A self-destructive ego/word of the week in POB

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

We are so focused with what we need to have, that we forget everything we have achieved and lose the north of our true path, the Ego word chosen by @caluman for this week, definitely, they are words that can bring many definitions and stories. This one in particular is very strong, because the Ego is not that it is an enemy as such, an adversary at times ... but in the long run it becomes a teacher who gives you the best lessons, knowing it gives you power, but a power that must be controlling.


Jeffrey Epstein a disgustingly millionaire man, as is the title of this series on Netflix and it is that this man reflects the mismanagement of the power that the Ego gives you.

A man whose economic power was absurd, his Ego was marked in everything he did, he knew that he could have everything and he cared no more than himself, even this attitude also had his partner, a cold woman full of a Big Ego, Jeffrey Epstein owners of mansions valued at more than 10 million dollars, giant apartments and an entire island for his big private parties, where the main course was young women, teenagers, whom he knew his power could reach and wield. with their influences.

He was a millionaire with exotic and extreme tastes and his Ego did not allow him to see, that at some point he could reach a limit where he would lose that great power and those eccentricities and reach a critical point in his life. He only saw the great power he had, the great parties without negative causes that he could give, the influences he had, those friendships that are also managed based on their economic powers, those characters that they could manage at will, to know the past. and be part of their exquisite way of life.


Jeffrey Epstein's Ego took him to the critical point, without any control, where his victims became his biggest problem and even being in that chair in front of the law, his ego did not allow him to confess those atrocious acts that he had committed, those women that he had damaged, those lives that had become miserable, thanks to his disgusting power.
Jeffrey Epstein, after being convicted and locked up in one of the safest prisons in the United States, was abandoned by all those influences, he was no longer so powerful, there where he was he was murdered, although they say he committed suicide, the forensics who his jaw was dislocated and there were traits of opposing force, we all know that he did not commit suicide ... he was left in the hands of those who did not want him to confess each of the eccentric meetings and tastes of those famous and powerful characters.

The ego exercises a power, which must be controlled, because sometimes it makes you say things that can be remembered negatively forever.
An example of this was when the twin towers were attacked, the president at that time, the man who in theory should make a good impression, expressed himself in a self-centered way, when he said that when those towers were attacked, his building would become be the tallest. this man did have a big ego.

The I! It provides opportunities for personal development, as long as it is a controlled Ego, because if it is not controlled, it will block reason and cause rejection.
It is true that growing and evolving will cost you people, places, relationships and work, because what was built from your deficiencies will create an ego, but an ego without the necessary energy to be sustained over time.

It is as if the foundation that builds a building is made of fear, need and interest and ambition, appearance, fear, loneliness, money ...
How can you, pretend that it is still standing, if its base vibrates so low?

An uncontrolled Ego leads you to realize who was with you out of loyalty or just because of your power, if before, for you, everything was money, ambitions and vanity, and you manage a group of friends that accompanied you everywhere, because it was very good to be with you, but one day you go through a metamorphosis and those vanities fell ... these people around you end up leaving your life, because there is no longer any rubber to sustain this connection and that tune ends.

When your ego becomes tied to the vanities of life, you begin to see others only as a body or beauty, even yourself, there is no longer a photo that convinces you of how good you are, everything seems inferior to you.

Today, the Ego has transformed our new generation, taking them to the point of wanting to change everything about themselves to be better than those around them, a selfie that generates many more like, than that person you want to make feel inferior. to you, social networks elevate that Ego in youth and extreme cases have been seen, due to that extreme way of wanting to be superior in things that are not relevant.
The lower negative frequencies in our lives are related to chaos, density, destruction, guilt and the uncontrolled Ego.

Show off, show off, self-promote ... they are the hidden evil of this 21st century, an absurd obsession to look perfect in a photo, we are in the era of selfishness, self-esteem has now become presumptuous.

The internet and social networks are now the drivers of the uncontrolled ego, that feeling that the more you have, the more you want ...

So, it is not that it is totally bad, the Ego, since it helps you to strive even more, for those valuable things, but a lack of control in this, can be the cause of an unexpected ruin, take you to a dark and lonely course.

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Ego is good but too much of it is toxic and knowing how to manage this is important

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Keeping an "Ego" in check is still pretty experimental, not yet proven really possible!

Truth is everyone has it deep down, it doesn't show always, but once a certain button is pressed on that "said" person's life, you'll see him/her unleash the beast, for real...

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Exactly, there is the big problem, that button is then pressed and very few manage to fix it and when they realize it they no longer accept even that they pressed the ego button.

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I believe the problem of the ego, is not knowing how to set limits and reach critical points in life.

It becomes a great obsession.

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We are so focused with what we need to have, that we forget everything we have achieved and lose the north of our true path

Beautiful words and poetic. Thank you for sharing.

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Thanks to you for going through this post.

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Show off, show off, self-promote ... they are the hidden evil of this 21st century.

Simply : Clout Chasing.

I see it everyday, once I log in Facebook, one or the other is trynna impress and gain social grounds, and obviously, in the process, another is trying to stop him/her.

It just keeps repeating and youths keep moving in the wrong direction in search of power and relevance.

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It is a race on the wrong path and they reach quite extreme points, where reason is no longer the one that dominates their mind, the superficial takes over and they start the most risky game, where they lose their modesty and the fear of falling into a game. great lack of control.

Social networks are part of an ego without brakes.

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If a person ego is not contained, he will lose the people that matters most.

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That is a great reality, when they realize what they lost, they become aware of their ego.

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Show off, show off, self-promote ... they are the hidden evil of this 21st century, an absurd obsession to look perfect in a photo, we are in the era of selfishness, self-esteem has now become presumptuous.

I totally agree with what you say. An unpleasant image of today's society.

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The youth have fallen deeply into this and lose a lot without being aware.

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Sadly yes. I see around me too.

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We are so focused with what we need to have, that we forget everything we have achieved and lose the north of our true path...

Well said, @sheila23.

This is often the path that life imposes on us. We are always thinking about the future and tend to forget about the present (and everything we've accomplished in the past). However, we can't let the ego take over and show that it's the boss because we are the ones who create it.

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If people understood this, they would not waste so much time and enjoy more of what the present offers them. The ego takes hold of many and makes them mentally blind.

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The self! It provides opportunities for personal development, as long as it is a controlled Ego.

I love the story you share in this post because you allow us to see the ego from the experience itself. On the other hand I also liked that you talk about ego from the positive and negative perspective.

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It is that the Ego becomes negative, when we do not maintain control and let it dominate our life.
this word must have been of reflection for many, thanks to this contest.

I thank you for stopping by here.

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