How not to end it all : Life After Death Might Be Worst For Suicidal Victims: Covid-19 is not an excuse to kill yourself

How not to end it all amidst the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond: by @sophiapics29

Covid-19 or no Covid-19, the rate in which people commit suicide is pretty high. It has nothing to do with status or age, the rich and poor commits suicide, the strong does, likewise the weak. Suicide is a respecter of no gender or economic/ political class.
At the assumption of contracting covid, some people just commit suicide and that’s just it?
Oh no, life has more to give.
Today’s topic is not about Covid-19 not vaccination but critically and looking deep into the causes and why certain people chooses a particular type of way to commit suicide.


Revival, the journey to the place where there live the dead and back once more, is normal enough in old legends and in the encounters of individuals who survive a close terminal ailment or mishap. In any case, that excursion is likewise made every day in clinic trauma centers.
Around 30,000 individuals commit suicide in the US every year. An expected ten times that number attempt to commit suicide yet for one reason or another didn’t end up dying, either in light of the fact that they would truly prefer not to bite the dust or in light of the fact that they don't have the foggiest idea how.

I didn't understand the effect of that measurement until I conversed with People whom have attempted suicide previously in the past while exploring this article. Everybody I conversed with, regardless of whether I talked with them or nonchalantly brought the subject up, knew somebody who had endeavored self destruction.

A portion of the narratives are awful. A companion of a colleague jumped from a high structural building and hit a rock a few stories underneath. She broke the greater part of her bones and penetrated a few of her internal organs however didn't bite the dust. Rather she was wheeled, cognizant, to the nearby trauma center, her most secretly imagined act reported to the world by the ambulance vehicle alarm. She spent the following year in bed, a lot of it in an emergency clinic ward allotted to fundamentally sick casualties of viciousness, her still-self-destructive psyche is the only and main working piece of her body left not destabilized.

This article concerning what ends up peopling who endeavor to commit suicide began as a short audit of a couple of new distributions focused on the critically ill. One booklet, the generally pitched however little-read "passing manual", How to Kick the bucket With Nobility, contains a graph of deadly dosages of various kinds of pills and strategies for intentionally guaranteeing a quiet demise in a self destruction endeavor. It was distributed by Scotlish Leave, the London bunch that in the previous year looked for and won too much debate. Two of the individuals from the London bunch are presently confronting preliminary on nine charges of supporting individuals to commit suicide.
A many individuals who are discouraged or sincerely down or sick with bombing wellbeing or mentally sick had thought of suicide however they are frightened that they might confront a difficult, horrendous death one day. On the off chance that they can say, 'I have this reserve of pills and solid counsel on the best way to utilize them.

So when I went to emergency centers doctors, paramedics, and consultants, I expected to know about many individuals who may have required this data individuals who, confronted with a dreary sickness and no options in contrast to it, had attempted to off themselves and finished in the trauma center all things considered. Wrong. Individuals who plan intentional suicides generally succeed-as Humphrey said, everything in the self destruction manuals can likewise be found in clinical reading material. Individuals in trauma centers are normally individuals who endeavored self destruction without really thinking, in brief misery or outrage. Many choose later that it was an error.

They are individuals whose destiny has been tossed into more honed center by the presence of these new books. The contention among Exit and the English self destruction avoidance bunches played with much uproar in the press and in discussion. The books ought not be distributed, the self destruction avoidance individuals said, on the grounds that briefly distressed individuals would utilize them indiscreetly and kick the bucket, where without them they would presumably live. Indeed, said the intentional willful extermination gatherings, yet getting ready for a reasonable, arranged self destruction as the books energize, and thinking out its repercussions (like who might be influenced by it) makes individuals less inclined to commit suicide imprudently. Indeed, however the setting of the how-to-pass on data shows self destruction as a simple method to tackle issues, and doesn't urge individuals to search for different choices first.
A many individuals who are discouraged or sincerely down or sick with bombing wellbeing or mentally sick had thought of suicide however they are frightened that they might confront a difficult, horrendous death one day. On the off chance that they can say, 'I have this reserve of pills and solid counsel on the best way to utilize them.

So when I went to emergency centers doctors, paramedics, and consultants, I expected to know about many individuals who may have required this data individuals who, confronted with a dreary sickness and no options in contrast to it, had attempted to off themselves and finished in the trauma center all things considered.
They are individuals whose destiny has been tossed into more honed center by the presence of these new books. The contention among Exit and the English self destruction avoidance bunches played with much uproar in the press and in discussion. The books ought not be distributed, the self destruction avoidance individuals said, on the grounds that briefly distressed individuals would utilize them indiscreetly and kick the bucket, where without them they would presumably live. Indeed, said the intentional willful extermination gatherings, yet getting ready for a reasonable, arranged self destruction as the books energize, and thinking out its repercussions (like who might be influenced by it) makes individuals less inclined to commit suicide imprudently. Indeed, however the setting of the how-to-pass on data shows self destruction as a simple method to tackle issues, and doesn't urge individuals to search for different choices first.


Committing Suicide by taking Drugs

Most suicides are drug gluts, and many medication glut patients arrive at the emergency clinic in a state of unconsciousness.


The risk in all medication gluts is that the mind may not get sufficient oxygen. The aviation route to the lungs might get closed off by the patient's regurgitation, or by the tongue falling once again into the throat, or by drug-prompted lull with respect to the profound cerebrum that controls the rate and profundity of relaxing. Or then again the heart might seize and fibrillate-all the heart muscle strands shudder, however none in cadence to one another. The blood doesn't move, so it doesn't take oxygen to the mind or divert squander.

It just takes three to five minutes without oxygen to harm the cerebrum, beginning at its most complex areas. The memory is obliterated; the capacity to peruse or talk is scaled back. The more it goes on, the more serious the hindrance. So any harmed patient is continually observed to ensure they can inhale and their heart is thumping. In the event that they can't inhale, they are intubated. A doctor slides a cylinder down their mouth or nose, into their lungs for air to go through.

Violent suicide or bloody suicide


Violent kind of death is so commonly assumed to be as sudden and painless, but the human body is harder to kill than it seems. For exemplary reasons some people might not give up the ghost from cutting their own wrists. Majority of the people who try it are not typically suicidal, I think. Mostly it’s a way to cry for help and bring attention to their problem. A few want to experience how it feels to cut themselves. We just sew them up and call a psychiatrist a doctor said. Even if you cut your artery, which most people don't, it's kind of hard to bleed to death because the bleeding in most cases will stop on its own unless the cut is extremely deep and bad. Commonly people assumes that sitting in hot water makes you bleed faster, but a doctor told me he's known people who tried it, passed out, and woke up in a bathtub full of cold, bloody water and still cried for help.😂😂😂

The psychiological repercussions of Suicidal Action


These clinical speculations cause self-destructive individuals to seem like factual codes who committed an error and experienced the prompt, proper revenge. Yet, it doesn't feel like that at that point. Regardless of whether you're happy you were safeguarded, recuperating from a self destruction endeavor resembles being in the trauma center for another explanation. The blaze that brought you there was over in a second.. The pausing, being humiliated, thinking about what will occur straightaway, and bearing sharp or dull torment continue for quite a long time.

How, as indicated by individuals who work with them, do self destruction attempters feel when they awaken in the clinic? Happy they were saved. Persuaded that self destruction was a misstep. Irate they were saved. Irate at the companion or neighbor who sold out them by calling crisis. Anxious to escape the medical clinic so they can attempt it once more. Embarassed. Alleviated. Glad to be dealt with. Anxious to begin dealing with themselves once more. Reluctant to mull over everything. Considering what every other person they know mulls over everything. Contemplating whether the individual they were attempting to arrive voluntarily at long last focus on them.

The morals of self destruction by suicide

On the off chance that you accept, as I did beginning this article, that every one of us has a privilege to end it all and conceivably substantial explanations behind doing as such which ought to be regarded, you may believe there's a grim thing about a framework which naturally acts to save life, if the individual needs it. There's a fanciful story told in each trauma center: somebody comes in for the 30th or 40th time on a self destruction endeavor and a specialist at long last detonates and says, "Look, how about you attempt it Along these lines," and the patient does sometime later and bites the dust. Each expert I conversed with specialist, paramedic, self destruction counteraction advocate, advisor, pharmacologist, nurture said there have been individuals who made them believe, 'you're correct. You don't have anything to live for.' However the endeavor to save somebody's life is constantly made. To choose when somebody's everyday routine merits experiencing in a crisis is gross self-importance.

There are individuals who figure self destruction can be a technique for regular determination in a stuffed world. Suicides in jail are not frequently saved, I was told by a few group; the equivalent is valid here and there in urban communities, for the impoverished self destruction, the alcoholic self destruction, the matured or non-white self destruction. No one needs them; they at last capitulate to the self-evident. Aren't there individuals who should be committing suicide yet are not?
In my own opinion I think suicide should not be an option to ending ones suffering instead, try to get help.


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Be it as it may, whatever thing that my lead someone to thinking of committing suicide or even committing suicide itself is detrimental and can result from nothingelse but depression be it sickness/disease, challenges, failure or struggles everything definitely points to depression.
suicide and whatever means anybody takes to commit suicide I believe is quite painful, none of the suicidal methods can be easy from taking drugs to slitting your arteries and so on.
Nice blog @sophiapics29, I mean the topic is in synchrony with what is happening in our world today.

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Thank you so much @whiteangey, I’m getting used to the criticism, it’s just unfortunate that some can be a lil dumb.
Funny enough most of this kind of critics are not even writer on the platform, they have never publish an article before so they don’t understand the stress and effort put together to be creative and maintain relevancy.
Life’s not just balance and I understand what’s valuable to one person is worthless to another. Some readers might sometimes hide under the shadow of influencer or curator to blackmail a writers job but God is always in support of the honest.

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That's right my friend, if we keep listening to side talks, we can't get to our destination early.
Keep it up!

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Reading through all of this and the references, I realized that a Covid patient/victim could lose hope in life and get to commit suicide.

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At the assumption of contracting covid, some people just commit suicide and that’s just it?

??? seriously? source please

In your post, you are explaining how "suicide techniques are usually adopted because they seem harmless, but that they are actually supremely painful and agonizing". Can you still write that explicitly, though? From a shallower perspective, people can feel you are only teaching others how to suicide, even if it's not your intention.

At the assumption of contracting covid, some people just commit suicide and that’s just it?

According to your sources, there is SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT! Trivializing all the different data from the sources you've sent me is... Well, insulting. Your title is clickbait, since you never even approach the problem you've presented. Scenarios involved in cases cited in those sources are very different from each other. Not a single person "killed themselves at the assumption they've contracted covid." This is a literal lie.

A quote from one of your sources:

High-profile suicides include a state finance minister in Germany who despaired over the virus’s economic impact in March

But you're saying he killed himself BECAUSE "HE THOUGHT HE CONTRACTED COVID?" SERIOUSLY!?!?? Did you really read through even a SINGLE article from those sources? Because ALL of them state the EXACT OPPOSITE!

also, you have a 3-paragraphs long duplicated part of your text

@onealfa.pob @proofofbrainio I know it's just one post but I feel obligated to pull your ears for upvoting this so high

Thanks, I have heard of a scenario where the guy flipped through the 3rd mainland bridge and drawn himself inside the sea below.
I’m working on writing a detailed article in connection to this article.

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according to the sources you've mentioned, most cases are connected with long-term symptoms. a lot of people never recover from their severe cases. because of serious aftereffects from covid, even after they're not in a life-threatening situation anymore, they can't think straight, their mind doesn't work, their lungs don't fill well, their health is completely crippled. they expect to recover over the course of a decade or two. they often can't even work anymore. they've stopped being able to live their lives. these are the people who were mostly healthy before contracting covid, survived the worst, but can't ever feel alive again.

according to the sources you've mentioned, some cases are connected with previous mental instability. these have nothing to do with what I've said in the paragraph above. people who are already depressed and have suicidal tendencies get these symptoms aggravated when suffering from covid infections - without even realizing it's because of covid. they twist it in their heads, making it seem like it's not covid, it's them. they kill themselves because their previously existing mental instability gets even worse.

these are the two main types of suicidal cases, according to your sources. your sources include clinical and sociological studies from seemingly reliable organizations. none of the sources you've linked to refer to people "killing themselves because they think they've contracted covid" as you said so yourself in your post. I understand it wasn't your intention, but due to this incoherence, your post does fall into fake news / misinformation category.

I must be honest with you, I agree with the poster and for him not writing exactly what you expect of him makes him more intelligent and better than you. Why are you hating on the lady?

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literal fake news

read my reply to her further below to better understand it

also if you think "someone is more intelligent and better than someone else" based on "not writing exactly what one expects of another" then it's not like I'll take you seriously. specially when you're trying to demean me. demeaning others for trivial reasons is a joke of an attitude... which I won't hear from you anymore since you're on my muted listed now