A few small steps can change the course of life

A few small steps can change the course of life.

Love yourself: Love yourself. Don't suffer from an inferiority complex regardless of your appearance or skin color. You are the only one in this world, there is no one like you. So trust yourself and love yourself. Remember, loving yourself does not mean harming others. Selfishness and self-love are two different things.

Learn to have the right idea about yourself: It is a sign of pride to think big of yourself. And it is foolish to think of yourself as small. Learn to have the right idea about yourself. You know your intentions, desires, aspirations, dreams, thoughts better than anyone else. So know yourself. Do justice to yourself by having the right idea towards yourself.


Development of self-esteem: Just as respect is an ornament of any relationship, self-esteem is an essential part of any person's personality. People without self-respect or disrespect are not considered by other people, they are insulted in various ways. Although such use is against humanity. Even though you have self-esteem, explain it to others. Do not insult yourself again and again. In the name of love, when we love someone, we forget our self-esteem and just love or endure the humiliation of others. People do not express their love for it, it is a weakness. So respect yourself with your passion or love. If you have self-respect, no one will be able to insult you or your emotions day after day.

Stay away from ego: Many people combine self-esteem and ego. Two completely different things. Self-esteem strengthens one's position towards others and ego will take you away from others even in trivial matters.

Learn to say 'no': There are many situations in life where you have to say no. Not saying no, you are not good, your qualifications are low. Starting from the workplace is about what you are not, what you can’t do, which doesn’t go with your values. Don’t say there without any kind of guilt. There will be firmness in the voice when saying no but do not show any contempt or disrespect in the words or proposals of others. Explain that you don't agree with what others say, you can't work.

Control anger: value arrogance, anger is part of human character. People without anger can be found very rarely. But excess anger causes destruction. There are words - if you get angry, you lose. So anger control is very necessary. The philosopher Safety Barry says that if anger is not controlled, then anger rules the whole person. There is another ancient proverb - he who does not know how to be angry is a fool, but he who does not get angry is wise.

Be thrifty: There is a saying in the village - eat while you have time, walk during the day. This means keeping something without spending money while earning. I Will work at an inopportune time. Savings are the friend of hard times. Otherwise, you have to reach out to others in times of danger. The philosopher Aristotle said that giving is a sign of greatness and accepting it is meanness. So one should keep a savings account with the cost to have more time than hand leaves.

Be honest in your work: Being honest with yourself and your work is the biggest success. Not everyone can afford to benefit society and the country financially and physically. But to himself, anyone who can show honesty in his work. It should not be forgotten that whatever we do, its effect falls directly or indirectly on this society and country. Be aware of this from the beginning of the year.

Not imitation: The work or philosophy of life of many people in various fields of life fascinates and inspires us. I want to be like them, do things the way they work. There is nothing wrong with setting a standard in life. Rather, it serves as an inspiration in many cases. But remember, following someone is never imitating someone or someone's work. Never lose your identity in any work. Inspired by someone's good work, he thought he would do the same. Do, no problem. But before you do, think about your thoughts, imagination, likes. Who knows, your thinking is more creative, more effective than the work of the person you are inspired to see. So whatever you do, do it yourself. Your identity is your identity.


Give yourself time: We are constantly running in the pursuit of success or in the pursuit of success. Day by day people is getting busier and busier. But instead of receiving at the end of the day, there is a kind of instability and fatigue. We seem to be losing ourselves in the pursuit of everything. Today, he is losing his loved ones behind the glamorous busy life. In many cases we don't even understand ourselves, even if we understand, we cover ourselves with that instability and fool ourselves. So instability, fatigue, not feeling good does not leave us behind. So in the midst of hundreds of engagements in the new year, give yourself a little time to run after success. This time is just yours.

Express gratitude to the Creator: Pray. The best way to express gratitude to God is through prayer. Also, before you wake up every morning and go to bed at night, thank God for everything in your life. Thank you for that too, you are much better than many. Many more people than you are living a very hard life, but they have never given up. It can also be a great lesson in your life. Life can be hard, but the rate is unbearable. We have to fight till the end. And this power can also be found through prayer. So pray in a hundred engagements.

Did you have to look back for any decision in life?


  • Knowing the deception, lies, and deception of my 5-year-old love man, when I left him and came forward for my beautiful life, I never looked back.

  • 5 years of failure After finishing my career, when I started my career anew, when I left my father's favorite subject, when I wanted to make my favorite subject the future, then I never had to look back.

  • Life will give you one or a thousand opportunities to start. You will never regret using the opportunity.

I will say one thing, if you believe in yourself and rely on God, you will never have to look back.

Exclude playing online video games


I was addicted to free-fire for about a year and a half. About 4/5 hours a day would be wasted behind it, some days more games would be played. And these types of online games are designed in such a way that once you get into its ecosystem, you will waste both time and money. When you look at modern online multiplayer games, they are worse than gambling. Gambling has at least a chance to win. And here you have to lose both money and time. However, after playing for almost a year and a half, I checked the annual in-game report and found that my total playtime was 2200+ hours! Seeing this, I was shocked. 4/5 hours a day seems like less to watch alone, but after a year and a half of playtime together, I realized that I wasted a lot of time behind a video game. Later, I calculated how much money I had spent on this game and saw that the amount of money was not less. My freelancing career was also ruined for wasting so much time. If I had spent 2200+ hours learning a new programming language, I could have become an expert in it for so long, which would be useful in my future life. Many people are still addicted to this game and play it for hours on end, but it is a pity to think that ten or fifteen years from now when they look back, they will see that it has not added any value to their lives but has wasted a lot of precious time.

Start physical exercise


It's been almost nine months since I quit online gaming. After quitting gaming, I started spending 1 hour on physical exercise out of the 4 hours I used to spend on online games. I used to hear about the positive aspects of physical exercise only in fitness-related videos on YouTube. But after starting myself, I realized how useful this habit really is. In fact, the benefits of exercise cannot be understood from anyone's mouth. Only when you start practicing will you understand.

I weighed 93 kg before I started the physical exercise. It is decreasing day by day and now it stands at 7. It doesn't feel good to look at yourself in the mirror before you get fat. There was a lot of lack of confidence to mix, to talk among people. When the weight started to decrease, it was nice to see me in the mirror, any dress would fit nicely. And Confidence Tao began to return with that. I used to feel lazy when I used to do any work. Now after an hour of heavy exercise in the morning, the energy level is very high throughout the day. So the problem of procrastination is gone. The brain is much fresher and more active than before. So I can do productive work without fatigue for a long time.

  • Read at least 50-60 pages of non-fiction books every day This one habit has changed my life radically Some bad habits are gone

  • Deleting a real Facebook account. Sometimes Duki deactivates it again from a new account for some information.

  • Don't play online games (at one time I was addicted to 8 ball pool games). During these times, the money will take everything from you, you will not get anything in return

  • Not watching porn videos. Note: I don't watch any movies, I prefer to read books from it. You can learn a lot from watching movies. If a movie is 3 hours, I am willing to read non-fiction books for 3 hours This is my personal wish.

  • Fall asleep quickly at night and wake up very early in the morning.

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