The Closer Look of A Notebook (POBphotocontest New Round: CLOSE-UP)

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I used to like to buy notebooks in the past. Not to mention some notebooks I got for free. So I have many notebooks of various design and sizes, but only a few are actually used. Mostly only half filled with my random notes, and some of them are still have a lot of blank sheets remains.

I know it's a bad habit, buying new things that we don't really need when we still can use the old ones. But for this past 3 years, I'm no longer collect any new notebooks, unless it's free. Should I be proud of myself? :P

Anyway, this is the closer look of one of my old notebooks. I like to take a close up photography because we can see another viewpoints of a subject. Like this one, the notebook binding looks like a tunnel.

Notebook 1.jpg

Notebook 3.jpg

Notebook 2b.jpg

Hope you enjoy the pictures.
Thanks for dropping by. And thanks a lot for the support. Have a nice day!

This is my entry for POBphotocontest New Round: CLOSE-UP
held by @friendlymoose
Community: C/Proof of Brain
Camera: Redmi Note 10s



I like this entry a lot. Featured photo attracted me, and now that I read post, I can relate. I love to buy notebooks and I don't use many of them. Some I just don't need, other I don't want to 'ruin'.
Nice post, and good luck in the contest :)

Thanks a lot! Nice to meet a person who has the same "hobby" with me. Haha :D

Muy buena tus fotografías, se ven geniales. Éxito.

Kalo foto lipstik bole ndak? Lgi nyari konten nih buat kontes yg ini.

Boleh2 aja kayaknya. Apaan aja yang penting close-up.

Ooo gitu ya! Kirain cuma org ato binatang piaraan aja..hehe..mau cari kucing ato lipstik aja buat konten besok. Trims ya atas infonya!

Sebelum submit, saya baca ini dulu:
Nah, yg aku submit nggak tau bener atau nggak, pede aja :D
Untuk lebih jelasnya mungkin tanya host-nya kali ya?

Yup ty tuk infonya! Yup bener juga sih sprti ita pnya referensi ttg itu! Oya sprtinya harus milih kucing dirumah nih buat jadi model. Si host nyebut person or pets biar ga pake ribet milih si meong aja.

Sori baru buka Hive lagi. Mau bilang looking forward for your pet photo, tapi udah telat :D