in Proof of Brain3 years ago

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Some say patience is endless. And also some say there is a limit. So which one can be the main guideline to understand the true meaning of patience?

Why is it also pinned on the word the field (overlay)? Is it intended to place in a place or a collection?

Just a thought for a word of patience. Then pinned the word the field (overlay) so that it can represent the location where patience is placed. So hope to get a valuable lesson and will not be lost or forgotten. Make a good memory or habit to present.

For the word patient is opposed to a word that can be interpreted or used a lot. Depends on the placement where patience is needed. From the words of anger, rushing, following lust, reckless, and so on. And more easily accompanied by the word "no" or "lost". So that it raises the connotation of the opposite of patient.

Field of patience or stretch of patience. It becomes a noble attitude that is present when humans have this basic nature. And the definition is very broad. Everything is certainly related to human life that is always lived. Whether alone, at work, outside the home, or wherever. When humans are hit by a disaster or problem, of course an advice or a word of calm that is usually issued is a word of patience.

The true expanse of patience has spread and has been shown by nature clearly and so clearly. From the rising of the sun to the time of sunset to the period of seasons and time that goes on if realized is filled with rules and an attitude of patience that is so good and exemplary. Have we ever seen the sun in a hurry to rise at night?

It's just a figure of speech, but lessons can be taken to serve as examples of learning towards good patience. Because in life everything that has been faced or not requires an attitude and handling of the nature of patience every time. If we don't live it and realize it, there may have been a lot of destruction on this earth.

So basically every human being has and uses the nature of their patience every time. And the only difference may be the level. Some have broad patience, some are moderate, some are mediocre, and some have little. Because in reality we are created equal as humans.

The stretch of patience is so coveted by everyone. Everyone needs it too. And often sought as a sedative of all worries. Once an idol of the word life. Because from it will create a peace and tranquility of the soul.

It is not easy indeed, to appreciate patience in all actions and in all things that are being faced. It takes effort and emphasis on self to achieve or understand so that it is easy and accustomed to present an attitude of patience. Out of control and not being aware of it often becomes something that is often followed by self.

Then where lies the stretch of patience? Is it in the heart, in the mind, or something else? I don't know, I also haven't found where the patience lies. Because its existence is so vague and difficult to find. Sometimes he can come from the heart, sometimes from the mind, sometimes from sight, or from hearing. All of them are containers of origin that could lead to that attitude of patience being present.

Different boundaries or levels do produce different levels. Wisdom and all beauty will certainly be present to color the patience that arises from one's nature. Learning and continuing to learn about the meaning of the wisdom of patience, still learning because it turns out that the real limit is indeed limitless.

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" Just a thought for a word of patience. Then pinned the word the field (overlay) so that it can represent the location where patience is placed. So hope to get a valuable lesson and will not be lost or forgotten. Make a good memory or habit to present.
For the word patient is opposed to a word that can be interpreted or used a lot. Depends on the placement where patience is needed. From the words of anger, rushing, following lust, reckless, and so on. And more easily accompanied by the word "no" or "lost". So that it raises the connotation of the opposite of patient. "

Patience can help to prevent us from making bad and harmful decisions

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