in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Hello! The teacher writes you: Yris, from this moment on I am going to present you with a series of short, clear and simple topics as essays on the theme of the family in function, with each writing I intend to refresh in your mind a series of values ​​that They will strengthen your family relationships and more than that, give you guidance so that you can put into practice many tools that you have in your hands and do not know how to use for your own benefit and that of others.


One of the things that we must begin to know is how the formation of the family was born. Let me tell you that it had its beginning in the mind of a supreme being called God, whom we generally know as Jehovah (father), Jesus (son), Holy Spirit (guide), this consequently to all people who in one way or another we accept the deity of this supreme being.

In the Bible, specifically in the book of Genesis, chapter 1 verse 26, there is a story, where there is a plural expression that determines the formation of the first man who inhabited the earth Adam, and it says; "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness," then in chapter 2 verse 18, he says, "And Jehovah God said: It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him, so that there We observe how the decision to form the first member of a family arose in consensus of a Supreme Being.

Next in the same chapter, verse 21 says, "Then Jehovah God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and while he was sleeping he took one of his ribs, and closed the meat in its place, verse 22 says," And of the rib that Jehovah God took from man, made woman, and brought her to man "

Obviously the reaction of that man upon waking up and receiving such a gift from God was impressive, he immediately seized what was delivered to him in his hands and expressed, verse 23, "Then Adam said: this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; it will be called male, because it was taken from man "

Now, considering all these very important events, in the same order, we find in verse 24 the consolidation with a celestial seal of the first family that inhabited the earth, there the guidelines to follow to form a unique union between two beings were indicated. that they had a great commitment, the order was unspoken, verse 24 "Therefore, a man will leave his father and mother, and will be united to his wife and they will become one flesh.

This is how we noticed that the formation of the first family was God's idea, and the order to be together, separated from third parties was for the purpose that they would multiply and give importance to the formation, care and attention of those who had to born of that relationship; the children, which also by mandate was a commitment without hesitation, as stated in chapter 1 of Genesis verse 28 "And God blessed them, and said to them: be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it and rule over the fish of the sea, in the birds of the heavens, and in all the beasts that move on the earth. Which means, that these two human beings, man (Adam) and woman (Eve) were legally and celestially instituted as the first spouses of the world, although there was no participation of a civil registry official and the physical drafting of a marriage certificate, the order by mandate of a Supreme Being to work towards the formation of a family was made manifest.

The work was already advanced, the man and the woman only had to carry out the execution to engender and procreate and thus give shape to what today we know as a true family, made up of father, mother and children.

Finally with this contribution I wanted to give a substantial introduction about the beginnings that gave rise to such a valuable participant number one of the society THE FAMILY.

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