POB Update: Should I Inject Liquidity Into The POB Market To Raise Funds For Front End Development?

Wow! This has escalated quickly! I did not imagine this growth would happen this fast! Thank you to everyone in the community who has added to making POB the new cool place to be!

There have been a few people ask me about selling some POB from the @proofofbrainio account over the last week. I have over 5k POB liquid that I could put for sale on the market to jump start development of a new front end.

There is also a lack of liquidity as most of the POB in circulation are staked. So please give your thoughts in the comments on what you think would be best for the community.


We Need A Dev

There is also the option that we could find a developer that is willing to be paid in POB. So this is a call to any devs reading this post. Please tell us what you can do for us and for what price, and in what token would you want to be paid. You can read more below to get an idea of what we need and if you're capable of doing it for us.

Other Options

I can also power up this POB and use it for delegations to the community. We have many options, but I think it might make sense to capitalize on the recent attention and kick start the development of the new front end to show that we are going to push the envelope of what is possible.

@pob-fund Fridays

There have been many excellent suggestions on how POB can continue it's progress with the great momentum it has received from the community.

From these discussions, the @pob-fund has been created and everyone has been encouraged to share their #pob-ideas on Fridays with a 50% beneficiary to @pob-fund. With this we fund we will hopefully be able to stay at the forefront of what 2nd layer Hive technology can achieve.

Suggestions For The Front End

The most recent @pob-fund post I noticed from @celi130 caught my eye. She pointed out something that I've been thinking and hearing from the community, but it comes down to creating some basic functionality that we can already see in peakd.com and leofinance.io, but at the same time taking the design to a new level that fits our needs.

She also broke it down into four main suggestions and I think it's a great place to start our list.

  • Notifications
  • Hive Wallet Management
  • Text Editor
  • Redesigned Front End Look emphasizing new posts

Please read her post for more info as she presented it very well. With all these in place, we would take away much of the need to use other front ends for the functionality needed to fully manage your POB and HIVE accounts.

My suggestions

  • Payout Info Popup when hovering including beneficiary info
  • Voting Power displayed prominently in wallet

Other Suggestions

  • Redesign Tag System
  • Search Authors by topic

What should be added to this list at what priority?

Feel free to make your own posts about what you think we should do to increase the value of POB. Posts that put a 50% @pob-fund beneficiary and suggestions that overlap and are well thought out will be actively considered by the community before moving forward.

100% @pob-fund beneficiary

Posted via proofofbrain.io


@proofofbrainio just wanted to respond to this to let you know if you live in the USA they have a big deal about doing this kind of thing so be careful. Selling your tokens to other and saying it is for dev funding and stuff could make PoB a security. And you don't want that to happen.

Any token/crypto project that sells their own token to people for promise of development and other things can turn them into a security. Very dangerous stuff.

Not a lawyer, but probably the best thing to do is to read into the secuirty laws on cryptocurrencies and tokens if you haven't already. It's quite the trap to fall into. Will the IRS monitor hive chain, probably not right now, but in 4 or 5 years when projects are bringing in milions to tens of millions maybe. Just stay safe with the legal stuff, i've been looking into all this stuff lately for a related reason.

Very good to know! Would that be true if it's just selling POB for HIVE? I wouldn't do it just of that reason if so. Paying a dev with POB wouldn't be any problem though right?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I think as long as you sell PoB through the hive-engine market you are ok, but if you were dong a crowdsale fundraiser and selling directly to people it turns it into a security.

Here's a good link https://cryptolawinsider.com/security-token/

Yeah, I'm aware that doing an ICO can get the SEC to classify you as a security. That was never even considered. The post was about just selling POB on hive-engine.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I think that's ok from what I've read.

Do you have discord or some other chat you use? I own the @informationwar curation trail and have been manually curating for over 3 years on it, and also curate with @deepdives and the people who follow that.

There was a few things I was interested in chatting with you about privately regarding curation stuff if you wouldn't mind. Some synergy things I see that could benefit both of our communities.

My discord is TruthForce#9168

I'd say do it and hire me. Not only do know how to code for the API, but I also have a lot of buy orders at low prices.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Are you a web designer ? What rates do you charge ( in POB ) if you take up this job ?

I am not the owner lol I am just very curious to know.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am not sure. I normally get 200 POB a day just using the platform but that's because I'm reading every post. I sometimes get more.

Nice! We should chat. Are you on discord? I'm POB#6372 and here is the POB channel https://discord.gg/8vBmmtS9ZU

I agree with @antonym, I'm thinking we should probably do these things:

  • Notifications
  • Hive Wallet Management
  • Text Editor
  • Payout Info Popup when hovering including beneficiary info
  • Voting Power displayed prominently in wallet

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I think, you should have a specific gameplan and should be very sure, that they are an improvement, before you start shaking things up. POB works right now.

Right now the simple design and the high price are pulling a ton of people into POB. Changing the design and selling of thousands of POB at the same time, will risk both. It might work. It might not.

This is where I would start, because you can't do anything wrong with these things. They are straight up improvements, without the risk of changing a winning formula:

Hive Wallet Management
Text Editor
Payout Info Popup when hovering including beneficiary info
Voting Power displayed prominently in wallet

For these things I would support hiring a developer and selling POB, if you must. I just want you to be aware of the risks.

I wouldn't tamper with the design until the community growth has slowed down a bit. Maybe in a few months.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Good suggestions :) I agree with all of them .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah, I wanted to take advantage of if you can help resolve a question, my first delegation to your account was just over 21 POB then I removed the delay since I did not have much knowledge, and now it appears to me in pending cancellations, but it does not come out in balance or Nowhere else, do you know how long I would have to wait for those POBs to return to my balance?


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think it is 7 days 4 payments .

@proofofbrainio , am I wrong ?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If they still appear pending, as soon as they return to my wallet I send them along with what I have delegated to you!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sure @clicmaster . I will try to find what's the undelegation time and let you know if I find it

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You need to have 1000 ENGAGE, in order to use this service.

A search function is definitely a priority for me. I find it hugely frustration on LeoFinance when I want to go back and reread something or find information on a particular topic and I can't find it. I often end up doing a Google search for the topic + LeoFinance which sometimes works and other times doesn't. Either it's very frustrating.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh my god, I know how you feel. I have to use PeakD to research Leo Finance topics. For a platform so successful, I'm surprised they never added that feature. There's so much to learn on Leo and it's depressingly slow to look into the past.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I have to use PeakD to research Leo Finance topics.

That's a good tip. Better than Google but still a PITA that we need to go off platform.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Another thing I'm learning my way around is the HIVE SQL database. It records virtually everything. If I'm not mistaken their project got approved and it's still free for use.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Yes. It is free to use again. I just wish I knew how to use it! 😂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

I totally agree with you , this is something which is required . I think I can come up with something on my own app but again that's not very effective I feel .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Is a search function difficult to code? It seems a pretty basic requirement to me but maybe it's hard to create.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Slow and sure is the best way to go. I don't think you need to sell all of your liquid POB now. Everything is moving great at the moment. You definitely could start slowly selling to get development moving forward, but I am really appreciating the price action due to massive staking. That said, I think it would be best if you just started selling slow with the market (as there could be a lot more up yet) and we wouldn't want to sell too cheap.

Development will be crucial moving forward, but I don't think it needs to happen now. Whenever there are funds for it through either POB sales or pob-fund maturing. Everything works right now, but to be taken seriously, some upgrades would be good. No need to rush.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

No, But setting a post that explains the project and allowing the community to vote on it could raise those funds for you. I feel like that would keep the real POB aspect going strong.

While yes we need a new UI a new UI isn't priority at all. You're not going to just change the UI and all of a sudden prices are going to skyrocket.

I almost feel like the only thing you really should do is update the front page so it explains about the POB project, how it works and how to sign up. Outside of that how this backend looks right now is fine.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Outside of that how this backend looks right now is fine.

I agree. I'm fine with the current frontend except for maybe the addition of a language filter would be nice.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I would be careful to make quick actions too quickly when there's so much going in the right direction as it is.

Liquidity will surely come, as the next few months will still have a high inflation rate with the current model and many new people will start (and have afaik already started) to add the #proofofbrain tag now that the price is going up and more attention is coming to the project. This will inevitably mean that some of the new people earning rewards will want to sell, and thus add liquidity. So I don't see that as a "need".

Personally, I like the idea of staking and delegating to community projects covering a more diverse range of topics. Imo, proof of brain works better when there are more people with sufficient voting power and thus a higher correlation between engagement and reach on one side and rewards on the other. So I think laying such a long term foundation now will pay off best in the long run.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Well said , I hadn't thought about it this way . The fact that the more people know about it = the more people will use the tag = much better distribution makes a lot sense .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

maybe not encouraging people to just use the tag to milk and everyone laughs is a thing, where are all the people buying in outside of hive? just curious ;) agree with taking time but since so much is sold off it's sort of hard to know where time and energy should be spent

Posted via proofofbrain.io

@pob-fund makes a lot of sense. Apart from the features front, I feel the front-end design should change!

I understand that it's not a priority but guess what, look & feel matters to the Brain. :') The sexy-looking front end releases dopamine & attracts more users.

I am posting the proposed https://www.cinetv.io/ front end pictures for inspiration:






I wish we could do something like this with POB or better.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

It looks similar the leofinance website but i would take this over the previous. pob should get a webdesigner to come up with something interesting

Posted via proofofbrain.io

That's true bro! I fully agree with you on this. We need to get more funds to onboard a designer/developer on the team.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Personally I am in favor of adding some liquidity to the market and using the funds for development. A text editor would be a must have IMO as i sometimes have to use peakd for this. If at all possible i would love to see language filters too.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Searching based on #tags and topics would be a bonus. A user-friendly WYSIWYG with an embedded preview would be very beneficial too as it would encourage more people including me to use the native POB frontend instead of PeakD.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I think the first step is the development of the front end. cinetv.io have just embarked on the upgrade of their front-end so there may be some contacts/devs there that are keen to assist. Putting more liquidity on the market will stabilise the price for a bit and most devs will probably want HIVE rather than POB, but that is just my thought on the matter.

Next step after that is to tap into exterior markets like bPOB (Binance) and ePOB (EOS) to engage other buyers and sellers. Arb opportunities abound then and perhaps a link into LeoFinance CUB liquidity might be possible.
I'll write a post in the future with further ideas.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Next step after that is to tap into exterior markets like bPOB (Binance) and ePOB (EOS) to engage other buyers and sellers.

Yeah you are right,this will help to take care of the demands of the POB

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Sounds great :) I will see what I can do to help for @pob-fund .

Also I would like to know if you are earning from ads ? if yes can we use that to burn POB ?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are not doing that currently but maybe we should.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I have over 5k POB liquid that I could put for sale on the market to jump start development of a new front end.

To have a new front end, less HIVE style and more personalized, is actually really nice. If you sell the tokens in a smart way you will not kill the market and that can be used for PoB development. Or maybe not, there is also this option you put on the table ...

.... that we could find a developer that is willing to be paid in POB.

It might be even better if the developer agrees to receive the tokens already powered up.

Notifications plus a more confortable text editor would be nice to have too as @celi130 says in her post.

In the wallet or in the posts, to be able to see the value of the tokens in dollars (or in euros) as in LeoFinance.

Other Suggestions
Search Authors by topic

A good search engine is something that is generally missing from all interfaces on the HIVE blockchain. I'm not a developer, so I don't know how difficult it can be to develop one (I imagine very difficult). But having a good search engine will be something different with the other interfaces for sure.

I'm looking forward to seeing where Proof of brain is going to go.

Pd: I am doing my own @pob-fund campaing :P every post I do from the PoB have a 30% directed to it. I would be not so good in doing it regurlarly on Friday :D

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thanks for the mention ... I'm glad to contribute in some way to the platform ...

POB has the support of its users, commitment and perseverance

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I dont know, as soon as it comes to front-end I have my ideas fixated on politics and how you could sort and browse political content better. But this is not my WarzonePolitics project....

I think it is a smart idea to sell some POB to stabilize the price and to fund something that actually has value to the community.

I have read the post you linked but I couldn't see anything that got me excited. Most of what is suggested I can already do on hive and while it would be nice to have the POB frontend completely replace the old hive frontend, I would really like if it becomes more than peakd with different colors.

I dont really got ideas of my own but I like that @gilleanpearce brought up the old topic of having a good search engine.

I agree i am getting a bit sick of switching front ends for different features would be great to able to use pob for 95%... maybe even an app? To far i went to far

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I think we need to be very careful of our steps as the community is still young and the fomo is still currently high.

The front-end is a very open and welcome idea but it’ll be better to still give it some time to build real use case in the community.

Making more POB available in the market am sure won’t hurt and will make it more easier to buy the lil amount if you’re willing to pay the right price for it

Also, if we give it time, and keep building ,I think the POB-fund account can be used to finance such project when there enough funds there.

Would be a good idea if the major POB users can keep adding POB-fund as beneficiary to each of their posts and not only on fridays.

I now set POB-fund as 5% beneficiary for each of my posts here. Together I believe we are stronger

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I still like the idea of a plagiarism bots :p

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I think this should be a MUST here

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Id say yes do so, this is a nicely done project you deserve the funding.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

2nd is to off hive keychain for uploading images. I always get an error and cannot upload any images.#I think you should cash some out if it can fix these errors below!! I think you should cash some out if it can fix these errors below!! O.K. this is what needs fixing right here. Not sure if this happens on every browser, bit I seems to happen on steemit, and blurter too. Since we are all clones from steemit we still have this bug on Safari web browser for sure. I took this screenshot in my safari Version 14.0.3 (15610., 15610) on my Mac. I put arrows below the issues, the whole top moves down qwhe nI scroll to read a post and I get stuck unless I scroll back up, I am unable to navigate out without leaving the page.

Screenshot 2021-04-25 at 10.29.08 AM.png

Every single image I have posted on POB is hosted somewhere else.

Screenshot 2021-04-25 at 10.35.11 AM.pngI'm just not not sure why my images never upload @proofofbrainio ?

![Screenshot 2021-04-25 at 10.29.08 AM.png](UPLOAD FAILED)

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I like the vision and the opened avenue you've given to users to share their suggestions regarding the development of #pob tribe. In few minutes time, I'll be making a post regarding my view and will paste the link here on the comment section for you to assess.

update coming soon....

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I believe that, while it should not be the #1 priority, a new UI should be on the roadmap. In my experience as a product owner and project manager, user experience is very important to retention so keep that in mind :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As I wrote yesterday and previously, I believe we should be trying to keep most of the Proof of Brain staked. If everyone starts powering down to sell its going to crash again and we have one opportunity to make this the pinnacle of Tribes. I do however like the idea of working on the front end so go for it. I will be buying

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I agree totally that the tag system should be redesigned,the suggestions made by @celi130 are very cool and I think those suggestions should be implemented....

Posted via proofofbrain.io

The tag system would make users to be able to find contents related to some specific subjects which they are interested in....

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I think it would be good to sell off the liquid POB for development funds if you can't find someone who is willing to work for POB. I think the front-end is definitely something that every community should work on. I am fairly sick of all the generic front-ends and it will make you stand out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree with you @jfang003

Posted via proofofbrain.io

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I am amazed to see the development

Posted via proofofbrain.io

The new front-end should have a language filter. If the userbase grows then this will be extremely useful for curators who then don't have to manually search for posts of a language they can understand. I'm not sure if this is possible or not since I'm not a programmer.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I personally see NO reason to work on a fancy new front-end now - the community is too new and needs a stable community and from a marketing perspective a "story" first, i know I said that already and I know you said "anything people post that has been created with brain" is kind of allowed and what PoB stands for. But that is too open, we need a bit more core story and key differentiators vs. all the other tribes here in the Hive ecosstem and social media blockchain / crypto platforms outside. When story and strategy are defined think of a new front-end - then develop it and do proper marketing.

Liquidity will come as many folks will use the tag anyway, hope not too many shit posts will come - which brings me back to: We need core story and positioning of PoB.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Whatever POB might be injected into the marker would probably mostly be staked immediately after purchase.

I really like this project... I wish you great success

I like the "real-time" energy bar on peaked. It's something I wish to be on Leofinance. Feels good I don't need to reload the page to see my energy bar % updated.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Below is the link to my post submission on what should be done to increase the value of POB. Hoping for your feedback @proofofbrainio. Thank you https://www.proofofbrain.io/hive-150329/@daniky/what-to-do-to-increase-the-value-of-pob

Sorry for the delay due to some urgent circumstances. Thank you

Posted via proofofbrain.io

As some other said, take your time to make decisions! Growth is happening quickly, but we don't want to make you in a rush!
I'm glad you're transparent and asking for community thoughts tho 🙂

Posted via proofofbrain.io

when you inject liquidity is that like proof of brain tonic??

I’m very excited for this community. Hive needs great communities like this, to truly thrive!!

I think focusing on NEW posts on the front page, as opposed to Curated or Featured, is that it will encourage us to focus on the quality of those brand new created posts. Thanks for your work, and supporting POB. A month ago I saw this was a Gem and decided to spend a little time focusing on ProofOfBrain, helping users understand why it is so important.

If you start a diesel pool on tribaldex I will put in some liquidity.

Well done on growing the community, all the work is starting to pay off.

Posted via proofofbrain.io