It is all about health

in Proof of Brain3 years ago


I only write what I write for the future.

Maybe one day we can all look back at 2020 = 2021 and laugh at what governments expected us to put up with. "The new normal."

This episode is called insanity!

It is all about health when gyms were closed for most of the last 12 months here and many other countries, yet McDonald junk food alleged restaurants remained open.

It is all about health when people were encouraged and told whilst perfectly healthy to self isolate in the new terminology usually reserved for prisons, lock down.

It is all about health when people were discouraged from exercise outside.

It is all about health when people were testing themselves while healthy to prove they were ill with a known and proven faulty PCR test.

It is all about health when millions if not billions of sick people with cancer and the like go untreated.

It is all about health when thousands of old people in hospital were thrown out into old peoples homes and given no medical treatment killing them. (UK, Spain and many other countries.)

Yes apparently it is all about health.


I have known a couple of suicides so far during this "event."

A couple of businessmen, one 18 year old girl. Nobody talks about the mental health issues with regards to this alleged fight to keep people safe do they.

Nobody talks about the impact with regards to millions worldwide losing their jobs no matter what the jobs were.

Nobody talks about the billions of people that have had no medical treatment due to hospitals refusing to treat them.

We need to talk more.

I am now expected to believe what most con-sider to be a cold or the flu is now prevalent during the summer.

Never before have people suffered a common cold as it is allegedly termed in the midst of summer. But I am now supposed to believe it now exists mid summer.

How do I know if I have this new virus, wait sorry disease? I have to test my perfectly healthy self to prove I am well or sick. Make sense yet?

They sell the PCR test in supermarkets. You can buy them now for the knockdown price of $5. Buy 4, test 4 times, get 2 positive and 2 negative. I have done it to prove how much nonsensical bs it is.

I am now also told the flu disappeared worldwide in 2020 - 2021.

Yes the rona cured the flu it would seem.

Vaccine passports.

Having read the 137 pages of one vaccine. I can find no mention of the graphene oxide people keep writing about.

The thing is though with this new idea with regards vax passports. Do we have to have every vax we have ever had on them or just this new one? Something seemingly most people are not asking.

Do we have to carry them where ever we go?

I know a lot of people that had this experimental prick so they could go on holiday that then found out they can not.
Even my 2 sisters had it for that reason. They still need to pay for PCR tests to see if their healthy self is sick or not.

I am told you can still get the rona even after being pricked, so what is the point of said prick?

Can anyone make any sense with regards to anything being said by governments, the CDC, WHO etc?


For sure there must be something in these pricks they want everyone to have inside them.
I just can not see what it is.

I think I have been beamed into a different reality.

Have a superb week and try to stay sane in what looks like a very insane world.

Peace and out.

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It came unexpectedly and blew away other sicknesses and diseases.
Many lives that could have been saved were lost.

I like your take on the whole issue, it makes a lot of sense and needs a closer look, you may be right about the 'pricks'. 🤔.

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The pricks are Bill Gates, Davos, WHO, Klaus "anal" Schwab and many alleged world leaders :-)

They sure deserve their spot as pricks

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Hey, do you give the permission to record your post in a video and sharing it to my Russian audience ?

It's really a great one, showing what's happening in all countries of the world. The world they want to ruin to build another horrible one !

100% yes.
Anything I write online is free to copy and share, always.

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That's great !

Here is the video :

I hope it will help some people to wake up !

Being mentally healthy cannot be over emphasized, absolutely not, like the saying "health is wealth", it's only when someone is healthy he or she can acquire the wealth he needed, without being healthy what can we do? being healthy should be our utmost priority at all times

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Applauds x10
Incredible @shepz1, I am thrilled that some one finally spoke up about this mayhem and disaster we find our selfs in, calling it the NEW SANITY!

Hmmm, the new normal ain't normal at all let's not pretend. This health agenda is beginning to look like a scam and a sham with different terminologies from: self isolation, to social distancing to lockdown, to nose masking, to vaccines and now we are dealing with post covid crisis and all of these have brought about:
Depressions, death, obesity, anti socializing, economic setbacks, loss of jobs, delay in education and financial strain.
A very fundamental example in Nigeria 🇳🇬, if u develop a Slight flu and u happen to walk into a general hospital, be rest assured your diagnosis will be termed covid even Before treatment of all other ailments arising or is discovered. Isn't that insane?

If we don't speak up to find out what's going on, we might be heading for a new norm that would make our generations wonder how we landed here.

We really need to engage the Government, health experts and the citizens more, we need to find out what is going on, is there something they know that we do not know? All these begs for an answer.

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I could not agree more, the new normal is anything but normal.
I do not say this often, but your reply was worthy of a post in itself.

Thank you for a great comment.

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Thanks @shepz1 And an absolute thank you for voicing this out.

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Do you use M-pesa over there buddy?

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Maybe one day we can all look back at 2020 = 2021

2010 = 2024 my friend ,.. i am afraid ,.. if we let them ,.. if we don't speak out .

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If you look on the World bank site, it is till 2025!

Yeah , but 2025 will be the first year under alien control ,.. after the fake invasion .
So basically 2025 will bring a change in the narrative ,.. more comedy then B movie style ,.. it's gonna be funny for the then still sane people to watch , if they can detach themselves from the insane mass that is .

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Unfortunately lot's of suicides in Australia from this crap show☹️

Yes same as over here bud.

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Indeed it's an insane world we live in.

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Indeed it is my new friend.

The world in general,and also my country nigeria.may God help us all

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Only a couple of countries not lost their minds it seems.

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I think they view health as an investment , they will do anything to make profit

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I think you are correct, sell the illness and sell the treatment for it.

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I guess the sense is in the economy. We are lost of markets. Humankind produced and marketed everything possible. There seems nothing left to be marketed and profited from. So, one must be inventive to keep the market running, no? From the perspective of the big ones the show must go on with the many ones, otherwise the markets might shrink or disappear. I wonder where this never ending craving for power and money comes from? What's "wrong" with the money holders? How much fantastillions does one need in a finite life with only one body? Is it that there is so much to lose? Is that the fear? Probably so. Enemies where you look. When you own much, you probably have a greater fear of losing it all. When you own little there is not much to lose, right?

Having power must be horrible.

They sell the PCR test in supermarkets. You can buy them now for the knockdown price of $5. Buy 4, test 4 times, get 2 positive and 2 negative. I have done it to prove how much nonsensical bs it is.

Now, that is interesting. I like that you make and test out real things.

You could do it ad infinitum and you'll never get a final and absolute similar result. People did that even in times of Aids (also a hoax, if you ask me) - it's like a gambling machine. Now you're dead, no you're not. You could also take flower blossoms. :) Cheers.

Built in obsolescence to everything now. I have 3 old Nokias from 2000 that still work fine, new so called smart phones last me a year and a half maximum.
Seems profit is king not quality.

We are living in an amazing time when people are waking up to the "fact" governments do not have the peoples interests at heart.

As for the greedy billionaires, I blame their parents. When you go beyond a million £ there simply is no need for more money. Been there done it a few times.

The tests are a complete joke and designed to be as such. Designed in your country were they not to over amplify everything?

Have a great day dear lady.

I have an old camera, a mechanical one, a gift from my former boss, when I was a teenager. It's a Pentax XP 1000, a heavy and huge thing :) I admit that I do not photograph anymore with it, since I betrayed it with digital photography. But I would not want to miss the washing machine which works fine and is a dinosaur. Things of quality should last, that's what people want to. But one cannot wash oneself and staying dry, so things of quality do have a price. I am sewing my own clothes, so I know it's time and energy which goes into hand craft. I highly admire everyone with handy skills.

Yeah, the tests are a joke - once on digs deeper into the details and the explanations, it turns out that we don't deal with matter but with mathematics, statistics and averages on something which is an abstraction, is, what I think. I am thinking low of any sorts of standards, created by modern medicine. I may be wrong in washing them down the drain but I am tired of hearing about all those things. When we were young, nothing of those kinds bothered us and we were bored to death hearing the elderlies talking about their sicknesses.

I think the other way around: the individual is not average in terms of his specific body and mind. Averages come second, not first.

You too, have a good day. ...oh, How is the harvesting or growing going, by the way? We have a very rainy summer and the cherries in June at my brothers house all rotted. What a bummer.

Greetings, dear Sir :)

The rain tried it's best to ruin our tomatoes, we give them away by the bucket when anyone shows up. We beat the rain.

Only peas did not grow so well and peppers.

But as we have so many fields, in all honesty, never seen so much food in my life.

We auction some for orphans, give most away, it is in my nature, help others if you can.
I can, I do.
Money is not everything, at least to me that is.

We still have apples to pick, walnuts, grapes and many other things, abundance is amazing, especially when you share it for free. :-)