you can make only three wishes.. haha

I guess we all sit and think about what our future would look like, the people in it and blah...but if we find out, it won't be fun anymore.. you won't strive for the future, rather you'd just sit and wait for it to manifest....

Like I always say,...a little suspense doesn't hurt so much...

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I wish you were in a bottle tho...

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Hehe... I had to come out of the bottle in order to be a better genie🙂.

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Here comes wongi the genie who isn't in a bottle.. make a wish.. you can make only three wishes.. haha

Woah! When did you become a genie😏.

blah...but if we find out, it won't be fun anymore.. you won't strive for the future, rather you'd just sit and wait for it to manifest....

Ah! Babe I want to find out o. You need to step up your game and be more inquisitive 😜.

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Curious 😅..

If you find out, I'd definitely love to hear about it too.

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Okay. I'll sure tell you 😂

An interesting read
I think flying cars will be quite likely in the future

Writing to your future self is something I probably would have like to do when I was younger

Now that I am getting older I want to go back and tell my young self not to do some of the crazy things I did lol

I found my way to your post through #dreemport

I think flying cars will be quite likely in the future

Please they should be so I get to ride in one with so much prestige and honor

Writing to your future self is something I probably would have like to do when I was younger

Really? Awwn.

Now that I am getting older I want to go back and tell my young self not to do some of the crazy things I did lol

A change? Ok I think I know a genie who can help out @wongi please come around and Grant a wish here but I think those crazy things you did when you were younger are fun facts. right???

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Ohh yes I would probably do them all again even know I feel the aches these days from my crazy youth

It would be fun you know. Lol but the aches seem like barriers right now so we'll wait till an after life😁.

Fir the most part they don’t slow me down to much

Oh. Great then.


Fourth, to be sure what kind of car would be the latest hehehe. I wish for a flying type of car so I can always beat whatever congestion I find on my way and then I want to be the only one to own it so that every other person in the world can envy my style. lol

Now I know what to start saving money for. Oh what lies in this little brain of yours...

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Nice wishes,
I would just see if I am satisfied with my life or not. What are the major mistakes I did(will do) on my way.
It was a nice read.

No need to go back to Dreamland, ain't you dreaming already? This post is already a dream. Lol

Most times what we say and do in dreams speak so much of what we value.

You clearly value your boyfriend. Why do I have the feeling that that is all what you wanted to tell us, but you just had to wrap it around other things?

When is the wedding ceremony please? I want to come and eat. Lol

I'm wishing you guys a happy married life already. Cheers.

@dreemport directed me here.

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