
I know those prayers are being heard and answered!!! hehehe best bday gift ever!

Thank you so much, there was no need for a tip. Bless you!

oh - i wanted to tip everyone who come to comment on my bday post hehehe

just as a little surprise for coming to my party post hahahahaha

Thank you very much, enjoy your day. Be blessed to be a blessing.

sofs.. LOLOL you have to see the video today- when you wake up.

I hope you can see it on 3speak - cuz its so funny!!!!! Remy TOTALLY surprised me!!!!

Where is the video? I don't see any on your profile page.

hmmm... let me get the link hahaha

maybe i forgot to add to my blog???
hmmmm you're right!

two posts were not on the blog

that's what happens when i forget to add to the blog hahahaha sometimes it just stays in the posts! LOL

this is the video from YESTERDAY. when Remy surprised me - but she surprised me more in the video i'll post today! hahaha

that is the first one. hehehe but the next one is coming - probably after you wake from sleeping hehehe

oh - i mentioned that we were going to have a meeting today - but that is in 30 minutes. so - you can watch the recorded meeting if you are too tired today - please sleep! :)

but when you wake watch the FUNNY video that i'll post today first. hehehe then you can start your morning with giggles LOL