I'll take a look at those episodes you mentioned.
If there is something that I don't like, I'll do like in the marketplace--I won't buy it. In the case of HIVE, I won't upvote it.
That's one practice I'm promoting. And if someone's content is suspicious people would let me know and I'd evaluate it. I'm trying to get others to do that in POB. They don't like the DV outside of fraud control. Actually, they don't like it at all, but they accept it for fraud stuff now.
No doubt, fraud sounds like a scam to me! Enjoy those episodes. It will give you a good look into the human psyche when we turn the natural market on its head. Thanks for your thoughtful comments, @scholaris.pob!
I can see your point of view. When I write fraud I mean something I can verify like plagiarism, NSF stuff, scams, etc. I can't DV for something like an opinion. People have to agree with it. I also started waiting. I'll make a comment, wait for a response, and then act.
If, for example, someone quoted something from another source but didn't cite it, I'd bring it up and wait for a correction. That part can take some time, but it seems to make people happier. Mind you, none of this is a hard requirement. I just hope to influence enough to follow something similar. We tried to make it a hard requirement, but it failed.
That's very good, it sounds to me like
you have laudable downvote ethics!
I prefer not to do it, honestly. However, if I present a method acceptable then maybe others can follow suit. Ideally, my goal would be, instead, to avoid its use and utilize engagement as a means of deterrence. Unfortunately, the ecosystem is too large. While I can focus on a small community and start driving a small population to engage, there are too many other instances that escape my notice.
I'd love to read all about the Scholaris
method of downvote etiquette. Many
others could also learn from your way.
Engagement as a means of deterrence
is always a first best go to option. I say
that because sometimes people are new.
Better for them to have a good experience,
than to get immediately soured against HIVE.
If/when you publish, please send me the link.
I'll definitely send you a link as our policy develops.
Oh, you're very welcome. I appreciate the conversation.
You mean escaping the -ship for good... do you not?
I'm not sure if that was for me or not, but I do love expanse!
I felt good was done in the world when Amazon picked it back up. I love that show and I don't know why.
just needed a good reason to watch tht clip : /