Being Temperant is to face life with the whole group or the orchestra that puts you to dance.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Every person who has life experiences in a natural way, the capacities and virtues that they can develop without realizing it.
Since we arrived in the world we are surrounded by tangible and intangible realities and the way they are present we cannot ignore them.
Such events lead us to enjoy or suffer, the truth is that they are there, with a back and forth, with a from here to there, or I simply exist and you cannot ignore me, it is the way they let us know that we have to accept them and not we have another.


In all this play on words I just want to try to tell you that being temperate is tolerating, accepting, and reflecting intelligently on what you have to live on this earth. I want to list in a small list some of the things that you could never change and that will never give you the opportunity to do so.

1 You did not choose the parents who were used to give you life, Mom and Dad, good or bad, like it or not, they will always be the biological parents.

2 You inherit traits, genotype and phenotype, that is because of the blood lineage to which it belongs, there they also do not give you the opportunity to change anything.

3 You arrive in the world defenseless, you cannot take care of yourself, you depend clearly on someone, in whose hands I am. There is no other way, I have no faculty that allows me to choose.

4 A career begins that will somehow take me to a certain place, that's for sure, as true as oxygen is vital for breathing.

Considering those four realities that do not give you the right to change. It is that I took the liberty of guiding you with simple, modest and complimenting phrases that can help you begin to see what surrounds you in a better way.

1 Accept your life and your lineage without reproaches, think that of them, You were born to be the best.

2 With intelligence, detail yourself and look at the figure of a perfect creator in your body. You are the image and likeness of God, you were designed with unique details, there is no other like you, so you are and must see yourself as a point in a space, where there is nothing that can take away your place.

3 The things that happened have already left traces, those that are present are shaping you and those to come are the successes of your decisions, so
take them with intelligence and wisdom.

4 Face what touches you with courage, sober and well-founded, think that if you live it, it is because you are capable of solving it or enjoying it.

5 Never think that you are the only one who lives a moment x, Abraham others in more pressing conditions, just think about them and stand facing the road, start your race and shout I am going behind you and together we will reach the goal!

In conclusion, being Temperant is to face life with the whole group or the orchestra that puts you to dance.

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