Before I left to Los Angeles I had to try McDonald's new collaboration with the anime classic, Neon Genesis Evangelion.
The collaboration consists of 3 new sandwhiches, two with beef, one with chicken and if you are lucky you get a shot at buying one of 3 Evangelion transforming MacDonald's foods. The latter you have to enter a lottery on the MacDonald's app, then buy them for $25 if you win.
I headed off to my local MacDonald's where I had to wait in line for over 10 minutes!
While waiting in line I was very tempted to grab a strawberry with chocolate shake, but I opted for a different dessert.
Back to the burgers. The three burgers are, Hashed Brown, Beef with Garlic Mayonnaise, purchased. Mexican Cheese Chicken, purchased. Cheese Double Teriyaki, passed. I passed on this last one because it's basically a Samurai Mac, which I've had and you can order any time.
Oh, I also purchased a chocolate cream pie for my wife....
So, let's have a look at each burger.
The hashed brown, beef with garlic mayonnaise. I was pretty excited to try this typical American style burger. Anytime you put something that doesn't belong in a burger, you'll find it in America and now Japan!
Womp womp. This was such a disappointment I had to take two bites to make sure. To be honest it was a bit bland and boring. The garlic sauce was evident, but it was very lacking. I guess I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up considering it's MacDonald's. However, I held out hope for the next burger.
The Mexican Cheese Chicken Burger.
With my expectations very low after the last burger I took a bite.
Oh my umami!
What ever they put into that cheese blew my tastebuds! It was a spicy, creamy, queso like sauce and it went great with the chicken. My only complaint is a 7-11 or Family Mart Chicken would have been much better. Still, the cheese was so good I could overlook the dry chicken. The cheese was a feast of flavor!
The feast was not over. There was still my wife's choco pie to try.
I bit in and laughed in disappointment.
The chocolate cream had sank to the bottom of the pie! I had to ask my wife for a later bite with some cream. She said yes and well, it was pretty uneventful. Just a chocolate cream. Nothing special. Wouldn't buy it again. My wife agreed.
In closing, if you are in Japan go for the Mexican Cheese Burger. You won't be disappointed. The others, all I can say is, don't expect much, it is MacDonald's.
Until the next special food post, thanks for reading!
Slather cheese on a bit of chiken and I'm definitely going to enjoy it, add a bit of spice? Heck yeah. That mexican cheeseburger looks fantastic, I'm sad we don't have it in Canada!
It was really good. I wouldn't be surprised if they exported it to Canada and the US.