so now we get POB and POB classic ??? LOL
I say just let it ride and fix it for the future -
I think i read somewhere that BTC had a couple 'booboos' in the beginning and the devs just fixed the code but left the chain (balances) in the boo-boo'd state.
People lives are at 'stake' here - we can't/shouldn't just get a 'do over' - what do you think this is , a damn video game ??? ROFL
My 'complex solution' (referenced in my previous reply) actually involves something sorta like your POB and POB Classic comment. It involves a bifurcated token (two tokens that have the exact same circulation and issue at the exact same time to the exact same accounts, but serve dramatically different purposes).
After some quite lengthy dialogue today with @proofofbrainio on Discord, I was unable to convince him of the merits of the idea. However, he was good with presenting it to the tribe for some 'hive mind' consideration.
I'll try to post details sometime tomorrow.
It can be solved by doing an account mute to prevent the account from affecting the reward pool distribution until the tokens are burned or returned.
A delegation to another account can be done to compensate him in the meantime.
lol, I agree. We will do the best we can to fix it and let it ride into the future. I would much rather POB start out like BTC than like STEEM!
I feel like my brains have been sucked out of me, watching my 100's of thousands of POB leak away....
But how was that possible? 32k POB that's way huge.