Flash Back to Beach Nuts ⛱️ Part Five

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

There is something called "milanesa" here in the deep south. Country fried steak, in the USA's deep south, is what it is called. My youngest cannot resist these and they come in two varieties, chicken and steak.


He knocked this one back before I could finish my burger.

Playing hard brings on huge appetites, so this post is going to center around the fast food available beach side.

My little one had a problem with fried calamari, AKA rabas, one time. he didn't chew it enough and gagged when he went to swallow. So today we are going to fight that old fear and get some rabas with lemon to try again.



These photos represent how he felt about my suggestion to him on how to kill those phobias. He got the one on the left for lunch. He liked them and had no difficulties. So now that old episode is just a bad memory. Then he got the chicken nuggets (patitas) because he is also a bottomless pit.


Of course, the wonder of the sand, sun, and waves is all good and all but still, games are just a part of life. Even if you are at the beach for the week, you have to slide those cards at the racing games. They actually have a very good selection of games in the game rooms of Mar de Ajo, especially for the two to five year olds.


In past years, we had rented a four wheel ATV for fast fun on the beach, but the economic collapse here put them and the go-karting place out of business. But, we thought ahead and brought our own motorcycles. Unicycles. I have some videos of us racing up and down the beaches. I am searching for them and other videos to make a montage for this series. Sadly, the Galaxy 8 Note had been stolen about eight months after our vacation and the videos were not automatically uploaded to the cloud service. I have all the photos, but am searching for a manual backup I may have made 🤞🏻 of the videos - hoping to find one.


The series will end when I run out of photos and activities to cover.

Mar de Ajo

Part One - Arrival
Part Two - Hotel
Part Three - Surfing
Part Four - Sand


Posted via proofofbrain.io


Apparently they not only ate well, but also had a beautiful and entertaining family vacation.
Mar de Ajó, part of the coast, near my beloved San Clemente, the city where I was born. A big hug friend.

Very interesting and lovely story.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

It is good that your son has overcome that bad moment.
and I hope you can recover the files that were not in the cloud ..saludos @sponge-bob

Sometime is good to go out and have fun.that is good of you.

Posted via proofofbrain.io