Seth Godin The remarkable marketing genius.
Had written in his book "the dip"
Saying , there's not a thing as winners never quit. Though, if it can't bring the best of yourself on the long sustainable rung. Then you're heading towards a Dip and more likely to quit as a choice , with a strong reason behinds it " I AM NOT FULFILLING MY PURPOSE BEING HERE"
(no visibility nor appreciation for my work)
Therefore I ll be starting my own blog And having my unique compassionate audience, who does really care and read to Understand and comprehend to extract the value
Your last sentence is very important here. and I would encourage you (though I have a feeling you already do - or at least I hope you do.. hehehe) to make sure that you engage with that audience so they feel heard and appreciated too :)
Add me on discord if you like : racemlaadhar#8412Thank you so much @dreemsteem I'll be happy for your visit once it's launched.
of course :) I would love to visit!
People blog in all spaces and all places - and there is room for all to thrive! You just have to go where you grow! 😊
and if you get to create that space for yourself?? wonderful! No one can fault you for building your own dream!!! hehhe
(but you should still stick around here too maybe !)
Sure do. I've been here since 2017
Quite a journey. Quite an experience and learning All the way.
Strongly saying that this Hive and steemit are the reason behind I getting to know about crypto and Blockchain.
And that was priceless. Meaning, these social Blockchain platforms are the roots of where everyone should start and expend his acknowledgment to grow bigger.
I think that's The point where people are Missing out,
Reading to learn not to scan read it, in hopes for an upvote.
Bees needs delicious nectars to feed on and the product of their honey would be the finest there is. anywhere it lands anyplace it goes she'll always remember the sweet fragrant of the Hive