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RE: POB TALK 05/07/2021 - #37

Everytime I buy a coin, it's value goes down, below the lowest mark. I buy with an intention that I would leave with a small profit and then I get stuck. And it's not like I am making emotional or random decisions. I think through, buy in a growing market with a very near sell point to get a small profit. But this never happens to be true.

Am I jinxed or what? Is it only me or you guys also go through the same?

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😂 i have had this same thing over the years. I did start to feel as if i was jinxed. It seemed like as soon as a bought any coins the price would drop... Even here last year when i joined Hive. The value of Hive was 0.25 and it halved as soon as i joined practically.

Then the same with #proofofbrain a few weeks ago.!!

It can be easy to find patterns in things that are just coincidence i think.

Keep at it and be patient really ! In the next big rise of BTC those coins could be worth much more.

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Yeyyee.. Looks like I'm not jinxed at all. I hope the market recovers soon. I have invested heavily over the past few months with the hope to get a good return. I plan to take a nice trip with the profits I make this year. Can't really afford a loss here.

Thanks @elricmoonslayer, @rentmoney, @pthker2010, @jersteemit for boosting me up. I was like I am the black witch in the crypto world, haha.. Guess I'm not.

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:-) quite a funny one, you're not jinxed. I believe many of us are currently experiencing this has the market has quite unfavorable due to the bears fighting hard with the bulls. I personally had to ignore my DeFi tokens has the price continue to plummet. I believe we will see better days ahead though

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Welcome to the crypto world. Its not easy to figure out.

Most my investments in crypto tanked, Splinterlands is the one thing in which its value keeps increasing.

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No idea why they called it lands, should have gone with Splintermoons 🌚🌝

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I !LUV it :)


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I understand what you meant by that buying a coin and it will drop value, I'm into the same position too but I don't feel bad about it because my intention was for a long run and not for short period.

So I will suggest you remove emotion and hold on the coin for a long period, that is the only time you will see profit coming from it.

Just take it as investment but I think you have to be careful when buying a coin. First check the market chart of the coin and also no the influence moving the price.

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It the same thing here. I am evem tired

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Not at all, nothing like being jinxed even thou it happens at times,but this case is different cause for the past few months the market as not been stable especially since the twit of one of the great token influential which as bring some dramatic change on every token or coin,but I want to believe that thing are going to be back to normal very soon

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