Maliciousness Begins From Discord Thinking

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

To me, i think maliciousness actually begins from strong discords on the path of some individuals. On the other hand it something some individuals will want to grow and nuture against one another.

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I think maliciousness is erected from the word Malice which is the intention to harm or deprive in an illegal or immoral way.That is according to the dictionary. But to me, i see it as when an individual desire to take pleasure in another's misfortune. the thing about malice is that you dont even know who and who are having malicious thought against you. That was what my first image was driving at. you never see the haters coming.Am gonna make more examples but this time using gadgets and linking them to life.

To gadgets, Malware or malicious content can also be known as viruses which always has an effect if detected. But i tell you the truth, that is how it is in reality.An individual may just be filled with hatered for another which may lead to malice just because of some little or no discord with the other party. the funny thing is sometimes, the other party doesnt even have anything against you or doesnt even have an idea that you actually have something against him or her. And thats why such people are caught unaware when the outcome of the negative happens which was propounded by the master mind(The malicious being).

The thing is just as gadgets cant really detect to themselves that they've been hacked, So as individuals or people too. Hatred can drive a man go crazy that he will only seek wickness and nothing more untill the deed is done but they have always forgotten what goes around comes back around.
just as an individual can help the system detect the virus thats how we normally have one or two friends to tell us that what we are doing is very wrong because in the right sense we dont even know when we have been hacked. We need our attention to be called to order.

It is time to run from malicious acts, Contents, thoughts and so on. Make sure every Discords are being settled amicably, never hold any grudge against anyone. Just like the gadgets have an anti-virus to counter every virus, we as individuals should also have an anti-charismatic counter to fight grudges and discords which will be to face them and trash them so the results wouldnt be malicious.

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"the funny thing is sometimes, the other party doesnt even have anything against you or doesnt even have an idea that you actually have something against him or her." This I can agree with. It is uncanny how many issues go unresolved between people due to a lack of communication resulting in misunderstanding. Just a piece of handy advice which I learned myself along the way: when you want to link a source article, the neatest way to do this is by using the following methodology where the name of your link is inserted inside the square brackets and the actual URL link is copied and pasted inside the round brackets, with no space between the two sets of brackets. Like so Source: Pixabay. So you open a set of square brackets and type inside them what you would like to be the visible text link in your article. Then without leaving any spaces, open a set of round brackets and insert the URL link inside that. It makes for far neater presentation in one's articles and can drop your score in these contests if you don't use them. I hope you find this useful :-)