The effect of negative thoughts

Hello, friends

How are you doing today hope you are having fun time, Greetings from @salvictoria22.

Well today I decided to come up with this wonderful topic of mine for you though it might really be what you could you may be expecting from me but I believe as Time goes on I could probably bring up what you would like.

First of all I will be talking about the meaning of the word bad influence and it's Effects and thoughts also.


Meaning of negative thoughts
Negative thoughts are cognitions about the self, others, or the world in general that are characterized by negative perceptions, expectations and attributions and are associated with unpleasant emotions and adverse behavioral, physiological and health outcome.

Effect of negative thoughts
Negative thoughts makes you feel blue about the world, about your self, and about the Future. It contributes to low self-worth it makes you feel you are not effective in the world, it may also lead to depression, anxiety, chronic worry and obsessive compulsive disorder.

Steps to stop negative thoughts

  • notice the difference between being stuck in your thoughts.
  • label your thoughts.
  • choose your intentions.
    The most common negative thoughts
    I am not as lucky as other people.
    I don't think I will ever.
    I should be better than I am.
    I am not strong enough.

Things that can make you see brighter side of life
Make social connection.
Do something nice for your self.
Take time to count your blessings.
Share your feelings with someone close to you.
Focus on what you are feeling right now,if you are sad.

Thanks for stopping by my blog Take care of yourself and do have a nice day and fun time too.


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