Correcting Payouts for those that were affected by the large payout to @no-advice

Good news! @eonwarped has gone through the data to make sure that everyone who posted and commented in the initial days of the POB distribution will get there correct payouts.


Everyone that was affected should have received a distribution. Please let me know if you think you were affected, but did not receive your correct payout.

There was a time frame where all posts were showing extremely high payouts. Obviously those numbers will not be payed out but the numbers that were showing before everything was skewed are what we sent the adjustment distributions to account for.

These accounts have been issued POB

@spinvest-leo @eirik @blockchainyouth @lunaticpandora @bitcoinflood @bashadow @oldmans @ganjafarmer @thelogicaldude @skylinebuds @damla @dera123 @phusionphil @rxhector @richardcrill

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Sorry for all the trouble! But at the least I identified a sensible way to bootstrap the pending claims for new tribes in the future, and it will be a good input into the hive engine contract version.

You are a legend.

Even the best plans never survived first contact so just keep fixing things and moving forward in a great way and thank you very much awesome job I really appreciate your efforts.

Only thing we can do is try and do our best so thank you for doing exactly that

WOW - that is so awesome - thanks for taking the extra time to look into evrything.

SO much going on with the CUB defi stuff (I don't know how any of that works - but I got a nice stash in @lbi-token - and they have an awesome team working on that for the HODLers)

I will get those POB staked and try to work on decent content / curation.

!'ve received my first POBs (106.10969985) and staked them. Thank you so much for the payout and for your efforts. Will continue to use #proofofbrain 🙂👍

Just hearing about this project. Seems promising!

Thank you guys very much I really appreciate it and awesome job with this cryptocurrency!!!!

Very cool! Got my POB's and they are staked. Thank you!😀

Is there still an issue? My post that just payed out was showing around 2000 POB before the ridiculously high numbers but dropped to 200 POB after the no-advice issue? Two additional posts that were showing around 1000 POB are now at 0 POB?? Distribution seems to be an issue at the moment? Could you let me know. Thanks

I believe these will fall under the next distributions, but I will make sure with @eonwarped

Is there any news on whether payouts previous to the 32k drop are going to be sent out or is this not possible? I haven't received reward payouts anywhere near what I was expecting pre-the large payout?

There have been some distributions sent, but more will sent over the next few days. Can you link the specific post? and I will check into it.

I have four rewards that just issued that are much less than they should've been, but they came after this post (i.e. within the last hour or so).

I assume that @eonwarped will be periodically making adjustments until the full 32k POB are re-distributed. Is that correct?

In other words, should folks wait a reasonable time after any future "low" payouts before chiming in with "Wait, you missed me!"?

Yes, that is correct. @eonwarped will do another distribution next week. So, yes, if you were still missed after that please let me know then.

Interesting, I thought I was getting a much higher payout but now the rewards on my post are wayyyyy less.

Yes, they are actually still going to be showing as way less for another week and then it will go back to how it was before. But because of the manual distributions that @eonwarped is doing payouts are actually much higher than what they are showing right now. I will make a post to explain more soon.