5 tips to be a better salesperson

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

Hello everybody, How are you?

I've been working for a few months in the commercial area of ​​a Brazilian startup, and in the meantime I managed to learn several things about sales that changed my mind.

I always believed that sales were related to luck or a natural gift that the person was born knowing how to sell. Today I understand that sales is a process that anyone can learn.

I've always had an entrepreneurial spirit, but every business that started, ended up failing. Today I see that the reason was my inability to sell. After all, a company that doesn't sell isn't a company, it's just an idea.

So if you are also starting to undertake or are already doing it and have difficulties in selling your product or service, this post is for you!

Now let's go ahead with 5 tips to help you be a better salesperson.

1 - Identify your customer's profile.

Yeah, that's kind of obvious, but obvious needs to be said. The first step for you to start selling is to understand the profile of the person who will buy your service or product.

How does it work?

I'll give you an example, it doesn't matter if you are the best salesperson in the world with the best conversation, and the perfect product at the best price. if you try to sell to the wrong customer profile they won't even want it for free.

Ex: When I sell the best knife to cut meat, it is perfect. cuts meat like paper and it already comes out seasoned, it has artificial intelligence and identifies when you will cut your finger and does not cut your skin, it is impossible to get hurt with it, but it only works for meat, it does not cut anything but poultry, fish or cattle. does not cut vegetables, thefts or cheese, it is the perfect knife for your barbecue. Its price is a dollar delivered to your home via teleportation and you only pay in 1 year and it has a lifetime warranty.

Sounds like a perfect product. It seems impossible not to sell this product, but no matter how good it is if you try to sell it to a vegan or vegetarian person they won't even want it for free. Because simply cutting meat is not for her.

So understand who your consumer audience is and sell to them. and to be able to identify it more easily, let's go to the next tip.

2 - Know your product or service!

This also seems obvious, but most people can't define their target audience because they don't really know their product or service.

To get to know your product, the first step is to identify which problem it solves. Make a list of all the problems he solves as objectively as possible. The more objective these pains are, the easier it will be to identify your client's profile.

Another example:

I have a pill that takes the pain out of childbirth and the child is born well and the mother doesn't suffer anything.

What pain does the product solve?

1 - Literally the pain of childbirth.
2 - removes the fear and anxiety generated in mothers before childbirth.
3 - It reduces the anguish caused in the parents when they see their women suffering.
4 - facilitates the work of doctors with regard to childbirth A calm mother without pain facilitates the birth process.
5 - Reduces the cost of a professional anesthesiologist.
6 - reduces the cost of anesthetic drugs.
7 - Enables safer home births.
8 - does not bother neighbors for home births resulting from the pregnant woman's screams.

Anyway these were 8 super simple pains that this product solves. People often think about the benefits that your product brings, but the benefit alone does not sell it is a by-product of solving a problem/pain.

With the pains and the ideal profile defined, let's go to tip 3.

3 - Listen to your customer and add value and bypass objections.

On active sale. The customer is the focus of the negotiation, as the decision is in their hands, so listen to what your customer says. If you've written a script and you approach your customer, and you spew that script at him believing that when you're done talking he's going to get up and clap for you and buy your product, you're probably wrong.

The sale should be more like a conversation than a monologue. Ask your customer about the pains that your product solves and how he currently faces them, your script should be based on questions that lead the customer to expose the pains and problems he has and that your product solves.

In this conversation, when he exposes the pain, show him that your product can solve his pain, this is adding value. The more value you add, the more likely it will be to buy from you.

Get around the objections, during the sales process you will be able to identify the most common objections among your customers, so get around them during the conversation before making the offer, an easy way is to ask him about the objection that will arise. "I don't have money" already asks him if money is a problem if he is going through a complicated financial situation and etc...

4 - Offer

The offer should only come after creating enough value and overcoming the most recurrent objections, the value created needs to be greater than the price that will be offered, most of the time if when you say the price and the customer finds it expensive, it's because of two ones. , either you didn't add enough value, or your pricing is wrong. But if you did good pricing at a competitive price you probably didn't add enough value to your customer.

When you make the offer, be silent and let your customer respond.

Most novice sellers, if the person takes a long time to respond, they already start to justify themselves or want to offer a discount, this is not the moment to justify, the moment to justify was previously during the stage of adding value and overcoming objections, now it is the time to let your customer decide whether or not to buy. If he starts negotiating with you about the price, it means that he is interested in it, so you need to adjust the offer to close with him.

But if you've identified the pain, broken the objections and added value, he'll close with you if it's his time.

5 - Be confident.

It's no use being confident if you don't do the other steps right, but confidence is important. Proper tone of voice, well-spoken word with good diction and clear thinking is important for your customer to feel secure in talking to you, maintain a good posture and be confident in what you are selling, believe in the product and follow through the previous steps and sales will be much easier for you.

Selling is a natural process everyone buys things daily and needs to consume so don't see this as a problem but a solution.

Leave other tips or difficulties that you have in the comments, I want to know the opinion of you who have read so far.

Posted via proofofbrain.io