A Clever Pretence For an Image Dump. Happy Sunday Hive.

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

I had a post in mind that I wanted to write today but was unsure about what images I had to accompany it so made a decision.

I will tell my tale and use some of the images from my camera roll that I always wish I could use but cannot find a reason to. Hope that is ok with you lovely people.

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My return to Hive after quite a lengthy absence has been awesome!

I think after checking upon my return, I had posted something like 4 times in the past year. I believe the one I am writing now will be my 10th in as many days. I needed to rediscover myself after a crazy period in life and this has been cathartic in ways I cannot even begin to explain.

Mental health, physical health and a whole lot of other heavy stuff caused that valve in me that allows us to process such garbage and them release it to become broken.

I need to make some pretty enormous life and work decisions in the coming weeks but needed to choose something to start the wheel turning again that was not easy but achievable. I think I needed a couple f quick wins that would tell myself I have things to offer the world and that I am not simply cruising downwards to the pre-death phase of life.


I know that sounds melodramatic when I haven't even turned 51 yet, but we cannot control where the thoughts come from at times.

I chose to write a post on Hive a few weeks back. I was instantly and unexplainably overwhelmed 10 minutes in and abandoned project Hivepost...

I started another post, a similar thing happened. To cut a Steven long story short, this happened a number of times over a couple of weeks and I knew I needed to act quickly & decisively while not being too harsh on myself, something was clearly wrong.


I have stated it many times in my posts, I find writing incredibly cathartic and the ability to strike furiously at the keys until 'said issue' of the moment has been exorcised from my far too frantic mind is amazing.

So made a plan, in truth it may sound a little simplistic, juvenile even.

I put on some music that gets me feeling upbeat, moved around my house, climbed up and down the stairs a few times, opened my front door and pointed myself at the outside world (which I haven't seen all that much these last few weeks) and I started to pound the pavement in much the same way my fingers pound the keys...

I didn't walk too far or for too long but once I thought I had 'changed my state' I hurried home, sat down at the keyboard where I had placed a fresh cup of coffee before I left and I started to write.

Jeez, when I tell you sparks were flying from the keys I am almost telling the truth. I felt the stress flying out of me.

I almost abandoned project hivepost many times over the space of a couple of weeks but am so glad I stuck with it because writing, connecting and you people of this bloody amazing community are worth it and worth it tenfold.

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I count myself as lucky to be here, writing and sharing and interacting again. The only frustrating part of the writing often process is looking through thousands of images to find a suitable handful to accompany my post. I chose to work on my image stockpile as a Sunday project so it seemed appropriate to enter the post the way I did.

This has been an easy post to write, the words have just poured out of me. I guess there was only 3 essential threads to tie together to communicate my message

  1. I am glad I pushed through and forced myself to write. It has helped ENORMOUSLY!😌
  2. Thank you for being 'community' and looking out for this oddball English dude and eachother.💝
  3. How can I image dump all those photos I like but don't get to use.🤣



Thank you so much for the awesome Hivetimes, you have been wonderful and if we are just meeting for the first time, then imagine how bloody fantastic the future is gonna be! I have spend far too many hours writing this past week and a half. It was for a purpose though and it has served it well.

I feel ready for my next chapter. I have a platform, a springboard a place to move forward from, for that I am hugely grateful.



I am certain that in the course of pursuing my new chapter, I will go missing from Hive at times. However, hear this and hear it clearly. I will NEVER leave the community for good, it is far too important to me and helps me find me when I am lost.

I have aspirations of learning more of the rules and becoming a 'proper writer', soon. I even intend to use words to make my income elsewhere online. If it works out the way I hope I may make a decent income. If this happens I will still be happy to come back and make the odd 3000 word post that finishes at $2 and be incredibly happy at having the privilege to do so.

below is a current post although it is only 1000 words, I am proud of it and will never write for reward alone. I will always hold this view.

Thank YOU for taking the time to read my post and if you're one of those amazing people who like to hit the comments section... Then I doubly thank YOU!

Either way I want you to know that you are appreciated!
Keep taking the time to connect with each-other both here and in the 'so-called' real world and try and look after each-other, because as you already know...
Together We're Just Better.png


I am an incredibly proud member of #TeamUK I love the global community immensely, but it is nice to have a home-team banner to add to my posts. The banner was made by the inimitable RoastMaster General himself @c0ff33a If you are an active UK member and would like to be added to the teamUK community on Discord, just let me know 😎

any images in my posts are either taken by me or created in Canva by me.


Out of all the images you could've used to announce these fresh steps, you chose dinosaurs and old bones.

Yaw'right, yo'kay?

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