You Get Less for Murder

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

This time seventeen years ago, we were preparing to be wed. Me who was never going to be married, because you know, it's just a piece of paper and all. But when I met my husband, I swooned. I was pouring vodka into a can of V and his first words to me were: 'I saw that'. We went out, danced, got drunk. Well I did - he was completely sober, for reasons. Our first kiss was electric. Like actual sparks. I'll spare you the details, but I was in love before the sun came up. We spent a beautiful day together before I left to go to go back to London. He gave me the wrong phone number, which was disastrous, and a bit of an indication that maybe he wasn't keen to catch up - except he liked me enough to call our mutual friend to get my number. He called me on Christmas Day. I promised to Scotland for New Years Eve, and I promised I'd get the train to Brighton on New Year's Day.

Except, the wrong phone number. Again. I got on three trains, the last of which was super late - three hours after our arranged meeting time and I hadn't spoken to this guy since the 21st of December. When the train finally arrived, he wasn't there. Although disappointed, I thought, well, that's it. Maybe that spark didn't exist after all. And then, there he was. He'd somehow co-erced his friends to go on a pub crawl around town, edging closer and closer to the train station. He had met six trains before mine came in, and swore it'd be the last one, because if I wasn't on that - well, maybe that spark didn't exist after all.

Three days later, we decided to get married.

It wasn't that simple - I had to go all the way back to Australia, pack up everything I had, say goodbye to my life, end a on again off again relationship, save up for flights, and arrive back with a 5 year old in tow - a five year old he'd never met, by the way. Suitcases (two), passports, wallet, child. Three thousand Aussie dollars. The blessings of my parents, the contempt of my ex, and the bitchiness of girlfriends who thought I was being irresponsible. Following ones heart, it seemed, was not the done thing.

Within a year, we were walking down the aisle. My parents had come over from Australia, and my sister and best friend both surprised me too. When I heard the bells, I was off down the road, Dad grabbing my arm and redirecting me to the church. I was so nervous my hand was sweating - so was his. It was the most nerve wracking thing we've ever done, probably because we were taking it so darn seriously. We'd agreed on an escape if it didn't work, but we were both so emotionally invested in this, both so in love.

Seventeen years later, we're still in love, still full of wonder about how this could be so strong after all this time. It's not that we haven't worked at it when we have suffered hard times, but we've leant in far more than we've wanted to run away. We still make each other laugh, still confide in each other, still hold onto each other in storms, still find each other sexy.

If you less for murder, as the jokers say, then that's okay. Our marriage hasn't been a punishment, or an oppressive sentence - it's been a blessing. It fills my heart with joy and gratitude.

With Love,


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Seventeen years later, we're still in love, still full of wonder about how this could be so strong after all this time. It's not that we haven't worked at it when we have suffered hard times, but we've leant in far more than we've wanted to run away.

Wonderful couple, I must say, I can sense the feelings from your words. There are sufferings, but dealing them makes us stronger,as a family. Sometimes, we have to sacrifice certain things, but that makes the joy coming after, memorable.

Oh I so agree @sanjeevm - you know it brings me joy to see old couples walking along and i KNOW they've shared such trials and smiles together, and their love is true and deep.

That was something that should be made into a movie. It absolutely must! I love that story.

When I met Marc who is fifteen years younger my friend said it was a good stepping stone from the bad relationship I had. In other words it wouldn't last. Yet almost twenty years later we are together and work together and never spend days apart.

We both had stepping stones before we met each other, thankfully, that made us realise we were worthy after all. You and Marc seem so together and strong- when You know you know, right?

I have seen many people say these lovely things when they are together for first 6-8 months, but very few people have so much love and passion for each other after so many years.

It's not that we haven't worked at it when we have suffered hard times, but we've leant in far more than we've wanted to run away.

And the secret is that. Continuous work on your relationship. Just like consistent work on your business makes you more money, consistent work on your relationship makes you → "Seventeen years later, we're still in love"

Congrats, for completing the Seventeen year mark. And thanks for sharing your happiness with us.
As they say, happiness increases when shared with others, and I am feeling a bit happy now, with a smile on my face, that someone somewhere around the world is happy today.

So, thanks a lot for that🙂

Aw, you are just the sweetest. I can't tell you how nice it is to get a @looftee comment on my post! I'm glad that my happiness shared rippled out into the world.

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What a great story - the wrong phone numbers, the trains, the spark (literally? long story?) -
You remind me of the only good episode in Season Two of Modern Love - but your story is better!


... two people meeting on a train at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Michael and Paula fall in love and vow to see each other in two weeks' time, not realizing how the coronavirus will spread and force them all to lock down for far longer.

Which means, of course, that they're not able to get to the station at the appointed time. But is that the end of the story? Readers get to imagine how it will play out, and it WILL play out, or fans of the romance genre will storm the studios.

Yes, I like your story better, esp the waltz into the unknown, trusting that love endures:

I had to go all the way back to Australia, pack up everything I had...
(Including a 5 year old he'd never met!)
... passports, wallet, child....The blessings of my parents, the contempt of my ex, and the bitchiness of girlfriends who thought I was being irresponsible. Following ones heart, it seemed, was not the done thing.

I love happy endings. :) Happy Anniversary!

Haha @carolkean - thanks so much! There's many other little stories within that one that I keep remembering too. I do love our meeting story and we do find wonder in that memory even 18 years on! Loved your comment, thanks for taking the time!

Following your heart heart could be risky sometimes. You get to lose some people well making your bold steps, but it paid off

You are happily married, although some people didn't agree with it .

How lovely!.

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Thanks - yes it was a huge risk, and really impulsive of us. We still laugh about it as at one point he said to me that maybe it's not a good idea (we'd been apart 3 months at the time) but I said I already bought the plane ticket (which I hadn't, but I was close to doing so) - he always laughs at that lie, joking: 'what, you mean I had an escape route?' but he's thankful I didn't have any doubts even if he momentarily did. Honestly, we've been silly happy together.

I'm glad that you people mad the right choice.


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It's a good thing that you guys found love.. it

I'm so happy for y'all

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Yay for seventeen years! Your relationship seems pretty solid and through your writing here it's pretty obvious. Your last paragraph says it all.

We're incredibly solid - I honestly couldn't have dreamt of anything more lovely. And the longer we're together, the stronger we are.

What a nice thing to read on a Saturday morning.

Have a good one Rivvy, do something with it...Or nothing...Whatever makes your heart sing. Happy weekend.

Well, we have more lockdown, so actually I'm quite content - we have lots of projects to work on together in the garden!

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I saw the lockdown. It's...Well, lockdown is becoming the new normal over there...And yet the footballers can fly wherever they like. I guess money talks.

Ah, sorry about the trains. My quantum time machine has been acting up lately. Happy it all worked out.

Your Truly,

Dear Fate,

Honestly, don't know how to repay you. Sometimes you do, as they say in some parts, 'the rightie'.

I'll never forget looking out the train window and longing. It'd been raining furiously and they had trouble on the lines. I was slightly hungover from too much whiskey and something about dancing with Scottish police at midnight. But you'd know that.

My quantum time machine has been acting up lately

Have you tried kicking it?

Have you tried kicking it?

By golly, girl, that did the trick! See you back in the future. 😎

Ahhhh, I love stories like this. I've read bits and pieces over the years, but this fills in the holes. :))

There's still more bits and pieces, haha - but it's a good meeting story actually.

I had an English couple stay with me in Australia, as I'd met him years ago on another trip and we caught up again when he came back with his girlfriend. Teh following year I was headed to the UK and Claire asked if there was anything she could do for me whilst I was there. I joked and said 'find me a husband' - honestly, just a joke, as it was kinda the thing, you know? About going overseas and meeting a guy. Anyway, they took me to her best mate's place as we were going to stay there before we went out. Her best mate was Jamie's sister, and Jamie was there ONLY because he had stupidly connected the battery up wrong in his truck the day before - he was meant to have LEFT! And he'd NEVER done anything so mechanically stupid before - it was the strangest thing. Blew the alternator. If it wasn't for that series of events, we wouldn't have met. When Claire saw us in the morning, snuggled on the couch, she was like 'omg i didn't even think of Jamie!!!'.

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Wow! Love these bits and pieces. :)) You just never know, the oddest things sometimes...

You must miss your man a lot. I'm conscious of that as I gush. 😘😢

Yeah, it's pretty much constant.... But I still enjoy your stories. :))

Stories like these give me hope that true life actually exists and it's extra cool that I know those people ;<)

Aw, me too, it's a meeting story to remember and people love it.

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Wow congratulations!

And that's the kind of love story that I love.

Sparks flying, fast and furious.

Adventures abroad and dues paid in missed trains and wrong phone numbers.

That's when you know it's meant to be.

I lok forward to meeting both of you IRL one day (when we get out of lockdown mark VI)

Oh gosh are you coping okay up there? See comment on goldenoakfarm above if you like this story - a little addendum, if you like! Hope you're okay.

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Cheers. Just another reason to follow in the direction of my heart.

Oh yes, your heart knows things that your brain doesn't!

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What a love story, just beautiful!
Wrong phone number, train hours late but you still made it to the church on time!
It was written in the stars for sure!
When you find someone who you can lean on in trying times, and visa versa, you both are blessed indeed!

Congratulations on your wonderful marriage :) The big problem that I have heard is so many do consider leaving an option!

I love reading how you and J met, it was so meant to be and it gives me hope. Lots of love to you both and I hope you both celebrated one another xxxx