in Proof of Brain3 years ago

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Have you ever been told "Stop it, i don't love you" it hurts real bad indeed. We decide who we want to give our hearts to, we all know who we love but its not our pick to choose who love us back. For all we care, that person we love can very much be in love with another person in return, what can we do about that? Its lovely when the love is reciprocated otherwise its very hurtful when it feels like you're being a burden because you love someone, so love that's unwanted could be a crime, you want to give but they don't want to receive, this call for emotional intelligence, learn how to deal with this.

There are two ways to navigate around this however, its called the Hard way and the Easy way, the easy way is also hard though but not compared to the hard way. There is eventually no way to prevent the heart from getting hurt, matters of the heart are always fragile, and since it's a matter that you can't help control, its solely on the next individual to call the shot that would determine what's going to happen next, we can only pray and hope they want us back, if not, we've got to deal with the heartbreak.

Let's start from the easy way I guess, the easy way really isn't easy, it's just easier than the next. That moment you have been told "Stop, I don't Love You", or their attitude towards you have shown such, it is easier to let that anger build up a little and just call it a quit, like what I'm I disturbing myself over, no you're not worth my stress, lol, yes you know you're lying to yourself, but it sure would make you feel good at the moment. Walking away is the easier part, however when you look are it deeply, it's not really easy, cause you can't erase the memories, the turn down, the push away, you heart might probably skip whenever you see his or her photo.

To say goodbye for good is the right step to take actually, because we can fall in love with another, its our heart and already we know we've liked another person before now, so we can like somebody else and just safe ourselves from more drama and humiliation. Don't for one minute think that no body wants you, that's a crazy lie, there is always going to be someone who is attracted to you no matter what, someone is still going to prefer you first before anyone else, just be yourself. More reason why we shouldn't keep hurting over a lost battle and move on.

However, there are few persons who chooses to be adamant, not given up, still going to press on, those who say "if I can't get you, I won't stop", those are the real criminals, lol, just joking though, but those people are really bold, they are the ones walking the hard way. It might interest you to know that many in this category may have been jailed, beaten or confronted and threatened never to disturb their heart felt Lady or guy ever again. Already their show of love being unwanted is now a crime, and has to stop.

Many girls are victims of this obsessive show of love, the guys are ready to go the extra just to show that they love you without a doubt in their heart. So the ladies most probably know how to deal with it, confront the person and make them stop safely, we as guys rarely get such attention, but when a lady is ready to go hard for you, she can go to more crazy extents, this I learnt from those Philippines movies, lolz.. No jokes their movies can buttress my point more, and the zee world too. I know you all know what I'm talking about. Smh.

That is the hard way, choosing to stay, it engulfes both the experience of the easy way and more others to make it more unpleasant, they have the push away memories and another bad event is waiting to happen tomorrow as they never give up. However it might interest you to know that it has paid off for few others, as the person they love ends up agreeing to their plea and starting off a relationship with them. To this however i wonder if they truly like the person back or it's just pity since the person is always trying putting efforts, well if that's the case, you don't need a love from pity.

Love is blind and so many are ready to go the extra for the one they love, but then don't forget the saying is "love your neighbour as yourself", so you must love yourselves first. Therefore any excess act that might be dangerous to you, I guess its best you call it a quit and move on to finding another, fall in love with yourself and then you can love someone else right. Moreover you also don't want someone you're not attracted to, to keep pestering you, when you understand this, then rather than having hard feelings, you can just move ahead. There is a level to which you give out your love that is unaccepted, it becomes a crime, beware, act with caution, love yourself also.

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This write up is very educative I'm really touch

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Letting go of them might be difficult but it is just something that must be done if you want to have peace of mind..

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I think you have hit the nail. Most people do not know how to politely correct people that are not necessary in their life.

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This is a part where you have to look out for in a relationship. sometimes is not all about throwing all your resources to keep a situation going, at some point you have to respect yourself and take a break no matter how much you love your opponent and see if he or she is giving back the same energy to keep the relationship going.
So if your opponent have fallen out of love letting go is the best decision to take, yes it will hurt but make the move.

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