Flash Back to Beach Nuts ⛱️ Part Two

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

My kids have not seen the sand in five years time.


It is amazing how much the moon shrinks when you capture it with a camera. I think I was using a Galaxy Note 8 back then. As I was telling you when I started this series, we had hopped a bus and taken off to the beach. There were no worries about getting a nose swab, masks or quarantines back then. I would sometimes head down to the beach alone during the week. I would have mornings at the beach and just work from my laptop until evening. Then fresh seafood for dinner. Those were the days!


Yes, we happily stayed at a two star hotel for a $1,000 per night, in today's exchange rate that would be u$s 6.00 - yes, six dollars per night for three people. We got to use the pool table and had free breakfast served anytime between 7:00 and 11:00 in the morning.


The room was just off this little courtyard and it was just enough to sleep in, shower and watch T.V. if we wanted to. There were thee single beds and a place to get our swim suits on.

The hotel is on the main street that runs along the beach, so we only needed to get across the street and straight into the Atlantic Ocean!


After our ride on the beach, we checked in and got settled. Mobile internet was very sketchy so this is the view we had while sitting near the front door to do emails, whatsapp, and everything else that life in the Matrix entailed back then - these days it is even more. We got a game of pool in before heading out to get some chow.


The boys were forced to pause for a picture out in front of the hotel and they were not so happy about the sun in their eyes. The beach is right behind this bar and grill. I was torn between the moon shot that evening and this one for the cover photo. I hope I chose well. For a complete vacation series, I had to talk about where we stayed, but I promise lots of sun and sand including surfing of sorts for next time.


Posted via proofofbrain.io


I can tell that you cherish those memories :) Whu didn't you go back at least once a year before Covid ❓