Making Use Of The Last Day! (Finally Got That CheeseCake!)

in Proof of Brain3 months ago
Authored by @Technicalside

Coffee Date For The End Of The Year!

Just Something Simple!

Well we're known for not doing extra ordinary things and more so because we don't like doing crazy things! Honestly it's the end of the year and people celebrate it like it's a good thing and that depends on how you look at it!

For me well it's another year of my life gone that I will never be able to get back, on the other hand it means I survived another year without dying to some tragic outcome!

We actually didn't have anything planned for the day, nothing at all... I know that sounds boring but we'd rather sit at the beach house with a good book while staring at the seaside just simply relaxing!
My days of partying hard are long gone and frankly if I had a choice I'd reverse back in time to get that lost time back, however I learned some hard lessons that way and I'd not easily want to lose what I've learned from them.

Not for nothing because through all those it guided me to where I am today! I made it, although there is always something more to strive for right? Something more to get and something more to live for!


Almost Not!

We've been coming here almost every year when on vacation and there was no mention of this place this year so when the idea popped up in my head I threw it out there!

Why not have a nice cup of coffee at "The Blue Shed" for a change? Maybe this year they'll have the cheese cake we always want but that is always sold out?
Just maybe!

So we finished up and made our way over, it's a little unconventional for something to do at the years end and most people would rather go out drinking or go out dining at some really high end fancy place! But as I said we are simple people!
Besides I'd want nothing more than just spending some quality time with The Betty reflecting back on the year... Doing that with good coffee sounded like a fantastic idea!


Finally, CheeseCake!

I swear this might be the fourth year in a row coming here and we've only been able to get a slice of cheesecake this time around!
A little dissapointing for the other years but what can they do if it's sold out?

I myself tried the Macadamia Latte and the Betty tried the Caramel, now if they had a Salted Caramel I would have tried that one! But only caramel sounded a little too cliche...

So we dug into some nice cheesecake and enjoying lovely coffee all the while reading good books!
At current there was no better way to end the year! Not at all!


To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

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