Oh wow! Childhood is the best. I have my childhood memories so strong in my mind, I miss that everyday. The feeling of being carefree and not giving a shit. The feeling of not worrying about electricity and phone bills, no knowing what's for the meal and getting surprised to see it in the plate, playing for hours, having crush on the boy next door. Everything about the childhood is so cool.
And those days are not going to come back ever. Life has changed so much. The technological advancement, high tech minds, greed for success and money ahs taken over the basic human emotions. I wish I was a child again.
I am making sure to give a good childhood to my son, Raag now. But now matter what I do, I know he is going to miss his childhood when he grows up like all of us. He will have his set of things undone and will feel that void. That's the cirle of life we all have to run.