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RE: POB TALK 16/07/2021 - #48

Hello people!

Covid has been one of the kind phenomena that our generation has witnessed. Our subsequent generations are going to read about it in their history books.

My question to you all is what have you learnt from this Covid pandemic? What are your takeways?

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I learn, that is thing can't continue going smoothly, and any position we are, we should thank God because anything can happen at anytime.

We should always prepare ourself for negative thing in the world.. we should increase our agriculture setting like when joseph is in egypt and God show the king what will happens for the first seven years and what will happen in second seven years.

The first one they will be food in a cheap price but second seven years there will be no money.

But the best solution is to this, is to make sure they store food that we take tham more than that year.

So if we have prepared for this or we have to thinking let save so food is anything happens it will be easy for us.

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I have learnt that one should always be prepared for the worse..and we should always save for rainy days..

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That’s true. One should not think negetive but we just can’t ignore the fact that some days are rainy and we can’t survive without an umbrella.

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Well one things that this pandemic have thought me is to know that life is too short and any slight thing can take our life's. This have made me to be mindful of so many things that I pass into my mouth

To me my level or personal hygiene have actually increased and I'm too sensitive of a lot of thing that I eat.

I also acquired a skill during this pandemic period which was a bit handy to me and it also gave me the opportunity to know or under go more trading training which I miss so much.

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Hmm, you ask a very big question in fact no one will say their haven't learn from the pandemic is really a lesson to all.

as for me I learn that is always good to have other source of income the most painful thing is that i wise I'm into a platform like this then it would have been so intresting for me because that will make me to earn more and create more chance for me..

secondly I wish have make alot of saving to subtain myself because it really come like a sudden all the available money was just to buy food and some neccessary things and that is all

In fact I felt alot of pity to myself during this period because I have no place to go and everyday I'm just spending nothing else is coming in..

To me time where being wasted, I just don't prayer for something like that again but if it happens I don't think their will be any cause for alarm because I have take a good decision by joining the community...I will not be bore, interactive will be going on and aside from that money will be coming in which is important

In fact who knows hives might have a greater ground and increase in price as I believe lock down as open some people eye to be here as well

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The pandemic has quite a lot of learning experience for us all. What I have learnt is to be always prepared for whatever circumstance or situation that happens has the virus caught many by surprise.

In the area of finance we should always have savings for unexpected or end of the events such as this as many suffered greatly in my country as the government didn't provide palliatives leaving citizens to survive on their own.

Also learnt it's important to have multiple source of income and not to depend on a job as many got laid off from their job due to the effect the pandemic had on the economy. This event was helpful to me has helped chanel more effort towards cryptocurrency and earning money online.

Learnt also that no matter the suitaton that befall the earth certain business will thrive. E.g the food industry, and the medical industry. It also opened my eyes to agriculture and the food business. If one get to practice this, he or she will have no problem to the most basic need of life

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