in Proof of Brain3 years ago

"I only want your love and attention, I won't ask for more. I won't ask for a minute just to spend your time with me. I will never be jealous even if you love them more than me. I won't bug you to fix my toys as long as you make feel loved. That's all I want from you Mama and Papa. I'm not asking for more, just a little bit time from what you can give to them is all I want.

"Mama, Teacher wants you in school."

"Mama, can you fix this car for me? It was Mico's toy, it was broken that's why I pick it up."

"Mama, can we play?"

"Mama,can you buy this toy car for me? Please?"

"Mama? Do you Love me?"

"Mama? Why you're ignoring me?"

"Mama, am I your child? Why they are saying I'm not your child?"



I don't know what I did to get this treatment from you Mama, Papa. I love you so much with my other siblings but seems like you don't feel the same with me. What do I have to do so that you can love me too? Just like the love that you are giving to others. Why I have to feel lonely even if I have a complete family? Am I really your son?

You love them more than me, you give everything to them but to me who only wants your love get nothing. I love you Mama, Papa. You are my everything, you're the light to my darkest world. And I only want your love, if it's possible then I'm also asking fo your attention. But why do I have to beg? Isn't love is supposed to be given to your child, to all of your child. With fairness, I wish.

"Papa, Teacher wants you in school."

"Papa, can you fix this car for me? It was Mico's toy, it was broken that's why I pick it up."

"Papa, can we play?"

"Why they are saying I'm not your child?"



Can you please look at me like you care? That I exist? Am I not worth of your time? Am I a nuisance to you? If I die will you finally look at me with love in your eyes? Why they get to bond with you while I can't? Why they are important to you while I am not, never even just once! Why I have to beg for your attention and love? Am I not worth to live?

"Welcome My Love, having you in the family finally complete me."

I was just eyeing my Mama at Papa while they are rejoicing for their newborn baby. They have full of love, lucky Karin coz she get to experience that. And Papa is not complete even if I'm here. Another thing that saddened me, I think I'm not really their child. I love them so much but, I'm tired already. Should I give up?


Living in the world full of loneliness is really tiring. It will drain even the last drop of your energy. It will consume you until you just give up everything. I wish I am brave as like the others. But I'm different from them, from the start I have no one beside me. So what's the use of fighting.

Even if I want to wash away this feelings that I have, my heart can't just shrug it off because I am not brave, I am not as strong as you. I'm just a kid who wants to be love but can't get it with my own family. It will be better if I will just vanish in this world. I'll gladly do that if that's what will make my parents happy.

Being ignored is something that I can't ever used to. Even others doesn't want to have anything with me. Why this is so hard, I just want to have a happy life. I want their love, I want their warmth, I want their attention. But I guess I have to stop this wishful thinking. It will never happen in my case.

As I'm walking, I can't stop myself from looking at the sky. It's already dark, but the star was scattered and it's like a happy pill that lighten up my mood. I was so focus on the beauty of the stars when suddenly, a deafening sound from a car occupied the whole place. Crash was heard.

And in the road, a young body was on the ground, lying - blood all over his body. Blood was scattered into places like someone splash it there. And if you can see the face of the young boy, a smile was written on it like he is happy of his end".

In order words, know today that loneliness kills faster than any ailment, check on your loved ones and care for them.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


You are right the lack of love makes us vulnerable.
Sad end for this neglected son.
What about parents, why have children and then discard them, ignore them, as if they were invisible?
sad reality we are living in these last days!!!!!

Tienes razón la falta de amor nos hace vulnerables.
Triste final para este hijo abandonado.
Y los padres, ¿por qué tener hijos y luego desecharlos, ignorarlos, como si fueran invisibles?
¡¡¡¡¡Triste realidad la que vivimos en estos últimos días!!!!!

Posted via proofofbrain.io

This is perfect from you and i must say it is one of the things that destroyed home's and let me say union as a whole.

Might not really know why you based it on the relationship between parents and their children,which I believed is best known to you,but I strongly believe that it goes beyond that as it is another thing that do create space in a home.

Attention seeker to me are the best people will should be around,cause it shows that they value our person and presence the More than anything else.

Most parents this days tend to be too busy ,mayb due to work or something else which can't really give them time for their home and this as actually makes some parents look like a stranger in the presence of thier children, cause they don't get to see each other often.

This lack of care attention that Leads to loneliness is a very damaging act , cause it can lead to depression or even push such child out of their normal sense of reasoning to now do what they see not meant to do.

Don't want to go out of this content,but I think this won't take me out,that parental responsibly is not just all about giving what the children needs in terms of shelter or upkeep,but having a listening ear to hear thier feeling and having enough time to talk and interact with them.

To me the above statement will even enable us to know our good such child is doing in every way.

Loneliness to me is a very bad disease that can push people out this days,I early made mention of relationship too,like love relationship too,it is what as given lot of space between two promising lover,the act of one of the party forming too busy is what that can bring an end to a ship that started on a bright note.

It is very important that we should all know the importance of giving attention to everyone around us and even parents to children and permit me to say children too needs to Learn this too,our parents too at one point or stage too deserve that attention too

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