
Have not been to India and no play yet,but I must say have choosed one thing about India and that is thier Bollywood movies which I love so much

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Haha .. That’s good to hear. Which one is your favourite?

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Radhe ,this movie is very interesting and aside that I have watch the Don time and over again

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I haven’t seen Radhe, haha.. I can’t stand Salman Khan any more.

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Am yet to visit India but I would love to some day. From what I see know about the country from movies and all, they seems to have a large culture, good foods and beautiful places. Would just love mark it has a place I've visited

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Yes, we are known for a diversified culture. From one state to another, you would find a completely different culture in terms of clothing, food, celebrations. The Indian food is undoubtedly amazing.

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It is good to hear this and we love to give it a try one day,but still can't say when that is going to be anyway,but it will be amazing

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Exactly what amazes about your country, the diversity. Hopefully I get to taste the Indian dish soon. Have seen this movie namaste wahala? It's a colloration between your country and mine. It was an interesting one as I got to know more things about you guys.

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I've not been to India before and I don't know if I will get the chance to visit India.
However if I have the means and chance to visit India I will do that but for now I have some countries in mind which I want to visit.

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So what places are on your list right now?

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