When equanimity comes from the hand of something called Justice

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

When we speak of equanimity, it is described as constancy of good spirit, temperament and mental firmness, virtues that contain this simple but instructive word. In the sum of this concept, it would be defined as self-control, it is said easy but hard and difficult lesson to learn, observing our city environment we realize how easy it is to lose sanity and good will, when someone trips you and does not apologize due to this incident or if your neighbor takes his pet for a walk and he is defecating in front of your house without his owner cleaning up such dirt, it can also happen when you are standing in line with the purpose of buying a product that you need and someone very fresh and cheeky As we say here, it is placed in front of you without respecting the respective order, all these mentioned reasons are triggers so that all equanimity is lost and a heated discussion begins with unpredictable consequences.

On Sunday, August 25, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. about a terrible news came to my ears from a relative, which your neighbor tells me in the company of relatives and strangers invaded your house

it was something unexpected and worrying, the malicious performance of this person which we had helped since childhood did not only her but also her two girls who were on a social assistance program (uniforms, school supplies, homework and a daily lunch). That unusual situation caused a lot of impression and indignation on me, when I got to my house I found her with her Entourage of thugs in a haughty and remaining attitude, perhaps she would think that we would attack her and hers, how far she was from deciphering my intentions when addressing this woman and asking her why her unhealthy actions her fribola answer was -I like this house AND It is near my mother's house and it is more I have the signatures of approximately 20 people who support this invasion, it is noteworthy that in simi Lares have been fights between owners and invaders in some cases tray a considerable in some cases they have left a balance of wounded and dead. Later she makes me a kind of challenge saying.

I already got this support with some neighbors, referring to the collected signatures, do what you want or go where you see fit, without knowing what to do about it, call an old friend who is a lawyer to listen to her good advice she recommended that I had That following the regular organs, this means going to less hierarchical organizations such as the police, to a higher instance such as the public prosecutor's office and later a court, in this way my long pilgrimage in search of justice began to recover my house, in The police command informed me that they could only take the complaint and later with it, go to the public prosecutor's office with its respective photocopy, I did as they indicated, on Monday a unit of the public ministry called attention to the victim where I They took the statement regarding what happened, immediately afterwards they assigned a file number which is called cause, this was assigned to the seventh prosecutor's office, they told me that I had to be assisted by a lawyer, this hiring a lawyer was a strong blow to my pocket and to our family budget since I did not have the money for the fees of said legal professional, it was So a relative recommended me to an expert in law, a former prosecutor from a neighboring municipality, when I met her I immediately realized that her bearing and her treatment exuded knowledge and skill in the field of criminal law, I felt a mixture of confidence in her but at the At the same time worrying about the payment of his fees, well it was time to deal with that point of how much I had to pay to be able to recover what by right belongs to me, I canceled a small amount of money, it was only to make photocopies and minor expenses, It was only the beginning of the value or cost of this litigation. After a few months, the doctor had effectively advanced the case to me, not without mentioning the extra steps I had to do, such as taking official letters, personnel to carry out the expert reports and take statements to add to the file.

Everything was ready to be sent to the court, the year 2014 was already quite advanced but something particular happened, inexplicably the file could not reach the corresponding court that would give its verdict, the doctor who represented me insistently, requested that the file It was sent to the corresponding court, but there were many evasive answers from the prosecutor, it was there that I intuitively understood the way that researchers of famous series in those places use.

the cases progress or not, first if there is good money to pay the authority that is responsible

here I know what is called "rattle" or what is the same thing bribery but you have to have a kind of godfather superior to the authority superior to the authority that directs the cause, that is called influence peddling In neither of the two situations was I protected, but a naive trust in the judicial system, it was at this point of the case that I learned that I had to have EQUANIMITY, because this matter was for a while, thank God that prosecutor had to go on vacation to At the end of the year, being replaced by another competent prosecutor in this type of case, it was in this way that the substitute turned out to be an old friend of the doctor who assisted me, this fortuitous meeting of these two led to the sending of the file to the court.

After this, the court gave the order to urgently evict my property on January 15, 2015, what a joy the court's decision, but unfortunately it was not the end of the story after two attempts to execute that measure. informed that evictions were prohibited by order of the Supreme Court of Justice, the other thing was that I no longer had a way to pay the doctor's fees, faced with this discouraging scenario some people told me to desist from the case that everything was lost, on the other hand some Family and friends advised me to take justice on my own and kick out those people who were illegally occupying my property, it was at that precise moment that I armed myself with EQUANIMITY and prepared to knock on other doors, I I am referring to higher instances in the capital, introducing writings exposing my cause and at the same time demanding justice from these entities, I mean the attorney general, ministry of the i nterior and justice and to the supreme court of justice, in a few words the cream and cream of the country's judicial system, after all these unsuccessful attempts I came to imagine that mythical statue of justice also called The Lady of Justice, which They say it is associated with the legal system and the principles of justice and equality,

inspired by the Greek tennis goddess which means her order she has a scale in her left hand and a sword in her right hand and her blindfold


I imagined her in my country not only blindfolded but gagged with tied arms and legs and with the sword at her neck, implying that justice is held by the powerful and those who manage to outwit her with bribes and blackmail after almost 7 long years of litigation trying to recover my house that with so much effort and sacrifice I built, at the same time I dedicated it to the service of the community and especially to the care of low-income children, including two girls of the woman who occupies my house in Illegally, in 2020 I was on the outskirts of the so-called "courthouse" queuing to enter to continue fighting for my cause, it should be noted that while you are in line or queue, as we say here, you accidentally find out of the reasons why the people who are there, most of them women, including mothers, grandmothers who want to help their relatives deprived of freedom for different crimes, some guilty, others apparently not, the system The judicial system does not discriminate against these people, presumably in some cases they have to sell their properties, houses, cars, land or anything of value to be able to pay the fees of the justice merchants who operate in that place, it is enough to stop in their corridors to observe and listen to the reality of this institution, by the way, from so much going in and out carrying documents requesting to be heard knocking on doors some people call me a doctor, in reality I humbly feel like a legal professional empirically, although I have considered the idea to study law, to obtain my degree ...

Back in the commenting line, I was having a conversation with a man about the reasons why we were there, I stated that I had been there for a long time without having tangible and conclusive results, he asked me if I had spoken with the president of this institution , to which I answered yes but without any result, he insisted that he will try again because there was a new president in that position, who was very close to the law, fair in her conduct, I immediately went to her office at which is not easy to access due to the security provided by its high investiture.

It was approximately 9:00 am in the morning, when I requested an audience with her, but he was not the only one who made that request, they were in that anteroom like 7 people approximately, it was not until 3 in the afternoon after such a long wait , what an important lady came to the anteroom to listen carefully to each of the people present, at the same time that her secretary took notes, she is a tall, elegant and distinguished woman with a good disposition to serve the public, it was then that she She addressed me and I told her all my long history of seven years waiting for justice to be brought in my favor, adding at the end that according to it had been decreed that evictions from invaded properties were prohibited, she with a sharp and determined voice told me, ¿ Who told you that? she then she calls the magistrate who assists her in command of her and instructs her to handle my particular case and made sure that she is properly executed.

After that interview And as usual, walking through the corridors of that precinct between the presidency, the court that is handling the case and the file room, with some setbacks as usual but without breaking my EQUANIMITY, but on December 4, In 2020, the expected eviction occurred, the first one executed in the municipality by the execution judge who presides over it together with his team, which by the way was a little nervous or "dripping" as we locals say when we refer to fear , It was natural because the invader woman was related to criminals in the area, even so the measure was executed without setbacks with the support of 4 police officers who guaranteed the realization of the same, that day all the belongings of that person were removed and I was returned home for which I am immensely grateful to God who allowed me to maintain the necessary EQUANIMIDE throughout this process, I want to highlight to conclude that many Episodes related to this case that I did not mention so as not to make the story longer and at the same time

I want to quote a thought of the liberator Simón Bolívar:

God grant victory to perseverance.

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I'm glad that your perseverance ended in victory for you.

Good luck in the contest.

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So long a story but ended in victory

I apologize that you had to wait for such a long period of time before you could finally meet with someone who executed your case

Imagine if you had not been calmed ins situations like this, and you decided to take the laws into your hands. All the money, time, and efforts you put in would have gone to waste

But thank God, you did not, you stayed calm, hoping, and believing that your case will be settled amicably and favorably

I thank God for seeing you through all of it

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Siete años de paciencia y lucha, compañera, que temple. Que lamentable este tipo de personas que se dedican a estas cosas, pagaran todo el daño y el mal rato ocasionado. Por otro lado, el sistema judicial como mencionas está completamente parcializado, eso no es sólo en nuestro país, sino en el mundo entero.

Me alegra que a pesar de todo pudieras recuperar tu bien inmueble, de una manera legal. Gracias por compartir esta historia, la disfrute.

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Thank you for your comments, I want to point out in this regard that when I refer to judicial corruption in my country, I do not do it in a general way, taking into account the legal professionals, prosecutors and other members of this system, who maintain the professional ethics and their dignity, as is the case of the president of the circuit and the magistrate who seconded her who helped me in this case, as well as there are many more, who in anonymity become miniscule but add up to a change that we need so much I also think that all is not lost, we must continue to fight for justice to prevail no matter how dark the picture looks.

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